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1、高一英语语法复习试卷1. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor. A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose 2. She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth. A. it B. which C. this D. that 3. In the dark street , there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. A. that B.

2、 who C. from whom D. to whom 4. He made another wonderful discovery , _ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D.I think which is5. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _ he grew up as a child. A. which B. where C

3、. that D. when 6. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._ I got wet through . A. Its the reason B. Thats why C. Theres why D. Its how7. On the wall hung a picture, _ color is blue. A. whose B. of which C. which D. its8.He is the only one of the three _got the new idea.A. who have B. whom have C.

4、 who has D. whose had9. - How about the games? - Very interesting, and the ones _ the young men competed were really exciting. A. what B. for whom C. where D. in which10.The house_the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.A. that B. where C. what D. when11. Go and get your coat. Its _ you left

5、 it.A. there B. where C. there were D. where there12. Father made a promise _ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle. A. that B. if C. whether D. that if 13. What I want to know is _ he likes the gift given by us.A. that B. if C. whether D.不填14. He wanted to make sure _. A. how we went t

6、here by bus B. where did we go C. what did we go there D. when we went there 15. _ they won the game was _ we had expected. A. That; which B. Whether; that C. What; that D. That; what16. That is _ paper came into use in China.A. how B. that C. what D. which17. It looks _ we shall have to do the work

7、 ourselves.A. that B. like C. seeming D. as though18. _ is not known yet.A. When she has gone B. Where she has gone C. How did she leave D. Why did she go19. His suggestion _ to see the exhibition interested everyone of us.A. that we go B. which we should go C. that we would go D. when we should go2

8、0. Ive got to make _ he told a lie.A. that clear B. it clear that C. quite clear D. this clear that21. I remember_ this used to be a quiet village.A. how B. when C. where D. what22_either he or I to leave for America? A. Is B.Am C.Are D.Will23. No one has finished his homework,_? A.have they B.haven

9、t they C.has he D.hasnt he24. Each soldier and sailor_given a rifle when the ship landed. A.were B.was C.are D.is25.More than one person_involved in th case. A.is B.are C.has D.have26. He is a teacher but his wife is a doctor,_? A.isnt she B.isnt it C.arent they D.isnt he27.I told Sally how to get h

10、ere,but perhaps I_for her. A.had to write it out B.must have written it out C.should have written it out D.ought to write it out 28.Can I help you,sir? Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it_. A.didnt work B.couldnt work C.cant work D.doesnt work29.Shall I tell John about it? No,you_.Ive told

11、 him already. A.neednt B.wouldnt C.mustnt D.shoudnt30.Where is my pen? I_it. A.should have lost B.must have lost C.would have lost D.might lose31.Why didnt you answer when I called you? I_but you didnt hear me. A.had to B.couldnt C.didnt answer D.did32. He_there now,but I am not sure. A.maybe B.may

12、be C.may have been D.might have been33.The flower is dead.I_it more water. A.will give B.must give C.should have given D.would have given34.Does Tom want to go to the film? Yes,but he says_tonight. A.hed not rather go B.hell rather not go C.he wont rather go D.hed rather not go35.Must I take a taxi? No,you_.You can walk from here. A.dont B.must not C.dont have to D.had better not to36.The rest of the lecture_interesting. A.is B.are D.maybe D.sound37.One and a half bananas_eaten by t



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