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1、四年级上册英语练习题一、给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。()1.I have a new schoolbag.()2.Its black and white.()3.My schoolbag is heavy.()4.Put your pencil in your desk.()5.What colour is it?()6.Whats in your schoolbag?A它是什么颜色的?B我有一个新书包。C你的书包里有什么?D它是黑白相间的。E我的书包很重。F把你的铅笔放到你的书桌里。二、选择()1.We have six new_.Alight BlightsCthe light()2.

2、My classroom is so_!Atall Bbig Cbest()3.We_ new classroom.Ahas Bhave Chave a ()4.Lets go_have a look.Aand B/ Cto ()5.I have a_idea.Awell Bgood Cgreat()6.The sharpener is near the fish_.Abowl Bglass Ccup()7.May I have a look?Sure,here_are.AyourByouCyours()8._fat panda.Aa Ban CA()9.Its black_white.Ato

3、 Band Cin ()10.Is it in your room?_AYes,it isnt. BNo,it isnt. CNo,it is.()11.What is that?_AIt is a bee. BIt is a bees. CIt is bee.()12.How old are you?_AThank you.BI am ten.CI am fine.()13.Zhang Peng_big eyes.AhaveBhasCare()14.I have two good_.Afriend Ba friendCfriends()15.Tom_sports.Alike Blikes C

4、do()16.I have_English book.Aa Ban C/ ()17._is she?She is my mother.AWho BWhat CWhere()18.What is_name?Ayou Byour Cyours()19._this your classroom?AAm BIs CAre()20.Where_my bag?Ais Bam Care()21.Are_near the phone?Yes,they are. Awe Byou Cthey()22.What can you see in_room?AI Bmy Cme( )23.We _ a new clas

5、sroom. A、have B、are C、has( )24.Look, he is tall _ strong.A、to B、and C、or( )25.A boy_girl? A boy.A、or B、in C、and( )26.Whats_the classroom? A、in B、under C、near( )27.Let_ help you. A、go B、me C、I( )28.Whats his name?. -_name is Zhang Peng. A、me B、His C、her ( ) 29._ is the desk?Its in the classroom. A、Wh

6、at B、Where C、How ( ) 30.She_long hair. A、have B、has C、is( ) 31.Can I some noodles. Please ? A、like B、has C、have( ) 32._clean the board. A、Lets B、Let C、Look( ) 34.How many _do you have? A、maths books B、maths book C、a math s book( )35.He is tall and strong. He _ black glasses.A、have B、has C、is( )36.I

7、have three _, two _ and a _ in my desk . A、keys, toys, notebook B、key, toy, notebook C、keys, toys, notebooks( ) 37. - _ - Some books and a pencil box. A. Where is it? B. Whats this? C. Whats in it?( ) 39. - _ is it ? -Its blue and white. A. What B. What colour C. Where ( ) 40. -_ this your father? -

8、Yes, it is? A. Are B. Is C. Am 三、情景交际 ()1.你想询问教室里有什么,你应说:_AWhats in the classroom?BWheres the classroom?四、选出错误的选项并在横线上改正。()1.I English ._()2.what colour is it?_A B C()3.Whats in you bag?_A B C()4.I have many book in my bag._A B C五、连词成句。1me,clean,board,let,the(.)_2.us,clean,classroom,let,the(.)_3.wal

9、l,is,the,blue(.)_4.cute,she,is(.)_5.he,in,the,classroom,is(?)_6.they,near,window,are,the(?)_7.name is what his (?)_8.study the is she in (?) _六、你会排序吗?(8分)1No,it isnt.2Yes. Its in my desk. 3Where is my book?4Is it in your desk?5Is it under your chair?正确顺序:_3_Be动词的专项训练一、口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,复数全用are

10、。1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2. The girl_ Jacks sister. 3. The dog _ tall and fat. 4.The jeans _ on the desk. 二读句子,用am, is , are 填空。 1. I _ a boy, you _ a girl, we _ friends. 2. He _ a student, she _ a student, too. They _ pupil. 3. I _ helpful at home, my father _ helpful, too. 4. My brother _ tall, my sister _short, but they _ all thin.


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