2017六年级英语上册 unit 5 open day课件3 牛津上海版(一起)

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1、Oxford English (6A) Module 2Unit 5 Open Day,Yesterday Once More,昨日重现,Look and review,Some photos of the Open Day.,_ (date) Open Day at Rose Garden School Yesterday was Open Day at Rose Garden School. Our parents _ at the school at _ in the afternoon. First, they _ our classroom on the second floor a

2、t _. _, they _ at our projects in _ on the third floor at _. _ they _ to the school choir in the hall on the _ floor at _. _, they _ at the English Club noticeboard in the library on the _ floor at _. _, they _ tea and cakes in the Music room on the _ floor with the teachers at _. Our parents had a

3、great time! Kitty Li,24 October,arrived,two oclock,visited,two fifteen,Next,looked,the Arts and Crafts room,two thirty,Then,listened,first,three ten,After that,looked,second,four oclock,Finally,had,third,four twenty-five,_ (date) Open Day at Rose Garden School Yesterday was Open Day at Rose Garden S

4、chool. Our parents _ at the school at _ in the afternoon.,24 October,arrived,two oclock,First, they _ our classroom on the second floor at _. _, they _ at our projects in _ on the third floor at _.,two fifteen,Next,looked,the Arts and Crafts room,visited,two thirty,_ they _ to the school choir in th

5、e hall on the _ floor at _. _, they _ at the English Club noticeboard in the library on the _ floor at _.,Then,listened,first,three ten,After that,looked,second,four oclock,_, they _ tea and cakes in the Music room on the _ floor with the teachers at _. Our parents had a great time! Kitty Li,Finally

6、,had,third,four twenty-five,Open Day of our school,Time: 1.00 p.m.-4.00 p.m. Place: Sunshine Middle School,Write captions,Time: _ Place: _ Activity: _,Yesterday was our school Open Day. The parents arrived at shool at 1.00 p.m.,Open Day of our school,Time: _ Place: _ Activity: _,Yesterday was our sc

7、hool Open Day.,The parents arrived at school at 1.00 p.m. First,Next, Then,After that,Finally,Write,Write an article about your Open Day.,_ (date) Yesterday was Open Day at _ School. Our parents ,Homework,To write the article about the Open Day at the hospital,Open Day at the hospital,Open Day Programme 9:15 arrive at the hospital 9:30 talk to Doctor Chen 9:50 visit some sick people 10:40 see the new babies 11:25 go to the restaurant for some cakes and drink,d,ed,ed,saw,went,Yesterday was the Open Day of Sunshine hospital. Alice and Kitty went to the hospital.,Thank you!,



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