【5A文】Why do you like koalas6

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《【5A文】Why do you like koalas6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【5A文】Why do you like koalas6(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Why do you like koalas,Unit 3,Section B,挑战第一关!,抢答,1.what animals can swim?,2. What animals eat grass?,3. What animals eat meat?,4. What animals eat leaves?,a leaf-leaves,挑战第二关!,形容词知多少?,smart 聪明的,漂亮的,smart 聪明的,漂亮的,1.ugly_ 2.clever_ 3.friendly_ 4.beautiful_ 5.small_ 6.cute_ 7.shy_ 8. scary_,b,b,b,b,b

2、,b,b,b,挑战第三关!,我听、听、听。,2a、2b,Fill in the chart:1,interesting clever,ugly,beautiful shy,cute,2b,挑战第四关!,我说说说!,A: What other animals do you like? B: I like dogs,too. A: Why? B: Because theyre friendly and clever.,3,A:What animals do you like? B: I like elephants. They are cute.,Pairwork,A:What animals d

3、o you like? B: I like s. They are . A: What other animals do you like? B: I like s,too. A: Why? B: Because theyre ,Report:,He /She likes . Because theyre . She/He likes , too. Because theyre .,挑战第五关!,我猜猜猜,3a,Molly? Ling Ling? Bill ? ? ? ?,a,b,c,d,This is Molly. Shes twelve years old. Shes from Afric

4、a. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.,a,This is Ling Ling. Shes five years old. Shes from China. Shes very beautiful, but shes very shy, so please be very quiet.,d,This is Bill. Isnt he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day. but at night he gets up and eats leaves.,c,This is Larry. Hes from _. Hes eight _ old.He _ meat. Larry is _. He usually _and relaxes 20 hours every day !,Africa,years,eats,lazy,sleeps,


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