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1、,材料导论,教材: 励杭泉编 “材料导论”, 轻工业出版社, 2000 参考书: 任选,一、什么是材料?,What are materials?,Materials are the matter of the universe. These substances have properties that make them useful in structures, machines, devices, products, and systems.,材料是宇宙间可用于制造用品的物质。,聚丙烯短纤维,塑料布,门窗玻璃,汽车与高速公路,铁路,二、材料发展史,材料的发展史=人类的文明史,石器时代-

2、N万年前 2000BC 青铜时代- 2000BC 500BC 铁器时代- 500BC 19世纪 高分子时代 - 20世纪,非理性阶段 (主要依靠工匠、艺人的经验技术),石 器,陶 器,陶 器,陶 器,铜 器,大 方 鼎,青 铜 器,越 王 宝 剑,编 钟,铁 器,铁 器,理性化阶段,18世纪后,工业迅速发展,在物理学、化学、材料力学等学科的基础上,金属学、陶瓷学、高分子材料学应运而生。,蒸汽机,1839年,美国人Goodyear 发现天然橡胶与硫磺共热后呈现奇特性能。,1887 年,Count Hilaire de Chardonnet用硝化纤维素的溶液进行纺丝,制得了第一种人造丝。,合成纤维

3、,钢筋混凝土,材料设计阶段,计算机设计,三、材料家族,粉末金属,有色金属,钢铁,塑料,橡胶,粘合剂,涂料,纤维,陶瓷材料,玻璃,结晶陶瓷,碳材料,半导体,材料家族,good conductors of electricity and heat,not transparent to visible light,polished metal surface has a lustrous appearance,quite strong, yet deformable,金属,强度高、延展性好,良导体,不透明,光滑表面有光泽,METALS,The elements inherently metallic

4、 in nature,103Lw,97Bk,95Am,94Pu,93Np,92U,91Pa,67Ho,65Tb,1H,3 Li,4 Be,11Na,12Mg,5B,6C,7N,8O,9F,10Ne,13Al,14Si,15P,16S,17Cl,18Ar,19K,20Ca,21Sc,22Ti,23V,24Cr,25Mn,26Fe,27Co,28Ni,29Cr,30Zn,102No,101Md,100Fm,71Lu,70Yb,69Tm,68Er,66Dy,90Th,99Es,96Cm,98Cf,31Ga,32Ge,33As,34Se,35Br,36Kr,37Rb,38Sr,39Y,40Zr,41N

5、b,42Mo,43Tc,44Ru,45Rb,46Pd,47Ag,48Cd,49In,50Sn,51Sb,52Te,53I,54Xe,55Cs,56Ba,57La,72Hf,73Ta,74W,75Re,76Os,77Ir,78Pt,79Au,80Hg,81Tl,82Pb,83Bi,84Po,85At,86Rn,87Fr,88Ra,89Ac,58Ce,59Pr,60Nd,61 Pm,62 Sm,63 Eu,64 Gd,1A,IIA,IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA,O,VIIIB,IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB IB IIB,2 He,compounds between meta

6、llic and nonmetallic elements 金属与非金属元素的化合物,typically insulative to the passage of electricity and heat 不良导体,more resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments 耐高温、耐严酷环境,hard but very brittle 硬而脆,Ceramics,陶瓷,Electrical insulation,Thermal insulation,Chemical resistance,Magnetic inertness,Extre

7、mely light weight,Toughness,Transparency,Colorability,Polymers,电绝缘,热绝缘,磁惰性,化学惰性,重量轻,透明,韧性好,可染色,A composite material is a combination of two or more chemically different materials, having a distinct interface between them, which act together to produce a desired (tailored) set of properties. 不同材料的组合,

8、Composites,EXAMPLES OF COMPOSITES,Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors and insulators. 电性能介于导体与绝缘体之间,Furthermore, the electrical characteristics of these materials are extremely sensitive to the presence of minute concentrations of impurit

9、y atoms. 电性能对杂质含量极为敏感,Semiconductors,半导体,Biomaterials arc employed in components implanted into the human body for replacement of diseased or damaged body parts.,生物材料,用于制造人体植入物以取代染病或坏损部件的材料,Biomaterials,ADVANCED MATERIALS 先进材料,Materials that are utilized in high-technology applications are sometimes

10、 termed advanced materials.,在高技术中应用的材料,Lasers, integrated circuits, magnetic information storage, liquid crystal displays (LCDs), fiber optics, spacecraft, aircraft, and military rocketry and the thermal protection system for the space shuttle orbiter.,Examples of High-tech 高技术示例,激光、集成电路、磁记录、液晶显示、光导

11、纤维、宇宙飞船、导弹、航天飞机,The properties of materials can be engineered by controlling the sizes of these building blocks in the 1-100 nm size range and their assembly.,纳米材料,The building blocks of these materials, be it metal, ceramic or polymers, are nanometer size particles.,Nanostructured Materials,制药:大表面提

12、高可溶性 信息储存:颗粒小 解离吸附:消毒 太阳能电池:水解离 纳米冰箱:绝热去磁,四、材料科学与工程学科,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING,involves the generation and application of knowledge relating the composition, structure, and the processing of materials to their properties and uses.,材料组成、结构、加工与材料性质、使用之间关系的发现与应用,材料科学与工程是在金属学、陶瓷学和高分子科学的基础上发展起来的,综

13、合性学科 不论什么材料,尽管种类不同,各有特点,但却具有很多相通的原理、共性和相似的研究、生产方法 材料科学强调共性,强调各种材料之间的内在联系和相互借鉴。,材料科学与工程的学科性质,有别于物理学、化学、数学和力学等基础科学,是一门应用科学,WHY STUDY MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 学习的目的,研究材料,设计材料,选择材料,Does the material possess the necessary mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties?是否具有所需的物理机械性能?,Can the mate

14、rial be formed to the desired shape? 能否加工成型?,Will the properties of the material alter with time during service?性能是否随时间变化?,回答下列问题:,Will the material be adversely affected by the environmental conditions and resist corrosion and other forms of attack? 环境对材料是否有不利影响?,Will the material be acceptable on

15、aesthetic grounds? 是否符合风俗习惯?,Will the material give sufficient degree of reliability and quality? 质量是否可靠?,Can the product be made at an acceptable cost? 价格是否合适?,Can the product be recycled? 能否回收利用?,Processing 加工, Structure 结构, Properties 性质, Performance 性能,Properties,Mechanical,Electrical,Thermal,Ma

16、gnetic,Optical,Deteriorative,Physical,性质,机械(力学),热,电,磁,光,劣化(化学),物理,Materials are the matter of the universe. These substances have properties that make them useful in structures, machines, devices, products, and systems.,真实内涵: 满足性能要求的用品中的物质,完,材料的无限循环体系,原材料制取,材料环,材料科学与工程的任务,主要任务是揭示材料成分、结构、制造工艺和性能之间的关系,并以此指导研制具有新性质、


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