(通用版)2019中考英语二轮复习 感叹句和反义疑问句讲义

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《(通用版)2019中考英语二轮复习 感叹句和反义疑问句讲义》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(通用版)2019中考英语二轮复习 感叹句和反义疑问句讲义(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、感叹句和反义疑问句学员姓名: 年级:九年级 辅导科目:英 语 学科教师: 授课日期授课时段08:00-10:00授课主题感叹句反义疑问句教学内容课前回顾1. 单词默写2. 作业讲解知识梳理知识点1: 感叹句知识点1:感叹句定义:感叹句是用来表示说话人喜悦、愤怒、哀伤、惊奇等强烈感情及情绪的句子。感叹句由感叹词what和how引导,句末用感叹号。用法:感叹句句型【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语!What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!What an interesting story it is! (这是个)

2、多么有趣的故事啊!What fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!What beautiful flowers they are! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!【批注】 在感叹句中,What a / an 常用来修饰单数可数名词,若其前面的形容词为元音开头,则用 an。what 是用来修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词。但有些不可数名词,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用 what a / an,如:What a heavy rain it is! 多大的一场雨啊!What a great surpr

3、ise it is! 这多么令人惊奇啊!What a rich breakfast it is! 多么丰盛的一顿早餐啊!【句型二】How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!How well you look! 你气色真好!How kind you are! 你心肠真好!How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好听!Strawberries! How nice! 草莓! 多好呀!How clever the boy is! 这个男孩多么聪明啊!How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快啊!注意 (1)要修饰名词的形容词不能是表数量的many, much, lit

4、tle, few,遇此情况要用how,即使它们后面跟有名词: How many books he has! 他的书真多! How much money he gave her! 他给了她好多钱呀! How little money I have! 我的钱多么少呀! How few friends he has! 他的朋友真少! 比较:What a little box it is! 多小巧的盒子呀!(该little不表示数量)(2)有时句中的主语和谓语可以省略:How fast! 多快呀!How nice! 多好呀!How beautiful! 多美呀!How nice of you to c

5、ome! 你来了真好! (3)常见的不可数名词有news, work, weather, homework, information, advice, experience经验,fun趣事,progress; 但有些不可数名词前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化,则在形容词前加a/an,如rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 例如:What a great surprise it is! What a heavy rain it is!感叹句巧解法 一找二断三辨四确定:“一找”即先找出句中的主语。“二断”就是在句中的名词(形容词、副词等)与代词(或名词)之间断开。“三

6、辩”即是断开后辨别断线前面的词的词性。 “四确定”即确定是选用how还是what。随堂练习:15年二模1. _ exciting it is to join a club and work with friends during summer hohdays! A) How B) How an C) What D) What an2. _ pleasant weather it is! Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine! A) How B) What C) What a D) What an3 _ nice film Wolf Totem (狼图腾) is!

7、 Id like to see it again if I am free. A) How B) What an C) What D) What a4._ enjoyable the journey was! We really had a great time. A) What B) What a C) What an D) How5._ wonderful TV program Running Man is! Its popular with people of all ages.A) How B) WhatC) What a D) What anABDDC16年一模1. _ useful

8、 robot! It can help with the housework like a human servant.A. What an B. What a C. What D. How2._ lovely weather we are having for the time of year!A) WhatB) What a C) What anD) How3_ necessary it is to give pilots the best possible training!What B) What a C)What an D) How4._ wonderful it is to pro

9、duce Chinese first large passenger aircraft!A. What a B. What C. How D. How a5_ amazing film they enjoyed on Christmass Eve!A) How B)What C)What a D)What an6._amazing the stage play War Horse is!A What B What a C What an D How7. nice day! Lets go for a picnic in the forest park together, shall we?A)

10、 What B) What a C) How D) How a8. _ beautiful car you have bought!A) What B) What a C) What an D) How9. _ exciting our life will be in the future with so many wonderful inventions!A) What B) How C)What a D) What an10. _honest Tom was to give the mobile phone he found on the bus back to its owner!A)

11、What B) What a C) What an D) HowBADCDD B BBD知识点2 反义疑问句知识点1:反义疑问句1.基本构成:由两部分组成:前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是疑问句,它是由be ,have, 助动词或情态动词+主语构成。反意疑问句的回答一般根据事实来回答。eg:He is a teacher,isnt he?2.基本原则:如果陈述句是肯定结构,反意疑问句须用否定结构;反之, 陈述句如果是否定结构,反意疑问句须用肯定结构。反意疑问句的两部分,必须保持人称和时态的一致;(八字记忆:前肯后否,前否后肯) eg:I can swim,cant I ? I cant swim,

12、can I ?3.特殊情况:1) 陈述部分有表否定的词,疑问部分用肯定. 常见的词有:no, not, nothing, none, nobody, few, little, never, neither, hardly, nowhere, seldom等 eg: There is little water in the bottle, is there?2)陈述部分含有否定un-,in-,im-,il-,ir-,dis-,-less前缀后缀的派生词,疑问部分还是照常用否定形式.eg: She dislikes it, doesnt she? You are hopeless, arent y

13、ou? 3)祈使句,一般都用+will you? 例外: .Lets, +shall we? / . Let us, +will you? 4).陈述部分用this, that, something, anything, everything等指示代词或不定代词做主语,则疑问部分主语用单数it。 eg: Something is wrong with it, isnt it? 5)陈述部分用these, those, nobody, somebody等指示代词或不定代词做主语,则疑问部分主语常用they,有时也用单数he.eg: Everybody is here today, arent t

14、hey? 6)陈述部分是there be结构的,疑问部分用there。eg .There is something wrong with your watch, isnt there? There will not be any trouble, will there?7)陈述部分有情态动词A .have to +v. 或(had to + v.),疑问部分常用dont +主语或(didnt +主语)。We have to get there at eight tomorrow, dont we? B. used to,疑问部分用didnt +主语或usednt +主语。He used to take pictures there, didnt he? / usednt he? C. had better(最好) + v.


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