【5A文】What were you doing when the UFO arrived课件8

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《【5A文】What were you doing when the UFO arrived课件8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【5A文】What were you doing when the UFO arrived课件8(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,Summary:,过去进行时的构成:,1.概念:表示过去某个时刻或过去一段时间正在进行的动作. 2.公式:主语+was/were+doing sth +时间状语 3.指示词:then, at that time, once, 等连用,或者用另一动作来表示过去的时间.,A:What did you do at 9 oclock last morning ?,Tom,B:I went to school.,A:What was Tom doing at the time ?,B: He was hav

2、ing breakfast.,Tom was having breakfast when I went to school.,9:00,A:What did you do last night?,B:I did my homework.,A: What was she doing last night?,B: She was playing the piano.,She was playing the piano when I did my homework.,What was she doing at 6 oclock?,She was playing football.,What was

3、he doing when they swam in the water ?,He was doing homework,.,He was swimming.,What was he doing at 8 oclock?,What were they doing at 10:30?,They were running.,Talk about the pictures,What were they doing yesterday afternoon?,1,2,3,Ask and answer in pairs Where were you at 6:00 yesterday evening? W

4、hat were you doing ?,1 in a river swimming 2 in a park playing basketball 3 in a shop doing some shopping 4 at home cooking 5 at home watching TV 6 at home doing my homework,-Where were you when the UFO arrived?,-I was in the barbers chair.,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,I was cleaning my

5、 room.,Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,1._I was in the bathroom.,I was getting out of the shower.,I was sleeping late.,I was borrowing some books.,I was cooking dinner.,I was cutting my hair.,I was sitting on the chair.,2._I was in my bedroom.,3._I was in front of the library.,4._I

6、was in the kitchen.,5._I was in my barber shop.,6._I was in the barbers chair.,1a. Match the statements with the people in the pictures.,d,b,a,c,e,f,1b,Listen and circle the correct responses.,Standing in front of the library / studying in the library,b. Cleaning my room /sleeping late,c. Making a s

7、moothie /cooking dinner,d. Getting out of the shower / talking on the phone,e. Eating lunch / cutting hair,What were they doing when the UFO arrived ? What was he/she doing?,They were playing basketball. She was watching the children,Pair work,Exercises,1.昨天早上9点钟你在干什么?,What were you doing at 9 ocloc

8、k yesterday morning?,2.不明飞行物起飞时,小明正在骑自行车.,XiaoMing was riding his bike when the UFO took off.,3.那时,他们正在做家庭作业.,They were doing their homework at that time.,4.今早给你打电话的时候你正在干什么?,What were you doing when I called you up this morning?,5.当他正睡觉的时候他梦见了UFO.,While he was sleeping ,she dreamed about UFO.,Make

9、a survey A: What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning? B: I was sleeping. How about you? A: I was doing my homework.,有关外星人,外星人和地外文明始终是人们最有兴味的话题。那些一直致力于寻找外太空智慧生命的科学家相信,外星人确实存在,只是人类一直无法找到他们。科学家认为,由于天文物理技术等因素的限制,靠星际旅行来寻找地外生命是不大现实的,与外星人交流的唯一途径可能只有无线电通讯。 25年内找到外星生命 最近,正在澳洲出席外星生物研究会议的美国“外星生物情

10、报研究所”(SET1)的高级太空科学家萧斯塔克透露,由于新科技的帮助,科学家可望在未来25年内,在外太空找出其中一个星体上的生物。 该研究所自1984年成立以来,就开始监察无线电讯号,希望能探测到来自外太空发出的讯号。他们开展了著名的“凤凰计划”。到1999年中期,凤凰计划已观测了大约500颗星体,但始终没有地外文明信息被监测到。萧斯塔克说,“我们确实经常监测到信号,可经查实都是人类而不是外星人发出的,大部分是美国电话电报公司的。”萧斯塔克透露,研究所在赞助下将斥资2600万美元,研制一组射电望远镜阵。这组望远镜叫做“艾伦望远镜”。艾伦望远镜阵将覆盖1000到10000MHz的频率,预备在20

11、05年投入使用。该望远镜阵将建于旧金山市东北的哈特克里克气象台,可以全年不停地侦察附近10万甚至100万颗星体。萧斯塔克说,不能期望外星人与我们在电影中见到的相近,但推测他们也会有中央思维系统,眼睛、嘴巴和腿,也会繁殖,他们可能比人类聪明得多。,课外读物,alien,_The alien visited the Museum of Flight. _The alien bought a souvenir. _A UFO landed on Center Street. _The alien went into a store. _An alien got out of the UFO.,when,When,While,While,When the UFO took off the man was While the girl was,Bye,


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