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1、【MeiWei81-优质实用版文档】初中英语语法概述1、 同步知识梳理电影碟中谍4在世界最高楼-迪拜塔拍摄的场景 喂,你说这帅锅爬这么高的楼他害不害怕呀?我哪知道,我对帅锅不感兴趣,我只想知道这么高的楼,是怎么盖成的呀?摩天大楼都是由钢筋和一块块砖瓦共同建造起来的,即使有再多的砖瓦,没有钢筋,不管几层楼都建不成,更不要说是摩天大楼了。同理,英语学习也是一样。我们可以做个类比: 英语 语法 词汇 += 砖瓦 钢筋摩天大楼 = +由此类比可知,如果把英语比作一栋摩天大楼,那语法就是钢筋,词汇就是一块块的砖瓦,缺少了语法,光有词汇的堆砌,是不能进行正确的英语表达的。所以,同学们,请拒绝“Broken

2、 English”!用心去建造我们自己的语言大楼吧!在正式动工之前,我们需要先开启英语语法学习之旅。知识点1:语法概说语言通常包括三部分,即语音、词汇和语法。语法,简单的说就是一套系统并完善的语言规则,即按照这种我们可以将词汇串联起来构成句子。 语言 语音 词汇 语法知识点2:英语语法的构成 词法主要研究词类性质、词形变化以及词的用法。英语语法 句法主要研究句子种类和结构。知识点3:词法的相关概念Diagram1. 英语的词类及其划分哈哈,看我会72变已经很厉害了吧!原来比我还能变的是英语单词啊!1英语中主要有十大词类,分别是名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、冠词、介词、连词和感叹词。2.

3、 词形变化同学们,英语中大部分的词汇用在具体语境中都会“变身”哦!2 动词第三人称单数过去式过去分词现在分词.1 名词 单复数变化4数词基数词序数词3 代词主格宾格形容词性物主代词.6. 冠词不定冠词定冠词零冠词5.形容词、副词原级比较级最高级知识点4:句法的相关概念1. 句子的成分主语、谓语(主谓一致原则) 宾语、表语、定语、 状语、补足语句子成分 主要成分 次要成分2. 句子的分类结构上功能上 陈述句疑问句祈使句感叹句简单句并列句复合句 二、同步例题分析知识点1:词法题例1:(13.南京.1 )-Do you know Mo Yan?-Of course. He won the 20XX

4、Nobel Prize for Literature _B_ the age of 57. A. in B. at C. on D. to 例2:(13.常州.1 )-Have you got any books on English grammar? I want to borrow_A_. -Yes, here you are. But you must return it by Friday. A one B it C some D that例3:(13.苏州.7 )Paul made a nice cage _D_the little sick bird till it could f

5、ly Akeep Bkept Ckeeping Dto keep例4:(13.南京.4 )Lindas father hates waiting in long lines. I think hes just not very _A_.A. patient B. talented C. popular D. powerful知识点2:句法题例1:(13.南京.9 )-_D_ weather it is! We cant go boating on the Guanwu Lake. -Dont worry. Lets go to the Science Museum instead. A. Wh

6、at good B. How good C. How bad D. What bad例2:(13.常州.9 )-How soon will you start your journey? -Im not sure. I havent decided _B_. A when shall I ask the boss for leave B where I will go to spend the holiday C whether I would go by train or by plane D who could invite me to go例3:(13.南京.7 )There _C_ s

7、till some apple juice in the fridge. Its not necessary for us to go to the supermarket now.A. was B. were C. is D. Are 3、 课堂达标检测检测题1:-EGcuse me, is there _B_ book by Mo Yan? -Yes. Its on _ bookshelf over there. A. a; / B. a; the C. /; the D. the; a 检测题2:-Wow! Youve got so many clothes. -But _D_ of t

8、hem are in fashion now. A. all B. both C. neither D. None检测题3:If I am wanted in the telephone, ask him to leave a _A_. A. message B. letter C. diary D.sentence检测题4:My grandmother _B_ in Yangzhou. She was born there and has never lived anywhere else. A. lived B. lives C. was living D. will live检测题5:-

9、Could you tell me_D_? -More than a year.A. how soon will Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport be builtB. how long has Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport been in serviceC. how soon Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport will be builtD. how long Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport has been in service检测题6:Eagle Father was so_D_ with his son that he

10、 kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes. A. leased B. sorry C. careful D. strict检测题7:-Ill go to the USA neGt month. -_D_ for? A. Why B. How C. Which D. What初中英语语法考点(词法和句法)1、 专题精讲 语法考点一: 词法考点 知识点1:名词名词名词的格名词分类s 格 of格双重所有格普通名词专有名词可数名词不可数名词用以表示人、事物、时间、地点或抽象概念的名称。批注:名词是英语中一大实词,是中

11、考中的重要考点。前几年的中考中,名词的考察偏重单复数、名词所有格等考点,但是近几年的趋势是重点考察名词词义的辨析。例1:(13.南京)Mr White, the principal, has made a great _A_ to the growth of the school. A. contribution B. progress C. invention D. protection例2:(12.南京)Justin Biebers first single, One Time, is about one of his favourite _(topic),puppy time. 解析:该

12、题考查名词的单复数问题,选项中出现了one of.的固定句型,答案是topics。例3:(12.苏州)I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel-she has a pretty good_D_of direction Aidea Bfeeling CeGperience Dsense知识点2:代词批注:近五年中考对代词的考查主要集中在不定代词上,主要考察它们的含义和相互间的功能差别,所以需要掌握这一点,排除语境干扰。代词人称代词:主格和宾格物主代词:形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词反身代词指示代词疑问代词不定代词普通不定代词复合不定代词例1:(12.南京)Peter is so imaginative that most stu


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