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1、1. Cleanliness(清洁)1 Dirt stains 灰尘污渍2 Oil stains 油污3 Spots 斑点4 Presence of mould or mildew 发霉5 Wet or damp 弄湿或潮湿6 Unpleasant odor 不良气味7 Infestation of insects 有虫子8 Foreign objects 外物9 Needle detected 发现针2. Appearance(外观)1 Poor appearance 外观不良2 Incorrect product 错误的产品3 Poor handfeel 手感不良4 Colour vari

2、ation 颜色变异5 Inconsistent size 尺寸不一6 Different length 长度不一7 Improper fit 安装不正确8 Loose fit 装配松动9 Deformation of shape 外表变形10 Stress cracks 应力开裂11 Holes or cuts 破洞、切口12 Torn marks 撕裂痕迹13 Colour stains 颜色污渍14 Obvious creases 窗体顶窗体底端明显皱纹窗体顶端窗体底端15 Abrasion marks 摩擦痕迹16 Excessive scuffing 过度插伤17 Excessive

3、 scratching 过度刮痕18 Excessive flashing 过度飞边19 Excessive warping 过度扭曲20 Excessive part lines 过度部件分离线21 Obvious wrinkle marks 接缝痕22 Contamination 污染3. Fabric & material1 Fabric flaws 布料瑕疵2 Material deformed 材料变形3 Accessory distorted 附件扭曲4 Frayed edges 破损边缘5 Broken yarns 断纱6 Missing yarns 缺纱7 Pulling ya

4、rns 拉纱8 Coarse yarns 粗纱9 Colour yarns 色纱10 Knitting flaws 针织缺陷11 Stop marks 折痕(停车档)12 Dropped needles 掉纱13 Dye streaks 染色痕14 White spots 白点15 Colour bleeding 渗色16 Conspicuously pilling 明显起球17 Bowing 卷边18 Excessive fibre loss 过多纤维损失(掉毛)19 Uneven thickness 厚薄不均4. Stitching1 Monofilament thread used 单丝

5、使用2 Incorrect thread colour 色线颜色错误3 Uncut thread ends 线头4 Floating thread ends 浮动线头5 Poor stitching 不良车线6 Broken stitches 断线7 Missing stitches 漏缝8 Loose stitches 松动的缝线9 Tight stitches 太紧的缝线10 Skipped stitches 跳针11 Run-off stitches 落坑12 Crooked stitches 缝线弯曲13 Inlay stitches exposed 引线暴露14 Poor seami

6、ng 不良缝制15 Open seam 窗窗体底端爆扣窗体顶端窗体底端16 Inlay seam exposed 接缝暴露17 Inextensible seam 缝位打卷18 Twisted seam 缝位起扭19 Puckered seam 缝位起皱20 Pleated seam 缝位打褶21 Seams mismatched 错位缝22 Poor embroidery 绣花不良23 Poor buttonhole 锁眼不良5. Workmanship1 Poor workmanship 做工不良2 Missing body part 缺少配件3 Poorly cut 裁剪不良4 Poor

7、 fitting 装配不良5 Poor shape 形状不良6 Poor setting 设置不良7 Poorly positioned 位置偏移8 Asymmetrical positioned 错位9 Insecurely fastened 固定不安全10 Conspicuously roping 捆绳痕迹11 Excessive twisting 过多缠绕12 Excessive puckering 过多起褶、起皱13 Conspicuously damage 损坏14 Poor fusing interlining 粘衬不良15 Poor stuffing 填充不良16 Stuffin

8、g material exposed 填充物外露17 Incomplete brushing 刷涂不良6. Assembling1 Poor assembling 装配不良2 Cosmetic defects 外观缺陷3 Exposed sharp point or edge 锋利的边缘,尖状物4 Rough surface or edge 粗糙的表面5 Off position 移位6 Position mismatched 错位7 Excessive gap 缝隙过大8 Obvious skewing 明显的偏移9 Poor casting 铸造不良10 Poor cementing 上胶

9、不良11 Poor gluing 点胶不良12 Weak adhesion 粘合不牢固13 Excessive glue marks 过多的胶水痕迹14 Split seams 裂层15 Poor molding 成型不良16 Obvious flow lines 明显的流线17 Gate marks 注塑口胶渍未清理18 Short shot 浇筑,塑胶不足19 Poor book binding 装幁不良20 Poor laminating 分层不良21 Poor welding 焊接不良22 Poor soldering 焊接处不良23 Excessive solder 过多焊接物24

10、Poor polishing 抛光不良25 Gritty surface 沙面26 Pitted surface 麻面27 Poor screwing 拧螺丝不良28 Missing glitter 缺少闪烁彩粉29 Uneven glitter 彩粉不均匀30 Glitter coming off 彩粉脱落31 Sloppy glitter 闪亮不够32 Hair coming off 毛发脱落33 Uneven trimmed 切边不均匀34 Stiff control button 失效/僵硬的按钮35 Abnormal sound 不正常的声音36 Cords or wires broken 绒/线断开37 Bare wires exposed 裸露的电线38 Wire ends exposed 电线头裸露39 Excessive wobbling 不良摇摆40 Excessive incline 不良的倾斜7. Component & decoration1 Incorrect component



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