蒙娜丽莎 介绍 中英文对照

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1、蒙娜丽莎是一幅享有盛誉的肖像画杰作。它代表达芬奇的最高艺术成就,成功地塑造了资本主义上升时期一位城市有产阶级的妇女形象。画中人物坐姿优雅,笑容微妙,背景山水幽深茫茫,淋漓尽致地发挥了画家那奇特的烟雾状“无界渐变着色法”般的笔法。画家力图使人物的丰富内心感情和美丽的外形达到巧妙的结合,对于人像面容中眼角唇边等表露感情的关键部位,也特别着重掌握精确与含蓄的辩证关系,达到神韵之境,从而使蒙娜丽莎的微笑具有一种神秘莫测的千古奇韵,那如梦似的妩媚微笑,被不少美术史家称为“神秘的微笑”。Mona Lisa is a renowned portrait masterpiece. It represents

2、the highest artistic achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, succeeded in shaping the rise of capitalism propertied classes during a city image of women. Stick figures sitting elegant, subtle smile, background landscape deep fog, vividly played a painter that strange smoke-like unbounded gradient colorin

3、g-like strokes. Painter trying to make people rich inner feelings and beautiful shape to achieve clever combination, for the portrait face in the corner of the lips and other key parts of their personal feelings, but also special emphasis on precise and subtle grasp the dialectical relationship, to

4、charm of the environment, so that the Mongolian Mona Lisas enigmatic smile has one kind of rhyme through the ages, that dream-like charming smile, by many art historians as the mysterious smile.它的拥有者法国政府把它保存在巴黎的卢浮宫供公众欣赏。 Its owners the French government to save it in the Louvre in Paris for the publ

5、ic to enjoy.微笑之谜 500年来,人们一直对蒙娜丽莎神秘的微笑莫衷一是。不同的观者或在不同的时间去看,感受似乎都不同。有时觉得她笑得舒畅温柔,有时又显得严肃,有时像是略含哀伤,有时甚至显出讥嘲和揶揄。在一幅画中,光线的变化不能像在雕塑中产生那样大的差别。但在蒙娜丽莎的脸上,微暗的阴影时隐时现,为她的双眼与唇部披上了一层面纱。而人的笑容主要表现在眼角和嘴角上,达芬奇却偏把这些部位画得若隐若现,没有明确的界线,因此才会有这令人捉摸不定的“神秘的微笑”。Smile Mystery500 years, people have been on the Mona Lisa mysterious

6、 smile today. Different audiences or at different times to see, seems to have a different feel. She laughed sometimes feel comfortable gentle, sometimes seem serious, sometimes like with a little sadness, and sometimes even show ridicule and derision. In one painting, the light changes can not be pr

7、oduced as in sculpture as a big difference. But in the Mona Lisas face, somber shadows hidden, for her eyes and lips covered with a veil. The mans smile is mainly manifested in the eyes and mouth, and Leonardo da Vinci has chosen to put these parts painted looming, there is no clear boundaries, so w

8、ill have this elusive mysterious smile.达芬奇1502年(意大利文艺复兴时期)开始创作蒙娜丽莎,并根据瓦萨里(Vasari)的记载,这幅画耗时4年完成。Leonardo da Vinci in 1502 (Italian Renaissance) began writing the Mona Lisa, and according to Vasari (Vasari) records, this painting took four years to complete.蒙娜丽莎是意大利最早的一幅半身画像,画中人物坐着并把交叠的双手搁在座椅的扶手上,从头部至


10、而边缘则对较暗的区域敏感。人一般确认笑容时主要是靠嘴唇和眼睛的形态特征判断。而达芬奇就是利用了蒙娜丽莎嘴唇形成的阴影。当你盯着她的眼睛时你不会忽视她的嘴和眼睛,就会觉得她在微笑,而你盯着她的嘴时你会忽视她的嘴和眼睛,就会觉得她没有在微笑(怪诞心理学)。神秘的蒙娜丽莎除了以其微笑著称,画中人物的眼神也相当独特。无论你从正面哪个角度赏画,都会发现蒙娜丽莎的眼睛直视着你,这使人感到蒙娜丽莎的眼睛仿佛是活的,会随着观众的视角游走,并对所有观众抱以永恒的微笑。Mona Lisa is a portrait bust of the Italian first one, stick figures sitt

11、ing and put folded hands resting on the arm of the seat, from the head to the waist showing a complete shape to the bust, a portrait painted on an early change head and upper body, the chest truncated composition, painters and photographers for the future to establish a new portrait drawing basic ar

12、chitecture.Using Da Vinci painting pyramid structure to be simple and full of ladies placed in the painting. Her hands together form pyramids stacked in front of the corner . Her chest, neck and face with her hands full of the same soft light. These changes in the organic part of the light show fles

13、h plump and soft, including the aforementioned smile. Sigmund Freud understood as a painter this smile on his mothers emotional memories. Others describe it as naive , or even as pro- inducing trance or sad . It should be noted that most of the portrait of Leonardo time with such a smile .Recently s

14、ome scholars have pointed out that the reason why the Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci application looks faint because of the illusion of eyes . The center of the eye generally more sensitive to bright areas , while the edges on the darker areas sensitive . Smile when people are generally recognized main

15、ly by the morphological characteristics of the lips and eyes judgment . The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci is the use of the lips forming shadows. When you stare at her eyes when you do not ignore her mouth and eyes , you will think she is smiling and you stare at her mouth when you ignore her mouth a

16、nd eyes , you will feel that she is not smiling ( grotesque psychology ) .In addition to its mysterious Mona Lisa smile , said , stick figures look quite unique . No matter which angle you from the front Shang Hua , will find Mona Lisa s eyes look directly at you, it makes people feel as if the eyes of the Mona Lisa is alive, will walk with the audiences perspective , and all the audience hold to eternal smile .


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