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1、Level2-Unit-1Part5Listening听力This is Ben Harris.这是本哈里斯。He and his family live in Toronto, Canada.他和他的家人住在加拿大多伦多。Ben has an old brother, Jeff.本有一个老兄,杰夫。Jeff is 15 years old.杰夫今年15岁。Ben also has a younger sister, Maggie.Ben还有一个妹妹Maggie。She is 8 years old.她今年8岁。Maggie is younger than Ben.Maggie比Ben年轻。T

2、his is Bens father Paul.这是本的父亲保罗。Paul owns his own business.保罗拥有自己的事业。They are Italian restaurants.他们是意大利餐馆。His business is good.他的生意很好。His business is very good.他的生意非常好。So he earns a lot of money.所以他赚了很多钱。They leave in a very large house.他们离开了一个非常大的房子。Its an expensive house.这是一个昂贵的房子。They have 2 ca

3、rs.他们有2辆车。Both cars are expensive cars.两辆车都是昂贵的汽车。Bens mother, Kathy, doesnt have a job.本的母亲凯西没有工作。She takes care of their home.她照顾他们的家。She also takes care of their garden. Their garden is behind their house. She grows flowers and vegetables. She is also an excellent cook.她还照顾他们的花园。他们的花园在他们家后面。她种花和蔬

4、菜。她也是一位出色的厨师。She can cook many different kinds of food. She can cook Italian and French food.她可以烹饪许多不同种类的食物。她可以做意大利和法国菜。She can also cook Indian food.她也可以做印度菜。Ben likes sports.本喜欢运动。He wants to be a hockey player.他想成为一名冰球运动员。He doesnt like school but he wants a sports scholarship. So he studies hard

5、 and exercises every day.他不喜欢上学,但他想要体育奖学金。所以他每天努力学习和锻炼。Jeff doesnt like sports.杰夫不喜欢运动。He wants to be a doctor.他想成为一名医生。He wants to go to a great university. Maggie wants to be an actress.他想去一所伟大的大学。玛吉想成为一名演员。She takes dance lessons. She also likes to sing.她上舞蹈课。她也喜欢唱歌。She wants to be a famous movie

6、 star.她想成为一名著名的电影明星。Vocabulary词汇Its windy today.今天风很大。The wind is blowing.风在吹。Its raining.在下雨。It is raining, so take an umbrella.下雨了,所以带上雨伞。Its cloudy weather.天气多云。Its cloudy so we cant see the sun.它是阴天,所以我们看不到太阳。Its cold today.今天很冷。Its cold so wear a coat.天冷,所以穿上外套。Smog.烟雾。Its smoggy so wear a mask

7、.这是烟雾,所以戴上口罩。Cross a street.穿过一条街。They are crossing a street.他们正在过马路。Look at something.看一下。He is looking at a clock.他在看时钟。Walk through.走过去。He is walking through the door way.他走过门口。Run around.跑来跑去。They are running around a track.他们在赛道上奔跑。Go into.进入。He is going into a room.他正要进入一个房间。Come out.出来。She is

8、 coming out of a room.她走出了一个房间。Sitting on a bench.坐在长凳上。Shes sitting on a bench.她坐在长凳上。Standing in an elevator.站在电梯里。He is standing in an elevator.他站在电梯里。Pushing the door open.推开门。She is pushing the door open.她把门推开了。Pulling the door open.把门拉开。She is pulling the door open.她把门拉开了。Sitting at a table.坐在

9、一张桌子旁。He is sitting at a table.他坐在一张桌子旁。Dialogue对话W: Would you like to have breakfast together?W:你想一起吃早餐吗?M: Sure, lets have breakfast together. Do you know a good place?M:当然,我们一起吃早餐吧。你知道一个好地方吗?W: Yes, theres a nice coffee shop in the shopping center.W:是的,购物中心有一家不错的咖啡店。M: Which shopping center?M:哪个购

10、物中心?W: The shopping center on First Avenue. Its near the subway stop.W:第一大道的购物中心。它靠近地铁站。M: Oh, I know that one. Theres a Starbucks there too.M:哦,我知道那一个。那里也有星巴克。W: Yes, there is. But I like the other shop. There are too many people at Starbucks.W:是的,有。但我喜欢另一家商店。星巴克的人太多了。M: OK, can we get a good break

11、fast there?M:好的,我们可以在那里享用美味的早餐吗?W: I think so and its not expensive.W:我想是的,并不昂贵。W: What do you like for breakfast?W:早餐你喜欢什么?M: I like eggs for breakfast.M:我早餐喜欢鸡蛋。W: Me too. They have eggs with potatoes and toast.W:我也是。他们的鸡蛋配土豆和烤面包。M: Great. I like potatoes with my eggs.M:很好。我喜欢土豆和鸡蛋。He likes potato

12、es with his eggs.他喜欢土豆和鸡蛋。W: Do you drink coffee with your breakfast?W:你早餐喝咖啡吗?M: Yes, I usually have coffee with my breakfast. What about you?M:是的,我的早餐经常喝咖啡。你呢?W: No, I dont have coffee. I usually have tea.W:不,我没有咖啡。我经常喝茶。W: Is there anything else you like?W:还有什么你喜欢的吗?M: Yes, there is. I usually ha

13、ve fruit juice, like orange juice. How about you?M:是的,有。我经常吃果汁,比如橙汁。你呢?W: Me too.W:我也是。M: OK. Lets go. Lets take the subway.M:好的。我们走吧。我们坐地铁吧。W: Hey, wait a minute, I dont have my subway card.W:嘿,等一下,我没有地铁卡。M: Where is it?M:它在哪里?W: Its in my apartment, in my coat. Ill be right back.W:在我的公寓里,在我的外套里。我马上回来。M: Great, Im getting hungry.M:太好了,我饿了。She doesnt have her subway card.她没有地铁卡。3



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