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1、7大学英语词汇与语法练习6:定语从句专项练习题答案及解析I. 定语的形式(注意,不止一种译法)请把下列短语译为英语,翻译时请注意下划线部分的形式。1. 迅速发展的经济 rapidly-developing economy2. 网上订购的商品the goods bought online3. 极具竞争力的价格a very competitive price4. 和中国联系最为密切的艺术形式the art form most closely related to China5. 造成这次事故的各种因素the various factors that led to this accident6. 人

2、口最多的国家the country with the largest population7. 成绩好的孩子children with good grades8. 中国南方地区著名的旅游目的地a famous tourism destination in South China9. 能更好地练习英语口语的机会an opportunity to better practice spoken English10. 中国与世界其他国家的文化交流the cultural communication between China and other countries11. 从美国引进的生产设备the e

3、quipment introduced from the U.S.12.专家强烈建议的措施 the measures the experts strongly recommendedII. 关系代词和关系副词A. 在以下空中填入恰当的关系代词或关系副词,是该句完整。1. He asked for the latest book that there is on the subject. (先行词前有最高级修饰)2. This monument is all that remains of the ancient city. (先行词前有all修饰)3. The book (that/which

4、) you are speaking of is unavailable. (先行词在从句中做宾语,也可以省略关系代词)4. I know a wood where/in which you can find wild strawberries.5. Is there any reason why you should have a holiday?6. I know someone else whose father works here.7. All that glitters is not gold. (先行词前有all修饰)8. Can you suggest a time when

5、it will be convenient to meet?9. We had a meeting, the purpose of which was completely unclear.10. Weve tested three hundred types of raincoat, none of which is completely waterproof.11. He was a man whom all his friends admired and who won the respect even of his enemies.12. Mr. White is the only d

6、ealer (that) I know who gives good prices.B. 在以下空中填入恰当的“介词+关系代词”,使该句子完整。1. The picture, for which he paid $1,000, was once owned by a duke.2. I am grateful to him for that advice, to which I owe all my success.解析:owe sth. to sb./sth.表示“把归功于”。3. The Tower of London, about which a lecture is to be giv

7、en tomorrow, was one of the worlds historic buildings.解析:该句意思为“伦敦塔,明天会有一场关于它的讲座,这是世界历史建筑之一。”4. We can now see in a very general way the method by which the computer works.5. This depends on the purpose for which the material is used.6. Geometry, about which I know nothing, seems a very dull subject.

8、7. Shes married to a physicist of whom you may have heard.8. They tried to think of a plan by which they could fulfil their task ahead of time.III. 定语从句选择题1. All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants _ wild.A. once they grewB. they grew onceC. that once grewD. grew once答案

9、:C解析:句子含义为“现在种植在农场里的各种植物都是由过去一度野生的植物培育而来的。”2. Author Edith Wharton thoroughly understood the society _.A. she had grown upB. she had grown up inC. that had she grown up inD. in which she had grown up答案:D解析:句子含义为“作家沃顿非常了解她从小到大生活的这个社会。”3. A solar day is the length of time _ the Earth to revolve once a

10、round the sun.A. takesB. takes itC. it takesD. he takes答案:C解析:句子含义为“日周期就是地球围绕太阳一周的时间长度。”该句省略了关系代词that,先行词time在从句中做宾语,还原从句应为it takes the Earth(time) to revolve once around the sun(字面意思:需要花地球多少时间去围绕太阳转一次)。4. We saw a film at the Jilim Cinema last night, _ we had supper at a nearby restaurant. A. whenB

11、. which afterC. after whichD. and that after答案:C解析:句子含义为“我们昨晚在Jilim电影院看电影,在此之后我们在附近的一家餐馆吃晚饭。”该句中关系代词which指代的是前面的整个句子。5. The scholar has made another breakthrough in this field, _ of great importance to the progress of science and technology. A. I think which is B. which I think it is C. which I thin

12、k isD. about which I think it is答案:C解析:句子含义为“这位学者在该领域又取得了突破,这在我看来是对科技发展极为重要的。”该句中关系代词which指代的是前面的整个句子。I think是插入语,不影响整个句子的结构,也就是, which (I think) is of great importance 。答题时把I think拿走会更容易理解。6. There is no rule _ has exceptions. A. that B. butC. whatD. which答案:B解析:句子含义为“没有无例外的规则(凡是规则都有例外)。” but作为关系代词

13、也可以引导定语从句,同具有否定意义的主句连用,其先行词可以是人、事、物。but在意义上等于that not, whichnot, whonot,只用于限定性定语从句。“There is no rule but has exceptions.”意思相当于“There is no rule that does not have exceptions.”说明:but的这一用法大家了解即可,只需记住but往往表示否定意义。7. _ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion

14、 produce no concrete proposals. A. ThatB. ItC. WhatD. As答案:D解析:句子含义为“正如对一个新的想法通常的做法那样,大量的前期活动和乐观的讨论没有产生任何实际建议。” 这是as作为关系代词引导的定语从句。在非限定性定语从句中,as代替整个主句。As引导的定语从句位置灵活,可以在主句前、中或后面,一般用逗号与主句隔开,通常理解为“(正)如一样”。例如:As is reported, the president will visit the city.(正如报道的那样,该总统将访问这个城市。)She became angry, as many

15、 could see. (她生气了,正像很多人看到的那样。)8. With the introduction of the electronic computer, there is no complicated problem _ can be solved in a few hours. A. thatB. whichC. butD. what答案:C解析:句子含义为“随着电子计算机的引入,没有一个复杂的问题不能在几小时内解决了(任何复杂的问题都能在几小时内解决。” 这是but作为关系代词引导的定语从句,表示否定意义,参考第6题的解析。这句话相当于, there is no complicated problem that can not be solved in a few hours.9. The reason _ he rejected our plan is that he had no fait



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