香港朗文1a chapter4-6复习题

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1、 Chapter4-6复习题 Class_ Name_一、 听,选出老师所读的内容,在括号内打“”。(10*1分)()1. A.twins B. curly ()2. A. have B. has()3. A.pen B. pencil()4. A. small B. short()5. A.skip B. swim()6. A. 678 B. 876()7. B. black()8. A. eye B. ear()9. A.tall B. thin ()10. A. seven B. eight二 听,根据所读的顺序,在括号内写出大写字母编号。(10*1分) ( )( ) (

2、) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三.听老师读句子,选出你所听到的内容,并把答案的字母编号写入括号内。(1*1分) ( )1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.( )2. A. I have four pens. B. I have five pencils.( )3. A. Can she draw? B. Can he write.( )4. A. I have short hair. B.I am short.( )5. A. This is my sharpenerB. This is my ruler.( )6. A. H

3、e has a blue bus. B. He has a blackcar.( )7. A. They have big ears. BYou have small ears.( )8. A. He is fat and tall. B. He is thin and tall.( )9. A. He can read a book . B. I can sing a song .( )10. A.Can you write a story? B. Can you climb a tree?二、 听句子,补充句子并填空,可用阿拉伯数字写。(6*1.5分)1. My brother has _

4、 bags. 2.Tom has _ cars.3. Sue and Tim have _ balls. 4. I have _ erasers.5. Mary has _ pencils. 6. She has _ books.四、Listen and choose.听老师读问句,请选择最佳的答句,并把答案的字母编号写入括号内。(1*1分) ( )1. A. Im sorry. B.That is all right.( )2. A. What is your name? B. Nice to meet you too.( )3. A. Yes, I can. B. How are you?

5、( )4. A. It is red. B.Hi. ( )5. A. That is all right. B.Goodbye.( )6. A. Thank you. B. I am fine.( )7. A. My name is Ben. BI can swim. ( )8. A. Goodbye. B. Good morning. ( )9. A. I can climb a tree. B. I have 7 cars. ( )10. A.No, she cant. B. Yes, he can.笔试部分( 40分)六、Look at the pictures, choose and

6、write.看图,请你选择正确的单词填空。 (6*2分) climb read write skip swim draw 1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._八、What are they saying? Finish the sentences.看图完成句子。(2*7分)It isThey areShe hasHe hasI have1. one pencil. blue.2. two cars. red.3. three buses. green.4. a yellow pencil case.Look at the pictures and write “T”or “F”.看

7、图,判断所给的句子是否与图一致,如一致的请在括号里写T,否则写F(2.5*4分)1. 2.Sally3. 4. ( )1. Goodbye, Mum. ( )2. Sally has big eyes( )3. Look! This is a pen. ( )4. I have long hair and big nose.七、Look at the pictures, read and choose the right answer, then circle it.看图,读问句,请你选择圈出正确答案的字母编号。(3*2分)1. Can you swim? A. Yes, I can. BNo

8、, I cant.2. Can you write? AYes, I can. BNo, I cant.3. Can you climb?A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant.八、Look, read and choose, then write. 看图,选择正确的单词填空。(9*2分+4分书写分)tall short thin big small long twins1. PollyA:Tell me about Polly.B:She is .She has hair. She has _eyes.2. JohnA:Tell me about John.B:He is .He has eyes.He has hair.3. Sue JillA:Tell me about Sue and Jill.B:They are .They have mouth They have eyes.4



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