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1、【MeiWei_81-优质适用文档】三年级英语学科(上)第四单元形成性测试试卷 学 亲爱的同学们:一个学期又结束了!在这一段时间的英语学习中,你一定收获了很多很多。下面就检测一下吧!你只要积极动脑,认真思考,就一定能发挥出你自己的水平,取得优异的成绩。注意书写时要做到标准、规范、美观、大方哟,相信你的试卷能给我们赏心悦目的感觉。孩子,你一定行,因为你是最棒的!听力部分(40分)一、选出你所听到的单词(20分)( ) 1. A. singing B. laughing ( ) 2. A. cat B.cry ( ) 3. A. fat B. family ( ) 4. A. daughter B

2、. doctor ( ) 5. A. student B. short ( ) 6. A. son B. school ( ) 7. A. young B. yellow ( ) 8. A. head B. handsome ( ) 9. A. pretty B. pencil ( )10. A. officer B. orange 二、听音排序。(20分)( ) 1. Hi , Li Ming ! ( ) 2. Thank you ! ( ) 3. Happy birthday ,Jenny . ( ) 4. Today is my tirthday . 笔试部分(60分)1、 找出不同类的

3、单词。(10分)( )1.A.family B.father C. mother D. son( )2.A.CanadaB. Jenny C.Bob D. LiMing( )3.A.bus driver B. businessman C.police man D. sister( )4.A.jumping B. laughing C.sister D. talking( )5.A.orange B. pink C.mother D. green二、 选择填空。(20分) ( ) 1. Whats she doing?A.Shes crying . B.They are playing.( )

4、2. 我们是幸福的一家。 A. My family lives in China. B. We are a happy family.( ) 3. is Lynn? Shes still at school .A Whose B Where( ) 4. How old is he ? is nine years old . A. he B. He( ) 5. Today is my . A.brother B.birthday( ) 6. Whats the matter ? A. My had hurts . B. My leg hurt . ( ) 7.What are they doin

5、g ? They are . A.work B.working ( ) 8. I will a birthday party . A.have B.has ( ) 9.LiMings mother is a woman. LiMings father is a man. A.big/small B.short/tall.( ) 10.My father is . My sister is .A. old/young B. white/black三、连词成句。(每句3分,共15分)1、is my This brother .2、girl pretty She a is .3、are you How old ?4、to birthday Happy you !5、are they What doing . 四、根据自己家的实际情况,回答下列问题。(每问3分,共15分)1、What does your father do ? How old is he ? 2、What does your mother do ? How old is she ? 3、Do you have any brother or sister ? 本试题题型多样,难易适中,符合三年级初学英语的儿童,知识点紧抠本单元的重点内容,是一份比较合格的试卷。 检测人:刘亚瑞【MeiWei_81-优质适用文档】



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