how to do well on a job interview 如何在面试中表现出色

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《how to do well on a job interview 如何在面试中表现出色》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《how to do well on a job interview 如何在面试中表现出色(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Reading and Writing for Second-Year English MajorsWeek 13ProcessA Professional Essay to ConsiderHow to Do Well on a Job Interviewby Glenda DavisAsk a random selection of people for a listing of their least favoriteactivities, and right up there with getting my teeth drilled is likelyto be going to a

2、 job interview. The job interview is often regarded asa confusing, humiliating, and nerve-racking experience. First of all,you have to wait for your appointment in an outer room, often trappedthere with other people applying for the same job. You sit nervously,trying not to think about the fact that

3、 only one of you may be hired.Then you are called into the interviewers office. Faced with a completestranger, you have to try to act both cool and friendly as you are askedall sorts of questions. Some questions are personal: What is yourgreatest weakness? Others are confusing: Why should we hire yo

4、u? Theinterview probably takes about twenty minutes but seems like two hours.Finally, you go home and wait for days and even weeks. If you get thejob, great. But if you dont, youre rarely given any reason why.The job-interview game may not be much fun, but it is a game youcan win if you play it righ

5、t. The name of the game is standing out ofthe crowdin a positive way. If you go to the interview in a Bozo theClown suit, youll stand out of the crowd, all right, but not in a waythat is likely to get you hired.Here are guidelines to help you play the interview game to win:Present yourself as a winn

6、er. Instantly, the way you dress, speak, andmove gives the interviewer more information about you than you wouldthink possible. You doubt that this is true? Consider this: aprofessional job recruiter, meeting a series of job applicants, wasasked to signal the moment he decide not to hire each applic

7、ant. Thethumbs-down decision was often made in less than forty-fiveseconds-even before the applicant thought the interview had begun.How can you keep from becoming a victim of an instant no decision?l Dress appropriately. This means business clothing: usually a suit andtie or a conservative dress or

8、 skirt suit. Dont wear casual studentclothing. On the other hand, dont overdress: youre going to a jobinterview, not a party. If youre not sure whats considered appropriatebusiness attire, do some spying before the interview. Walk past yourprospective place of employment at lunch or quitting time an

9、d check outhow the employees are dressed. Your goal is to look as though you wouldfit in with that group of people.l Pay attention to your grooming. Untidy hair, body color, dandruff,unshined shoes, a hanging hem, stains on your tie, excessive makeup orcologne, a sloppy job of shaving-if the intervi

10、ewer notices any ofthese, your prospect of being hired takes a probably fatal hit.l Look alert, poised, and friendly. When that interviewer looks into thewaiting room and calls your name, he or she is getting a firstimpression of your behavior. If youre slouched in your chair, dozing orlost in the p

11、ages of a magazine; if you look up with an annoyed Huh?;if you get up slowly and wander over with your hands in your pockets, heor she will not be favorably impressed. What will earn you points isrising promptly and walking brisky toward the interviewer. Smiling andlooking directly at that person, e

12、xtend your hand to shake his or hers,saying, Im Lesley Brown. Thank you for seeing me today.l Expect to make a little small talk. This is not a waste of time; it isthe interviewers way of checking your ability to be politely sociable,and it is your opportunity to cement the good impression youve alr

13、eadymade. The key is to follow the interviewers lead. If he or she wants tochat about the weather for a few minutes, do so. But dont drag it out;as soon as you get a signal that its time to talk about the job, beready to get down to business.Be ready for the interviewers questions. The same question

14、s come upagain and again in many job interviews. You should plan ahead for allthese questions? Think carefully about each question, outline youranswer, and memorize each outline. The practice reciting the answers toyourself. Only in this way are you going to be prepared. Here are commonquestions, wh

15、at they really mean, and how to answer them:l Tell me about yourself. This question is raised to see how organizedyou are. The wrong way to answer it is to launch into a wandering,disjointed response or-worse yet-to demand defensively, What do youwant to know? or What do you mean? When this question

16、 comes up, youshould be prepared to give a brief summary of your life and workexperience-where you grew up, where your family lives now, where youwent to school, what jobs youve had, and how you happen to be here nowlooking for the challenge of a new job.l What are your strengths and weaknesses? In talking about your strongpoints, mention tra



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