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1、语法复习 一,1 句子成分 2 句子种类 3 基本句型,本节目标,1. 了解句子的主要成分和五种基本句型的构成 2. 识别简单句,并列句,复合句;能够划分句子成分, 复合句中能够识别从句并答题 3. 写出结构完整的句子,完成写作任务。,1. 简单句五种基本句型: 2. 主语,宾语,表语,宾补 一般是什么词性? 3. 四种常见的系动词: 4. 并列句特点: 5. 主从复合句特点: 如何识别主句、从句?,预习达标验收,1. 简单句五种基本句型: 2. 主语,宾语,表语,宾补一般为什么词性? 3. 四种常见的系动词: (1) 是 :be(am, is, are, was, were) (2) 感觉:

2、 look; feel; sound; smell; taste;seem/ appear (3) 变得:get; turn; grow; go; come; become (4) 保持:keep; stay; remain,S+Vi(主+谓) S+ V系+ P (主+系+表) S+Vt+O(主+谓+宾) S+Vt+IO+DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) S+Vt+O+OC(主+谓+宾+宾补),主(n./主格pron./to do/doing)+谓+宾 主+谓+宾(n./宾格pron./to do/doing) 主+系+表(adj./n./宾格pron. /prep/to do/doing/done

3、) 主+谓+宾+ 宾补(adj. / n. / prep/ to do / doing / done),4. 并列句特点: 句 + 并列连词(and, but, while ,or , so-) + 句 5. 主从复合句特点: 如何识别主句,从句? 主从+谓+宾从 动词+ 宾从; 介词+ 宾从 主从+系+表从 从句:关联词+-谓语+-,简单句 填空 (1) Its normal for him _(have) a big reaction. (2) The king made the girl his own private musician, _(give) her vast riches.

4、 (3) The king _ (hear) the music and called the girl into the place. (4) There are some unique animals not _ (find) anywhere else. Conclusion: 考点: 技巧:,to have,giving,heard,heard and called 并列谓语,found,谓语(时态/语态/主谓一致);并列谓语;非谓语(成分);,分析句子结构,找准谓语 (其他动词为非谓语;注意非谓语做什么成分),it 形式主语,to do主语,现在分词作状语,过去分词found作定语,

5、只有一个主谓结构 (一个谓语或并列谓语),改错 (1 ) On the playground many students playing football. (2) There was once a king adored music very much. (3) At the next station, an old man got on the bus, stood in front of me. (4) I remembered her words and calm down soon. (5) Watch too much TV is harmful to our eyes. Conc

6、lusion: 考点: 技巧:,are/were,who/ (或adored改为adoring),standing (或stood 前加and),calmed,Watching/ To watch,谓语(时态/语态/主谓一致);并列谓语;非谓语(成分);,分析句子结构,找准谓语 (其他动词为非谓语;注意非谓语做什么成分),句子没有谓语,单句有两个谓语,非谓语动词作主语用to do/doing,单句有两个谓语,谓语动词的时态,并列句 (1)She found the bus had just left, _ she had to wait another 15 minutes. (2)We li

7、ked the dishes _ we were happy to learn the English songs. 改错 (1) We were wet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily. (2) He has two sons, both of them are doctors. (3) Using your head, and you will find a way. (4) He walked around the room several times, then he sat down. 考点:并列连词用法;上下文逻

8、辑关系 技巧:分析句子结构判断为并列句;翻译确定上下文逻辑关系,so,and,but,上下文逻辑关系错,and (或them改为whom),Use,祈使句+ and/ or +you ll-,and,then, otherwise, however, yet为副词,注:逗号的作用,句 +(,) 并列连词(and, but, while ,or , so-) + 句,复合句 填空 (1) _ we were tired after the journey, we were in high spirits. (2) Toms father was the first parent _ our te

9、acher talked to. (3) She said she had finished her work, _ I doubted very much. (4) We improve ourselves while _ (organize) our micro-blogs. (5) It is your attitude toward it _ matters. Conclusion: 考点: 技巧:,Although/ Though/ While,( whom/who ),状语从句,定语从句,which,非限定从,organizing,状语从句省略,that,强调结构,从句引导词,分析

10、句子结构,确定主句谓语,找出从句, 判断什么从句;填引导词,改错 (1) He lived in a house, in front of it stood a tall tree. (2) These bags are made of this kind of material can be easily treated. (3) All the other students burst into laughter before they came to know that both teacher and Pam had misunderstood each other. (4) That

11、 surprised us most there was the beauty of scenes.,Conclusion: 考点: 技巧:,which,which(或去掉are),after,What,分析句子结构,确定主句谓语,找出从句, 判断什么从句;确认引导词是否正确,非限定从;注意逗号的作用,2. can 前加which/that,状语从句,主语从句,I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary to be my friend, and I s

12、hall call my friend Kitty. In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations- UNESCO and National Geographic among them have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect. His recently published book, A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnoling

13、uistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture, grows out of his experience living, looking and raising a family in a village in Nepal.,Summary 句子结构考点: 句子成分(相应词性) 尤其是谓语动词(时态/语态/主谓一致);非谓语 并列连词,上下文逻辑关系 从句引导词 答题技巧:(养成分析句子结构的习惯) 分析句子结构,判断句子类型,确定谓语和其他句子成分 分析句子结构,找并列连词,判断上下文逻辑关系 分析句子结构,确定主句谓语,找出从句,

14、判断什么从句;确认引导词,注意:标点逗号给予的信息,六、当堂检测 1. 短文填空 Once there was two mice, a city mouse and a city mouse. They were distant relatives. One day the city mouse, _ lived in a big house, wrote a letter to the country mouse inviting him for a visit. Delighted, the country mouse_(acceptance) the invitation and cam

15、e to the city mouses house. He _(greet) by the city mouse cheerfully. The country mouse was surprised _ big the house was. The city mouse was pleased _ led the country mouse to the kitchen. _ they climbed up the table, there was a large piece of bread, fruit and cheese on it. But just as they began to eat, they heard a great noise, the city mouse cried,which,accepted,was greeted,how,and,When,“Run! Run! The cat _ (come)!” They ran away quickly and hid. _(breath) heavily after hiding in the mouse-hole, the country mouse said to the city mouse, “I should go back to my house in the city. _



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