2016春五年级英语下册 module 6 unit 2《it was amazing》教案 外研版(一起)

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2016春五年级英语下册 module 6 unit 2《it was amazing》教案 外研版(一起)_第1页
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2016春五年级英语下册 module 6 unit 2《it was amazing》教案 外研版(一起)_第2页
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《2016春五年级英语下册 module 6 unit 2《it was amazing》教案 外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春五年级英语下册 module 6 unit 2《it was amazing》教案 外研版(一起)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、It was amazing.课 题It was amazing.课 时教学目标New words and drills. Talking about a place with past tense.Drawing their interests and training their habits.德育教学目标培养孩子们兴趣;拓展孩子国际视野教学重点New words and drills教学难点 Past tense. 教学准备 Cards , CD-ROM , tape, book教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)前置性作业一.Listen and follow to th

2、e tape. Find out the following questions. 听磁带并跟读二.Find out the knowledge points about page 24. 找出24页文中的知识点。教学过程第一课时课前3分钟内容:一.自学本科单词,熟读,并会拼写二熟读课文。1. Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher.2. Revision. Answer some questions about the text in unit 1.T: How is Stonehenge? S:. PresentationT

3、he title: Well see lots of stones. Practice1.Activity 1. Listen and find the new words. Then teach the words.Circle the past tense words and write out their formal form.Compete to say the words.Listen and repeat. Then read after teacher.2.Activity 2Read the text in their groups. And answer some ques

4、tions.Where did they have the picnic? What did Mr Smart say? Then what did they see? What did they do? . Production.Say the poem after the tape.Play a game. Group survey.Do some exercises on their activity books.1. 圆_ 2.解答_ 3. 希望_ 4. 令人惊讶的_ 5.地方_ 6. 建造_ 7. 认为(过)_ 8.损坏的_9. 归还_10.季节_V. Summary1. The main points.2. Dictation.Ask the children to sum up the main points.Have a dictation about the new words and sentences.3. Homework.板书设计Module6 Unit2 It was amazing be+动词ing 教后随记



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