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1、6大学英语词汇与语法练习5:倒装结构强化练习题答案详解Part I. Multiple Choice1. You often read China Daily. _ . A. So am I B. So do I C. Nor do I D. Neither can I 答案:B解析:“你经常看中国日报,我也看”。表示前一句所说情况适用于后一句中的主语,而且是肯定句,用so引起部分倒装句,助动词提前,相同的谓语动词省略。2. _ find out what happened. A. Until he woke up did he B. Until he woke up to C. Not un

2、til did he wake up, he D. Not until he woke up did he答案:D解析:“直到他醒过来他才发现发生了什么事情”。not until的句型中,为了强调“直到”这一时间概念,经常把Not until引起的时间状语从句置于句首,该从句中没有任何倒装,主句需要部分倒装,把助动词置于主语前。该句中,not until he woke up是从句,he found out what happened是主句。直陈语气下的句子应该是:He did not find out what happened until he woke up.3. _ got into

3、the room _ the telephone rang. A. No sooner had he; when B. He hardly had; then C. Hardly had he; when D. He hardly had; than答案:C解析:“他刚一进房间电话就响了起来”。表达“刚一就”常用句型包括:Hardly/Scarcely had sb. done when ,或者No sooner had sb. done than 。这两个句型中,Hardly/Scarcely/No sooner后引起的是主语,when/than后引起的是从句,该句型中,主句的动作先发生,然

4、后从句中的动作才发生,即“刚刚主句的动作一发生,就发生了从句中的动作”这一含义。因此,主句中通常用过去完成时,而从句用一般过去时。4. Little _ about his own health though he was very ill. A. he cared B. he cares C. does he care D. did he care答案:D解析:“他几乎不在乎自己的健康,尽管他病得很重”。Little在句中的用法是否定含义的程度副词,表示“几乎不”,位于句首时,其后面的句子要部分倒装。该句的直陈句为:He cared little about his own health t

5、hough he was very ill.5. _, you would have met him. A. If you were there B. Should you been there C. If you went there D. Had you been there答案:D解析:“如果当时你在那儿的话,你就见到他了”。该句是if条件句中的虚拟语气,是针对过去已经发生事情的虚拟,从句中应该是过去完成时,主句是助动词+have done,完整的句子应该是If you had been there, you would have met him.为强调,省略了if后,把从句中的助动词提

6、前,该句中的助动词为had,直接放到主语前,构成部分倒装。6. Seldom _ such a funny story as he told us. A. have I heard B. I have heard C. did I listen D. I listened答案:A解析:“我很少听到像他所讲的这样好笑的故事”。Seldom是否定意义的频率副词,表示“(次数)很少”,置于句首应部分倒装。该句的直陈句为:I seldom have heard such a funny story as he told us. 注意:B选项的错误在于没有倒装。C和D选项的主要错误在于listen是vi

7、., 只有listen to才能接宾语。7. So loudly _ that all the people in the room got a fright. A. he shouted B. shout he C. did he shout D. he did shout 答案:C解析:“他喊得如此大声以致于屋里的所有人一阵惊惧”。so/such that句型中,当so/such 位于句首时,其后的主句中应部分倒装(注意,that引起的是从句,that前面的是主句)。该句的直陈句为:He shouted so loudly that all the people in the room g

8、ot a fright.8. Rarely _ so difficult a problem. A. she could have faced with B. could have she faced with C. she could have been faced with D. could she have been faced with 答案:D解析:“她几乎不可能面对过这样的难题”。Rarely是否定意义的副词,表示“很少、几乎不”,置于句首时,句子要部分倒装,把助动词置于主语之前。该句的直陈句为:She could rarely have been faced with so di

9、fficult a problem.注意:该句中的could not/rarely/hardly have done结构表达的是对过去事情的推测,表示主语“过去不太可能做”。表达对过去发生的事情的肯定的推测,一般用must have done的结构,意为主语“过去可能做过”。9. Not a single mistake _ in the test. A. he made B. did he make C. he has made D. made he答案:B解析:“他在测验中一个错误都没犯”。该句是把宾语前置,为了强调,把否定词也前置了。否定副词Not置于句首表达强调时,句子要部分倒装,把助

10、动词置于主语前面。该句的直陈句为:He did not make a single mistake in the test.10. Hardly _ the classroom when the class began. A. had he entered B. he had entered C. he entered D. he was entered 答案:A解析:“他刚一进教室就开始上课了”。详细解析参考上面第3题。11. _ France Viuard an excellent political speaker but she was also among the first mem

11、bers of the Democratic Party. A. Not only B. If only C. Only D. Not only was答案:“France Viuard不仅是一位出色的政治演说家,同时也是民主党最早的党员之一”。该句题干所给句子中,but前面的句子部分,明显缺少动词。所给选项只有D有动词。同时,Not only置于句首,句子应部分倒装,把助动词置于主语前面,遇到be动词,则直接把be动词置于主语前面。该句的直陈句为:France Viuard was not only an excellent political speaker, but she was al

12、so among ”12. _ should any money be given to a small child. A. On no account B. From all accounts C. Of no account D. By all accounts答案:A解析:“无论如何都不应该给小孩子钱”。该句题干部分已经有部分倒装“should any money be given ”,根据句子含义,句首应该有否定含义的词汇或短语(在句中充当状语),因此才会出现倒装。所给4个选项只有on no account(绝不、无论如何不、切莫)是否定含义并且可以在句中充当状语。注意:by (fro

13、m) all accounts “据说,据报道,根据各方面所说”,(be) of no account“不重要”。这些短语了解即可。主要的考点为on no account。13. So badly _ in the accident that Simon was delayed in the hospital for treatment. A. did he injure B. he injuredC. was he injured D. he was injured答案:C解析:“Simon在事故中受伤如此严重以致于他在医院中耽了更多的时间进行治疗”。该题详解参考上面第7题。该句直陈句为:H

14、e was so badly injured in the accident that Simon was delayed in 注意:表达某人受伤,injure通常都用被动态,be injured。14. _ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent. A. So clever are the construction robots B. So clever the construction robots are C. Such construction robots are cleverD. Such clever construction robots are答案:A解析:“建筑机器人如此聪明,最终可能能够减少建筑工地90%的劳动力”。该句句型为so/such that句型,所给选项都是so或such位于句首,因此判断that前面的句子中应该有部分倒装,可以排除选项B和D。选项A和C涉及so和such的用法辨析。So修饰形容词或副词,而such修饰名词。句中还有形容词clever,所以不能直接用such修饰,只能用so修饰clever。因此选A。15. _ do we s



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