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1、2014-2016年高考真题:定语从句2016年高考题1 Many young people,most of _were welleducated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 2 We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,_ the weather may be better. 3One day,mentally exhausted,I wrote down all the reasons _ this problem could not be solved

2、. 4. Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of _ has been proved. 5. I made friends with the natives,and their reaction amazed me. They gave me presents of their favorite artworks _ they had refused to sell to tourists. 6One important biological factor _ helps w

3、omen live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. 7. I live next door to a couple _ children often make a lot of noise. 8 So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo,_ they are treated with calcium EDTA,a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several

4、days. 9 9.A nurse _ understands the healing value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.10(2016全国)I had one trip last year _I was caught by a hurricane in America.2015年高考真题1 The number of smokers, _ is reported, has dropped by

5、17 percent in just one year.2.It is a truly delightful place, _ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages. 3. Opposite is St.Pauls Church, _ you can hear some lovely music. 4 Creating an atmosphere in _ employees feel part of a team is a big chall

6、enge. 5 He wrote many childrens books, nearly half of _ were published in the 1990s.6As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time _ he should be able to be independent. 7The books on the desk, _ covers are shiny, are prizes for us.8.The boss of the company tried to create

7、 an easy atmosphere _ his employees enjoy the work.9.Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon _ school education depends.10China Today attracts a worldwide readership, _ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China. 2014年高考真题11I didnt become a serious

8、climber until the fifth grade,_ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. 12Students should involve themselves in community activities _ they can gain experience for growth.13Please send us all the information _ you have about the candidate for the position.14Until now,we

9、have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children,_ is quite unexpected.15.Well reach the sales targets in a month _ we set at the beginning of the year.16.The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication,especially at work _ a good impression is a must. 17.Among the many dangers _ sailors hav

10、e to face,probably the greatest of all is fog. 18.It was the middle of the night _ my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game. 19.I am looking forward to the day _ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.20I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last

11、 week,_ my classmates recommended to me. 21English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of _ uses it differently.22A company _ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.23The exact year _ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.2016年各地模拟试题精

12、练1The App WeChat provides a networking platform _ communication is faster and easier.2 In some countries,many students participate in various programs, _ they learn about the sense of responsibility by volunteering their services. 3Running Man,is such funny reality show _ has the gravity to pull you

13、 in front of your television.4.Overseas Chinese are particularly sought after for positions _ a high degree or leadership is required. 5. The old pictures bring them to the days _ they spent together, _ life was hard but happy. 6.Lenovo has brought out a new laptop _ low cost will make it attractive

14、 to students. 7.Zhu Yawens performances at the CCTV Spring Festival Gara in 2015 were perfect, _ made a lot of people admire him.8He is confident, _,in my opinion,is most important in modern society.9The school library is a resource _you can take advantage to make progress.10.-How do you understand life?-It is a constant match _ the greatest opponent is yourself.11Most of my friends shop at the stores _ the goods are very cheap.12My uncle retired in 2010, _ he has been devoting his time to helping poor children.13This restaurant has an inviting,homelike atmosphere _ many others are short


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