【5A文】Where’s your pen pal from课件31

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1、Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?,Thursday February 16th, 2006,What country is this?,China,Japan,the United Kingdom,the United states,France,Canada,Australia,Singapore,国家,/,China,Singapore,Japan,the United Kingdom,Canada,France,the United States,Australia,Say these countries names,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Can

2、ada,the United States/ USA,France,Japan,Australia,the United Kingdom / UK,Singapore,Flowering Cherry,Mount Fuji,Japan(日本),Tokyo (东京),樱花,富士山,Whats the capital of ?,Singapore(新加坡),Singapore,鱼尾狮,Whats the capital of ?,London Bridge,Big Ben,the United Kingdom (简称)(英国),London(伦敦),伦敦桥,大本钟,Whats the capita

3、l of ?,Arch of Triumph,Effiel Tower,France(法国),Paris(巴黎),凯旋门,艾菲儿铁塔,Whats the capital of ?,Kangaroo,Sydney Opera House,Australia(澳大利亚),Sydney(悉尼),袋鼠,悉尼歌剧院,Whats the capital of ?,Statue of Liberty,Disneyland,the United States (简称) (美国),New York(纽约),Whats the capital of ?,Maples,Canada (加拿大),Toronto(多伦

4、多),枫叶,Whats the capital of ?,Conversation 1,A: Wheres Sydney ? B: Its in Australia .,Tokyo Japan、 New York , the United States Paris France,France Canada USA Japan,USA France Canada Japan,Sydney is in Australia.,-Where is he/she from? -He/She is from,Japan,China,Japan,America,America,Conversation 2,

5、A:Where is your pen pal from? B:Shes/Hes from Japan.,Canada the United States Australia the United Kingdom Singapore France China,A: Where is . from? B: He / She is from .,Australia,Japan,Canada,the United Kingdom,France,the United States,课堂练习 一.填写国家名称,1 Guilin is in _. My brother lives in New York

6、in _ Tokyo is in _. Paris is in _ Sydney is in _ Toronto is in _ London is in _,China,the United States,Japan,France,Australia,Canada,the United Kingdom,单项选择,1 _you from the United States of America? A. Do B. Is C. Where. D. Are 2 _ you come from Canada? A. Do B. Are C Where D. Is 3 Where is _ from? A. Tom and Jerry B. you C. Jerrys E-pal D. they,The End,


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