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1、单元要点复习,Module 1 Small Talk,1,2,要 点 回 眸,短 板 自 检,.重点单词 1. _ (n.) 目的 2. _ (v.) 道歉 3. _ (v.) 想象 4. _ (n.) 功能 5. _ (adj.) 成功的 6. _ (v.) 打断,purpose,apologize,imagine,function,successful,interrupt,7. _ (adv.) 自信地 8. _ (n.) 恩惠,照顾 9. _ (adv.) 不管怎么说,无论如何 10. _ (n.) 回答,答复,confidently,favour/favor,anyhow,reply,

2、.重点短语 1. leave _ 遗漏 2. be aware _ 意识到 3. take the _带头,领先 4. show _ 炫耀 5. as well _ 也,还 6. lead_ 导致,通向,out,of,lead,off,as,to,7. cheer_ 使振作起来,使高兴起来 8. _ a consequence 结果 9. be sensitive _ 对敏感 10have sth. _ common 与有共同之处,up,as,about/to,in,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. The machine is easy _(operate). Anybody can lear

3、n to use it in a few minutes. 2. He was _ (interrupt) by a knock at the door. 3. He was _(caution) when he was riding a bike. 4. I made an_ (apologize) to my guests for my oversight.,to operate,interrupted,cautious,apology,5. Act_ (confident) in a job interview and you will have a better chance. 6.

4、They live in poor _ (circumstance). 7. Her ability made her _ (succeed) in everything she did. 8. The speaker_ (refer) to his past experience. 9. He has _ (application) to join the army. 10. The telephone was not_ (function),confidently,circumstances,successful,referred,applied,functioning,.翻译句子 1.

5、很难想象生活在这里以外的其他地方。(imagine) _ 答案:Its hard to imagine living anywhere else but here. 2. 他经常在英语课上缺席。(absent) _ 答案:He was often absent from English classes.,3. 缺少维生素B使他病得严重。(lack) _ 答案:Lack of vitamin B is making him seriously ill. 4. 工作日程如有改动,请事先通知我们。(advance) _ 答案:Please give us a warning of any chang

6、es to the schedule in advance.,5. 早一点走吧,否则在机场我们就见不到他们了。 _ 答案:Start off earlier,or we will not see them at the airport. 6. 他缺乏勇气去挑战那项工作。 _ 答案:He lacked courage to challenge that work.,7. 如果你有良好的社交技巧,你就不必为像这样的场合紧张。 _ 答案:You neednt worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. 8. 不要

7、冲那些孩子们大吼。你应该鼓励他们做好。 _ 答案:Dont shout at the children. You should encourage them to do better.,9. 如果你制定细致的学习计划,会对你有所帮助的。 _ 答案:It helps if you make a careful study plan. 10. 另外,公共汽车将于星期天运行服务,每两小时一班。 _ 答案:In addition,the bus service will run on Sunday,every two hours a shift.,.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1. The spe

8、aker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself _(hear) 2. The computers on the table _ (belong) Professor Smith. 3. Bob said he was going to join our club but he didnt. He_ (change) his mind.,heard,belong to,must have changed,4. Jimmy said that he would come to pick me up, but he _(turn up) by

9、 now. 5. I have not moved into the new house yet, because the rooms_(paint) 6. A serious earthquake is reported to have struck this area last night, _ (cause) a lot of damage.,hasnt turned up,are being painted,causing,7. Though_ (lack) money, his parents managed to send him to university. 8. She _ (

10、reply) that she was happy to accept our invitation. 9. Altogether, the personal manager received twenty _ (apply) for the position. 10. He held the bottle with great _ (cautious),lacking,replied,applications,caution,. 阅读理解 2014河北省衡水中学第一次模拟Pilling a cat can be a “terrible” experienceW1. Cats dont wan

11、t something pushed down their throats, and theyll fight with all their strength to prevent it. In factP1, its amazingW2 how powerful their small bodies can be. The easiest way of pilling a cat is to press the pill into powder. Then mix the powder with a small amount of wet food. If your cat usually

12、eats dry food, she will probably view the wet food asP2 a treatW3 and eat it upP3.,If your cat wont eat the wet food that contains the pill or if she is too ill to eat, you can get a “pill gun”S There are some basic instructionsW4. Getting your cats mouth to open is going to be the most difficult pa

13、rt. First, be sure the pill is in a handy place. Then you can put your cat on a bookshelf with her bottom in a corner or you can put her on your lap firmly tied. Have your cat facing to the right if youre righthanded.,With your left hand, hold your cat at the cheekbones, putting your palm (手掌) at the top ofP4 her head. Keeping your finger off the trigger (扳机), with your right hand, insert the pill gun until the pill is positioned over the tongue and open throat. Be sure toP5 give your cat a trea


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