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1、Today, I want to talk to you about dreams. 今天,我想跟大家谈谈梦 。 I have been a lucid dreamer my whole life, and its cooler than in the movies. (Laughter) Beyond flying, breathing fire, and making hot men spontaneously appear . (Laughter) I can do things like read and write music. Fun fact is that I wrote my

2、 personal statement to college in a dream. And I did accepted. So, yeah. 我一生中都做着清醒的梦, 它比电影还酷。 (笑声) 飞到远处,呼出火焰, 安排暖男自 然优雅地出现. (笑声) 在梦里我能做很多事情, 比如阅读和创作音乐。 有趣的是,我 在梦里 给一个大学写过申请, 并且真的被接纳了。所以,是的。 I am a very visual thinker. I think in pictures, not words. To me, words are more like instincts and language.

3、 我是个非常视觉化的思考者。 我以图片的形式思考,而非文字。 对我来说,文字更多是本 能和语言。 There are many people like me; Nikola Tesla, for example, who could visualize, design, test, and troubleshoot everything - all of his inventions - in his mind, accurately. 有很多人是像我这样的: 比如,尼古拉特斯拉, 他能形象化,设计,测试,以及修理每 件东西 所有他的发明 都在他的意识里,精确地进行。 Language is

4、kind of exclusive to our species, anyway. I am a bit more primitive, like a beta version of Google Translate. (Laughter) 不管怎样,我们这类人 是比较排斥语言的。 而我更原始一点, 我就像谷歌翻译, 还是测 试版。 (笑声) My brain has the ability to hyper-focus on things that interest me. For example, once I had an affair with calculus that lasted

5、 longer than some celebrity marriages. (Laughter) 我的大脑会高度集中于感兴趣的事物, 比如,我曾经爱上微积分学, 爱得比一些名人的婚 姻还久一些。 (笑声) There are some other unusual things about me. You may have noticed that I dont have much inflection in my voice. Thats why people often confuse me with a GPS. (Laughter) This can make basic commun

6、ication a challenge, unless you need directions. (Laughter) Thank you. (Applause) 还有一些关于我的 不寻常的事情。 大家可能注意到了, 在我的声音里, 没有多少音调变 化。 因此人们经常分不清 我和 GPS 导航的声音。 (笑声) 这会对基本的交流带来挑战, 除非你只是想要导航语音。 (笑声) 谢谢。 (鼓掌) A few years ago, when I started doing presentations, I went to get head shots done for the first time.

7、 The photographer told me to look flirty. (Laughter) And I had no idea what she was talking about. (Laughter) 几年前,当我开始做公开演讲时, 我第一次去拍头像写真, 摄影师让我表现得妩媚。 (笑 声) 然而我不知道她说的是什么。 (笑声) She said, “Do that thing, you know, with your eyes, when youre flirting with guys.“ 她说,“就那样,你懂的,用你的眼睛, 像你在跟别人调情一样。” “What thi

8、ng?“ I asked. “什么样?”我问。 “You know, squint.“ “比如斜视。” And so I tried, really. It looked something like this. (Laughter) I looked like I was searching for Waldo. (Laughter) 然后我试了,真的。 看起来就像这样。 (笑声) 我看起来就像在寻找沃尔多。 (译注: 一本书Wheres Waldo? ) (笑声) Theres a reason for this, as there is a reason that Waldo is hi

9、ding. (Laughter) 这是有原因的, 就如同沃尔多 藏起来也是有原因的。 (笑声) I have Aspergers, a high-functioning form of autism that impairs the basic social skills one is expected to display. Its made life difficult in many ways, and growing up, I struggled to fit in socially. My friends would tell jokes, but I didnt understa

10、nd them. My personal heroes were George Carlin and Stephen Colbert - and they taught me humor. My personality switched from being shy and awkward to being defiant and cursing out a storm. Needless to say, I did not have many friends. I was also hypersensitive to texture. The feel of water on my skin

11、 was like pins and needles, and so for years, I refused to shower. I can assure you that my hygiene routine is up to standards now, though. (Laughter) 我有亚斯伯格症候群, 一种高功能自闭症, 会削弱一个人本该具有的 基本社交能力。 它 使生活在很多方面变得困难, 在成长的过程中, 我很难适应社交活动。 朋友们说笑时, 我 却无法理解。 我心中的英雄,是乔治卡尔林 和史蒂芬科尔伯特 他们教我幽默。 我 的性格,从害羞与笨拙, 变得叛逆,满是怨恨和

12、诅咒。 不用说,我没有多少朋友。 我对 触觉也有过激反应。 皮肤碰到水的感觉 让我如坐针毡, 所以在很多年里, 我都拒绝淋浴。 不过我现在能向你们保证 我的日常卫生是合格的了。 (笑声) I had to do a lot to get here, and my parents - things kind of got out of control when I was sexually assaulted by a peer, and on top of everything, it made a difficult situation worse. And I had to travel

13、2,000 miles across the country to get treatment, but within days of them prescribing a new medication, my life turned into an episode of the Walking Dead. I became paranoid, and began to hallucinate that rotting corpses were coming towards me. My family finally rescued me, but by that time, I had lo

14、st 19 pounds in those three weeks, as well as developing severe anemia, and was on the verge of suicide. 我和我的父母, 花了很大功夫 才让我变成现在这样。 在某次我遭到性别歧视之后, 病 情开始变得无法控制, 原本就很困难的情况 被搞得更加糟糕。 我不得不穿越 2000 英里的 国土去接受治疗。 但是吃了他们给我开的新药没几天, 我的生活就像是活在 行尸走肉 的某一集里。 我变得偏执妄想, 并开始出现幻觉: 腐烂的尸体们不断向我涌来。 我的家 庭最终拯救了我, 但在接受治疗的三周里, 我整

15、整瘦了 19 磅, 患上了严重的贫血, 并 且处于自杀的边缘。 I transferred to a new treatment center that understood my aversions, my trauma, and my social anxiety, and they knew how to treat it, and I got the help I finally needed. And after 18 months of hard work, I went on to do incredible things. 我被转移到一个新的治疗中心, 那是一个真正能理解我的厌

16、恶、 创伤、以及社交焦虑的地 方, 并且他们知道怎么治疗。 我最终得到了所需的帮助。 在 18 个月的努力之后, 我的 生活得以继续, 可以去做美妙的事情。 One of the things with Aspergers is that oftentimes, these people have a very complex inner life, and I know for myself, I have a very colorful personality, rich ideas, and just a lot going on in my mind. But theres a gap between where that stands, and how I communicate it with the rest of the world. And this can make basic communication a challenge. 亚斯伯格症候群患者的一个特点是


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