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1、北大附中小升初分班考试英语真题一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Today is her _ (nine) birthday. 2. When spring _ (come), the animals that sleep in winter start waking up. 3. Doctors often tell us _ (drink) more water every day. 4. He made me _ (draw) a picture for you. 5. Our school _(hold) a sports meeting next week, isnt it? 2、

2、单项选择 1. - _does Julia go to work every day? -She walks to the bus stop, then takes the bus. A. How far B .How long C. How often D. How 2. I live at school. So I often go home _Friday afternoon. A. in B. at C. on D. / 3. -Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday? - Sure, _. A. Id love to B. Im sorr

3、y , I cant C. OK D. Oh, no 4. My mother often _ after supper with my sister . A. is taking a walk B. take walk C. takes walks D. takes a walk 5. -How often does Tom play football? -_. He doesnt like football. A. often B.always C.Hardly ever D.Every day 6. I finished _ my homework and then I had a re

4、st . A do B doing C does D did 7. . -_? -Its September 10th. A. What time is it? B.Whats the weather like? C.What day is it today? D.What is the date today? 8. _ takes us ten minutes _ to school every day. A That , to walk B It , walking C This , walking D It , to walk 9. There _ a sports meeting la

5、st week.A .be B. is C. was D. had 10. Are you thinking about _a long vacation ? A take B to take C taking D took 11. He needs _ breakfast every day. A.to eat B.eat C.eating D.eats 12. I will go to Canada_ next year. A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times 13. Im hungry. Would you please give

6、 me _to eat? A. delicious something B. something delicious C. anything delicious D. nothing delicious 14. There is _snow in Harbin . A .a lot B .too many C .too much D .much too 15. _he was ill , _he still went to school . A .Because , so B .Although , but C .Because , / D .Although , / 三、句型转换(共 10

7、分,每空 1 分)1. He watches TV twice a week. ( 就划线部分提问)_ _ does he watch TV?2. She should go to the party. (变为否定句)She _ go to the party.3. They had to visit their parents last week. (变为一般疑问句)_ they _ to visit their parents last week? 4.The teacher went home after the students were safe. (变为同义句) The teach

8、er _ _ home _ the students were safe.5. She began to learn the piano at the age of five. (变为同义句) She began to learn the piano _ _she _five. 4、 完型填空(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) Mrs Jack was always 1 lots of time and money in 2the shopping.It was winter, Mrs. Jack wanted to do a lot of shopping, she waited 3it wa

9、s Saturday when her husband was 4, and she 5him to the shops with her and 6for everything. They went to a lot of shops and supermarkets, and Mrs. Jack 7a lot of things, and Mr. Jack certainly had to 8all these things. Mrs. Jack often9 and said, Look, Jack! 10that beautiful! He then answered, All rig

10、ht, dear. How 11is it? and took his money out to pay for it. It was dark when they came out of the last 12and Mr. Jack was so 13that he didnt stop 14about those things. Suddenly his wife looked up and said, Look at that beautiful moon, Joe! Without 15, Mr. Jack answered, All right, dear, How much is

11、 it?( ) 1. A. spent B. spending C. spend D. to spend( ) 2. A. do B. doing C. does D. did ( ) 3. A. for B. when C. until D. because ( ) 4. A. busy B. working C. free D. out( ) 5. A. took B. brought C. let D. showed( ) 6. A. sold B. bought C. saw D. paid( ) 7. A. sold B. carried C. bought D. paid ( )

12、8. A. give B. catch C. find D. carry ( ) 9. A. stopped B. asked C. went D. walked( ) 10. A. Isnt B. Doesnt C. Arent D. Dont( ) 11. A. many B. much C. beautiful D. dear ( ) 12. A. money B. cinema C. shop D. hour( ) 13. A. tired B. sad C. happy D. sorry ( ) 14. A. to think B. thinking C. thought D. th

13、ink ( ) 15. A. to think B. thinking C. think D. thought五、 补全对话(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 从方框中的句子中找出最恰当的句子填入对话中,使对话完整、通顺。其中有两句是多余 的。A. How are you going to do that? B. Where are you going to take singing lessons? C. I want to be a singer. D. I like Jay Chou very much. E. Im going to start next week. F. Are you

14、going to sing country music?G. I began learning singing when I was 6.A: What are you going to be when you leave school? B: _ A: _ B: No. Im not. Im going to sing Jazz music. A: _ B: Im going to take singing lessons. A: When are you going to start? B: _ A: _ B: In New York.六、A)根据汉语提示写出单词的正确形式(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 1. What are the _ (不同点)between your sister and you? 2. Its_(传统的)to eat moon cakes on Mid-autumn Day in china. 3.



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