【5A文】高中英语复习-必修4 Unit 1

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1、Revision,Unit 1 Women of achievement,.Some important words 1.战役;运动n. _ 2.成就,功绩n. _ 3.连接,关系n. _ 4.支持,拥护n&vt. _ 5.值得的adj. _ 6.事业,生涯n. _ 7.羞涩的;谨慎的;谦虚的adj. _ 8.观众,听众,读者n. _ 9.工程n. _ 10.直言的,坦诚adj. _,campaign achievement connection support worthwhile career modest audience project outspoken,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1

2、.激励;鼓舞(vt.)_;激励;鼓舞(n.)_;(adj.)_ 2.表现,行为,举动(vt.)_ ;行为,举止,习性(n.)_ 3.专家,专业工作者(n.)_;专门从事(v.)_ 4.考虑(v.)_;考虑,体谅(n.)_;考虑周到的(adj.)_ 5.争论,辩论,讨论(v.)_ ;争论,争辩,争吵(n.)_ ,argument,inspire,inspiration,Inspiring/inspired,behave,behaviour,specialist,specialize,consider,consideration,considerate,argue,6.成就,功绩(n.)_ ;获得

3、,达到,完成(v.)_ 7.打算,计划(vt.)_ ;意图,计划(n.)_ 8.看到,观察,观测(vt.)_ ;看到,观察,观测(n.)_ ,achievement,achieve,intend,intention,observe,observation,根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列小片段。 The workers, who_ (为而争论)their own rights, _(同争论)the boss for a few days, but the boss_ (反对) the rise in salary.,argued for,argued with,argued against,som

4、e important phrases 1.查阅,参考,谈到 _ 2.瞧不起;蔑视 _ 3.继续,坚持 _ 4.接生 _ 5.(偶然)遇见,碰见 _ 6.过着的生活 _ 7.碰巧,凑巧 _ 8.任凭做某事 _ 9.(想法或问题)涌入脑海 _ 10.离开,启程,出发 _,refer to look down upon/on carry on deliver a baby come across lead a.life by chance Leavedoing crowd in move off,11.吸引某人注意 _ 12.所选择的事业 _ 13.专门为了 _ 14.被置于次之 _ 15.对体贴

5、 _ 16.属于自己的 _ 17.降低死亡率 _ 18.取得博士学位 _ ,catch ones eye the chosen career be intended for be placed second to show consideration to of ones own cut the death rate gain a doctors degree,Some important sentence structure,1. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed t

6、o begin her project. (倒装句) 2. Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. It hits sb . “某人突然想到” 她突然想到在野外去研究观察黑猩猩是多么重要。 It hit her how important it was to study and observe chimps in the wild.,It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, tr

7、avelling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles. 林巧稚似乎一直都在为自己选择的事业忙碌,去国外留学,写了很多书和文章。 It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring babies. 这是一本小书,介绍如何从妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中降低死亡率。,What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration (that) she showed to all her patitents. 后来使她成功的是她对所有病人献出的爱心和体贴。,



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