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1、,Welcome to our class,Amy,How did you spend your summer holiday(暑假)? Wonderful/ happy/ exciting/ colorful/boring.,Interesting and exciting.,Ways of learning English,How do you study Chinese and English?,How do you use Chinese?,listening speaking reading writing,I learn Chinese by listening to,the ra

2、dio songs parents speaking friends speaking,By speaking it every day . 每天都讲中文,每天都读中文,By reading it every day. (text books, newspapers, magazines, story books By watching TV, By watching movies,学好英语的方法,1.我认为学英语的最好方法是多用英语。 2.记住单词的最好方法是多阅读英文报纸或文章。 3.记英文流行歌曲的歌词或者英文电影台词也是有一些帮助的。,Specific (具体的)suggestions

3、:,by having the English class carefully . by taking notes carefully . by finishing my homework seriously .,By studying with a group. By watching English programs on TV. By enjoying English songs. By reading the textbook. (读教科书) By surfing the internet. (网上冲浪) By making flashcards. (做单词认读卡片),Difficul

4、ties(困难) in learning English,老师讲话太快了,我听不懂。 我害怕课上发言, 怕同学笑话。 我不能说完整的句子。 我的语法不好。,Challenges,What are the solutions(解决措施)?,1)听不懂每一个单词没关系。 2)做大量的听力练习是秘诀之一。 3) 课上记大量的笔记。 4)用学习的语法自己造句子,英语课前准备:,1.课前准备好英语作业本,听写本,笔记本放在书桌左上角。 2.课前要做好预习工作,把下节课要讲的内容,自己前一天做好预习。 3.当天布置的书面和背诵任务当天完成,第二天要检查听写。,1.Class begins. 开始上课 2.

5、Stand up. 起立 3.Sit down, please.请坐 Thank you. 4.Are you ready?准备好了吗?Go.准备好了。 5.Who wants to try?/ Who can help me? 谁来回答? 6.Come on, boys and girls. 孩子们加油 。 7.Take it easy.别紧张。 8. Please say it again. / Pardon? 请再说一遍。 9.Please read after me.请跟着我读 10. Lets have a review. 复习 11. Are you clear?/ Understand? 清楚,理解了吗? 12.Times up, see you tomorrow .Goodbye. 时间到,下课,课堂用语,Thank You !,


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