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1、 可乐留学网 留学可以很快乐TOEFLJunior阅读模拟练习题及提分技巧本文主要为考生提供了TOEFLJunior阅读模拟练习题和TOEFLJunior阅读题提分技巧。小托福考试中难度最大的就是阅读了,阅读的分值也占到了整体的三分之一。因此,阅读部分是不容忽视的。考生们赶紧往下做题练习吧TOEFLJunior阅读模拟练习题习题一Memory is important for learning language skills. Education specialists in England want to help people improve their reading abilities

2、. They want students to remember the books and articles they read. The specialists found something to help: facial expressions.They gave ten students a happy article to read. Five of the students read the happy article while smiling. Five students read the happy article while frowning.Then they answ

3、ered comprehension questions. The smiling students remembered more of the happy article than the frowning students.1)hy does the speaker mention the two experiments made by the specialists?(A) To prove that memory is important for learning for learning language skills.(B) To suggest that memory is c

4、losely related to facial expressions.(C) To illustrate that smiling students have better memory than frowning students.(D) To show that the specialists have already found the reason why facial expressions help memory.解析:在这个段落中我们发现作者用了科学家所做的一个实验作为例子,例子中提到五个学生在阅读令人开心的文章时笑着读,还有五个皱着眉读,结果那五个笑着读的学生理解的更好。我

5、们在阅读这一段落时就应该牢牢的把握住例子所证明的观点即例子之前的那句话:The specialists found something to help: facial expressions。这道题其实就在考察例子所证明的是什么观点,答案就在例子的前面一句话。2)ccording to the passage, if you are reading a happy article, what kind of facial expression should you have?(A) Smiling face(B) Frowning face(C) Angry face(D) No facial

6、 expression解析:这道题考察的其实还是是同学们是否理解这个例子所证明的观点,所以只要我们把握住作者的观点,我们就能轻松选出答案A。习题二On Saturday, December 12th, from 10 A.M.until 4 P.M., Carverton Middle School will be holding a music festival in the school gymnasium. The special event will feature a variety of professional musicians and singers.We are looki

7、ng for Carverton students to help with the jobs. Interested students should speak with Ms. Braxton, the music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission from a parent or guardian.Why did the author write the announcement?A There will be a music festival to

8、be held on Saturday.B The school is looking for some volunteers to help with the jobs at the music festival.C The music teacher wants written permissions from students parents.D There will be a variety of professional musicians and singers attending the music festival.解析:这是一篇Announcement。Announcemen

9、t, Note和E-mail 等文体都有很强的目的性,即告知某件事情或者传递信息。这篇 Announcement在第一段介绍了学校将在体育馆举办一次音乐节,届时会有许多的专业音乐家和歌手参加这次活动。第二段的开头作者也表明了该通知的目的:”We are looking for Carverton students to help with the jobs.”, 然后说明了报名的方式和要求,所以这题的答案是B,这篇文章的目的是为了招募志愿者。以上为考生朋友们提供的TOEFLJunior阅读模拟练习题您做对了吗?别着急,考生可对照解析认真分析错在什么方面。下面还为考生提供了TOEFLJunior

10、阅读题提分技巧,继续往下查阅吧。TOEFLJunior阅读题提分技巧在遇到生词时,考生可用猜测词汇的意思找出答案。猜测词汇的意思也是需要我们考生掌握大量的单词为前提,通过以上的分析我们便能大概猜测到这个词汇,从而找出答案。单词构成成分找出答案。所谓的看单词构成成分,例如看有没有前缀un、mis等,或者说是后缀ful、tion等,通过拆除我们可以分析这个词汇的词性,从而在选项中找到与之相对应的具有同词性的选项,这是很重要的一步,假设这是一个很生僻的单词我们通过构词法解不出来,我们便可以通过下面的一步。根据因果和常识还有上下文等,这一种方法是最简单的一种方法,但是阅读量很大,我们要从上下文找出这个词汇所表达的背景就必须把文章完完全全读懂,根据这些我们在判断这个词汇大概是什么意思,或者跟我们的常识解出这个单词所代表的意思。相信以上整理的TOEFLJunior阅读模拟练习题和TOEFLJunior阅读题提分技巧对考生都是有很大的帮助,可乐留学-TOEFLJunior阅读栏目还为考生提供了TOEFLJunior阅读备考资料、TOEFLJunior阅读答题技巧、TOEFLJunior阅读练习题等等。第3页 http:/ 可乐留学网


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