9A Unit1 rgrammar知识讲解及练习

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1、9A Unit1 Know yourself语法部分学习目标:1. 学会正确使用and, but, or和so连词。 2. 学会正确使用both and , not only but (also) , either or和neither nor 关联词语。语法疏导1在我们过去的英语学习过程中,我们经常碰到and, but, or和so连词,我们能够了解它们在句中的意思,今天我们在此想归纳它们的具体用法。1. and“和”,连接两个名词,代词或两个形容词等语法作用相同的词语。例如:The air was so warm and bright.It has no eyes and no ears.

2、I have no sister or brother.特别提醒: and如果用在否定句中,必须把and改成or。例如:She cant play badminton or table tennis.He didnt come or go to see a film with us.如果前后名词都用no修饰,则可以用and连接。例如:I have no sister and no brother.表示目的,意图。常用于go, come, stop, run, stay等动词后。例如:Come and have a rest with us.Stop and see what theyre do

3、ing.“只要就会”“如果那么”,用于祈使句后,表示条件与结果的关系。例如:Knock on the door, and it will be opened.Come late again, and youll be fired.2. but 但是,“可是”,“而”,“却”的意思,常用作转折连词,表示前后两个内容不一样、不一致。例如:The old lady can speak, but she cant write.He is in poor English, but he still keeps working hard on it.特别提醒:but不与although/though (“

4、虽然,尽管”)连用。Though he is old, he works hard.He is old, but he works hard.还可以用作介词,常有nothing but结构,表示“除了之外”。She did nothing but watch TV.3. or or “或者”的意思,表示选择关系,常用来介绍一件事情的另一种可能性。例如:She can be a doctor or a teacher in the future.I will go swimming or go fishing this afternoon.选择疑问句中用or, “还是”的意思。例如:Do you

5、 like apples or pears?Would you like tea or coffee?“祈使句+or +陈述句”, “,否则”的意思。例如:Hurry up, or you will be late.Work hard, or you cannot pass this exam.4. soso用作连词时,主要用于表结果,意为“所以”,“因此”。例如:Its very cold, so youd better wear a heavy coat. The door was locked, so we couldnt get in. The class began at seven

6、, so we should hurry up.特别提醒: “因为所以”不可以用becauseso 结构,so不可以和because连用。例如:错误:Because he was ill, so he couldnt come. 正确:Because he was ill, he couldnt come.正确:He was ill, so he couldnt come.随堂导练. 用and, but, or 或so 填空。1. Do it yourself _ask someone to help you. 2. The math problem is hard,_they can wor

7、k it out. 3. Its our first travel,_ were all happy. 4. Im sorry to tell you he is short_strong. 5. We cant live in the moon because there is no air_ water on it.参考答案:1. or 2. but 3. so 4. and 5. or .把下面两个句子用正确的连词连接起来。1. It is hot today. Some boys are still playing basketball outside._.2. Be careful!

8、 You will hurt yourself!_.3. Nancy worked hard at English. She came first in the English exam._.4. He looks tall and strong. He is afraid to go out at night._.5. The Summer Palace is large. It is also beautiful._.参考答案:1. It is hot today, but some boys are still playing basketball outside.2. Be caref

9、ul! or you will hurt yourself!3. Nancy worked hard at English, so she came first in the English exam.4. He looks tall and strong, but he is afraid to go out at night.5. The Summer Palace is large and beautiful. 选择填空。( ) 1. We didnt enjoy the picnic _ there was a sudden rain. A. if B. but C. because

10、D. however( ) 2. Work hard, _ you wont pass the English exam this time.A. and B. so C. but D. or( ) 3. His Dad should beat him for his done. _, he praised him.A. so B. and C. Instead D. But( ) 4. Her uncle gave her a new bike as her birthday present_ she liked it very much.A. and B. but C. so D. or(

11、 ) 5. What would you like to drink, juice _ Coke? Some juice, please.A. and B. or C. either D. but参考答案:15 CDCAB语法疏导21. both and “两者都”、“和都”的意思,用以说明或强调某一件事情、某一个人或某一状况与另一件事情、另一个人或另一状况相同。例如:Both Li Ming and Wei Hua are good at English.Our English teacher both speaks and writes French.The food was both b

12、ad and tasted badly.特别提醒:both and , 连接两个成分作主语时,谓语总是用复数。例如:Both she and I are good at English. Both teaching and research teaching are not easy work.2. not only but (also) “不但 而且”、“不仅而且”的意思,在句中用以连接两个主语、连接两个不同的谓语动词、连接两个不同的宾语、连接两个表语。例如:Not only I but also my parents are fond of watching the film.Not on

13、ly Lucy but also Lily is good students in our school.He not only has a car but also drives on his ownI not only know English but (also) Russian.Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor特别提醒:由于not only A but also B句式的重点在B上,在汉语的意思上等同于both and ,但要与both and 区别开来。例如:Not only she but (also) her brother likes playing the piano.Both he and she are going to see English teacher.Not only our school but also his school attends the sports meeting.=Both our school and his school attend the sports meeting.not onlybut also连


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