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1、2019年河北省中考题型训练英语试题(5)注意事项:1、本卷共8页,总分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2、答题前请将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚。 3、答案请用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔填写。题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXI总分得分卷I(选择题 共85分)听力部分(第一节)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 1. A. leaf B. left C. lift ( ) 2. A. turned on B. turned down C. turned off( ) 3. A. 977680 B. 978780 C. 977618 ( ) 4. A

2、. We will take a taxi there. B. We will walk there. C. We will go there by bus. ( ) 5. A. She cant touch the sign because she is so short. B. She is short but she can still touch the sign easily. C. She is so tall that she can touch the sign easily. .听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 6. A. Thats OK.

3、 B. Thanks. C. I am not worried. ( ) 7. A. No, I am busy. B. Yes, Id like to. C. Its the best news Id ever heard. ( ) 8. A. I dont like tea. B. Of course I will. C. Thank you.( ) 9. A. Once a week. B. In about an hour. C. Yes, it will. ( ) 10. A. No problem. B. I like good messages. C. Thats OK.听对话和

4、问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 11. A. Because he is sleepy. B. Because the music isnt good. C. Because the music is loud.( ) 12. A. Do sports. B. See a doctor. C. Have a walk.( ) 13. A. Wood. B. Stone. C. Plastic.( ) 14. A. B. C. ( ) 15. A. B. C. .听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)( ) 16. Why did D

5、avid help the woman?A. Because she had no money. B. Because she couldnt walk. C. Because she was an old friend of Davids ( ) 17. What kind of person is David?A. Busy. B. Kind. C. Bad. - ( ) 18. Where will they go? A. China. B. A park. C. A town.( ) 19. How long will it take them to go there? A. Thre

6、e hours. B. More than four hours. C. Less than four hours. ( ) 20. What will they have for lunch? A. Bread and water. B. Apples. C. both A and B. -( ) 21. Why does Mike look worried? A. Because he is not interested in English. B. Because he lost his bag. C. Because hes having trouble with learning E

7、nglish. ( ) 22. How should Mike improve his pronunciation? A. By watching TV. B. By listening to the teachers tapes. C. By listening to the radio. ( ) 23. What should Mike do with the new words? A. Write them in his notebook and study them. B. Repeat them at any time. C. Write them on the blackboard

8、. ( ) 24. When does the English club meet? A. On Tuesday. B. On Friday. C. On Tuesday and Friday. ( ) 25. What should Mike do to practice his writing? A. find a pen pal B. write a diary C. join the English club笔 试 部 分 .单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 26. Look! _ sun is now high in the south

9、ern sky. A. A B. An C. The D. / ( ) 27. Please be quiet, everyone! I have _ to tell you. A. a good news B. some good news C. many good news D. a piece good news ( ) 28. This shirt is small. Could you show me another _? A. one B. it C. that D. either ( ) 29. I think Li Leis composition is _ of all. A

10、. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting D. the most interested ( ) 30. Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest bank is? The nearest bank? You will have to walk _.A. 150-meters away B. 150 meter far C. 150 meters farther D. 150-meter-far away( ) 31. Youd better _ too much tim

11、e. A. dont waste B. not to waste C. not waste D. to not waste ( ) 32. When youre drawing the picture, youd better draw it _pencil. A. use B. in C. by D. with( ) 33. Larry is working on the computer, _ she? A. does B. doesnt C. is D. isnt ( ) 34. Before the exams, nobody wants to play computer games, it is interesting.A. because B. but C. if D. though( ) 35. It _ me twenty yuan to buy this cartoon book. A. paid for B. took C. spent D. cost ( ) 36. Are you sure that these hills _ with trees in a few years time? A. are covered B. will


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