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1、呼啸山庄读后感范文(英汉双译)Wuthering Heights BookThis is a terrible book! Is the books main character, let me horrified. I do not know how how he became terrible, he is a terrible character of the.What is love? I can not get satisfaction from Heathcliffs reply was also received from Catherine the right answer.

2、In this world, my biggest grief is the grief of Heathcliff, and I note from the outset and felt. In my life, he is the strongest I think. If everything else destroyed, and he also left behind, I will be able to continue to live; if everything else stayed, and he has destroyed the world for me will b

3、e a strange place. This is a true confession of how deep! However, in order to identity, to the material, in order to vanity Catherine Heathcliffs feelings of self-righteous in spite of his betrayal, but also can be used so naive as to think her husbands reputation and status, wealth and to help rai

4、se Heathcliff. How ironic love ah!Perhaps, Heathcliff is the moment where it began. In addition to hate the world and possession, no other color, in order to retaliate, ignore all, of their son and only use and abuse, the feelings of no longer redundant.Do not fucking dead, bloody dead also, I would

5、 like to have possession to have been accounted for. Have been happy to bear the hatred of revenge. At that moment, I would like to Heathcliff is unable to bear the light of life. Catherines departure, the long-term occupation of hatred so that he lost the function of happiness! When he saw him to b

6、e in retaliation for two people under the eyes of a child in his dramatic combination of happiness, he collapsed completely! He has to what is calculated? He wanted to ruin what is it? Finally, another who had nothing? Xiao-yan have a son, Hareton in his diabolical healthy adult education, family da

7、ughter Katie Harrington, in his demonic abuse also found happiness. Heathcliff, and he was what? Death, for him is a relief, is a happy end.How much love there is the number of hate!Catherine is a small temperature most people. Ask her to my mind the chill of this book, I would like to see her get h

8、er everything, including the well-being and Hareton! This is one of the world famous, if I would choose once again to enjoy the happiest in their own, the most happiness when, in the case of the evening, must be brightly lit, family members are; If it is during the day must also be elected in the ou

9、tside world when the voice of interference. I was afraid of this hatred, vicious sense of suffocating weight.The world is terrible that the world is beautiful!呼啸山庄读后感这是一本可怕的书!是书里的主人公让我毛骨悚然。在我还不知道他是怎么变得怎么可怕的时候,他已经是一个可怕的人物了。爱是什么?我无法从希刺克厉夫身上得到满意的答复,也无法从凯瑟琳那里得到正确的答案。“在这个世界上,我的最大的悲痛就是希刺克厉夫的悲痛,而且我从一开始就注意并


11、,我想希刺克厉夫是无法承受生命之轻了。凯瑟琳的离去,仇恨的长期占据使他失去了快乐的功能!当他看到他所要报复的两家人的孩子在他的眼皮底下戏剧性的幸福快乐的结合在一起时,他彻底的崩溃了!他要算计的是什么?他要毁灭的又是什么?最后一无所有的又是谁?恩萧家有儿子哈里顿在他魔鬼般的教育下健康地成人,林顿家有女儿凯蒂在他恶魔般的虐待下也找到了快乐。而他希刺克厉夫得到了什么?死,对他来说是一种解脱,是幸福的归宿。有多少爱就有多少恨!小凯瑟琳是最有温度的人。是她抚去我心中对这本书的寒颤,我愿意看到她得回属于她的一切,包括和哈里顿的幸福!这是世界名著,如果再次欣赏我会选择在自己最快乐、最幸福的时候,如果是晚上,必须是灯火通明,家人都在;如果是白天也必须要选在有外界声音干扰的时候。我害怕这种被仇恨、恶毒压得透不过气来的感觉。世界是可怕的,世界是美好的! 第 5 页 共 5 页


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