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1、Englands literary folle - The Bronte Sisters,The Bronte Sisters,Charlotte Bronte,Emily Bront,Anne Bront,(1816-1855),(1820-1849),(18181848),Charlotte Bronte,Life Works Writing style Influence,(Jane Eyre) 简爱 1847 (Shirley) 雪莉 1849 (Villette) 维莱特 1853 (The Professor) 教师 1857,Masterpiece,Shirley,一八四九年五月

2、,妹妹安妮勃朗特离世。在死亡的阴影和困惑下,夏洛蒂勃朗特坚持完成了雪莉,寄托她对妹妹的哀思,书中描写有英国早期自发的工人运动,获得至高评价。,Villette,本书是夏洛蒂勃朗特的最后一部作品,无论从创作思想或艺术手法上都比以前的作品更为成熟。本书的女主人公从许多方面来说,就是作者本人的真实写照,作者借本书展示了自己的主要经历,向世人倾诉自己的心声。,The Professor,教师(The Professor),创作于简爱之前,不过因为许多出版社拒绝出版,所以直到夏洛蒂死后1857年才出版。,Writing style,夏洛蒂勃朗特巧妙改造早期的男式风格罗曼司(骑士文学)而成的妇女专有文学形

3、式。在勃朗特的小说里,“高贵的男性模式”被淡化,那种手持锋利的宝剑,身穿闪闪的盔甲的骑士已经不是罗曼司的主要画面,取而代之的是女主人公的行动背景、感情世界、生活行为。从女性文学的角度看,简爱的出走正体现了夏洛蒂 勃朗特那隐约表露的女权主义倾向,然而,她的这种意识却并没有“革命彻底”。 在写作风格上,夏洛蒂也独树一帜。她文笔简洁而传神,质朴而生动,加之第一人称的叙述语言,使得小说贴近读者,贴近现实。同时,小说又体现了欧洲浪漫主义文学传统的特点,显示出作者丰富的想象力和诗人的气质。作者在叙述中自然地使用了梦境、幻觉、预感和象征、隐喻等手法,使小说的“自然”境界扑朔朦胧,情节扣人心弦。,Influe


5、,更是尊她为先驱,并把她的作品视为“现代女性小说”的楷模。,Emily Bront,Life Works Writing style Influence,Wuthering heights,Plot,Prologue (chapters 1 to 3) Mr Lockwood, a rich man from the south, has rented Thrushcross Grange in the north of England for peace and recuperation(恢复;挽回 ). Soon after arrival, he visits his landlord,

6、 Mr Heathcliff, who lives in the remote moorland(荒野;高沼地 ) farmhouse called “Wuthering Heights“. He finds the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights to be a strange group: Mr Heathcliff appears a gentleman but his manners and speech suggest otherwise; the mistress of the house is in her mid teens, an attra

7、ctive but reserved, even rude woman; and there is a young man who appears to be one of the family although he dresses and talks like a servant.,Being snowed in, he has to stay the night and is shown to an unused chamber where he finds books and graffiti(涂鸦) from a former inhabitant of the farmhouse

8、called “Catherine“. When he falls asleep, his dreams are prompted by this person and he has a nightmare where he sees her as a ghost trying to get in through the window. He wakes and is unable to return to sleep so, as soon as the sun rises, he is escorted back to Thrushcross Grange by Heathcliff. T

9、here he asks his housekeeper, Ellen Dean, to tell him the story of the family from the Heights.,The Childhood of Heathcliff (chapters 4 to 17),The story begins thirty years before when the Earnshaw family lived at Wuthering Heights consisting of, as well as the mother and father, Hindley, a boy of f

10、ourteen, and six-year-old Catherine, the same person that he had dreamt about and the mother of the present mistress. In that year, Mr Earnshaw travels to Liverpool where he finds a homeless, gypsy boy of about seven whom he decides to adopt as his son. He names him “Heathcliff“. Hindley, who finds

11、himself excluded from his fathers affections by this newcomer, quickly learns to hate him but Catherine grows very attached to him. Soon Heathcliff and Catherine are like twins, spending hours on the moors together and hating every moment apart. Because of this discord, Hindley is eventually sent to

12、 college but he returns, three years later, when Mr Earnshaw dies. With a new wife, Frances, he becomes master of Wuthering Heights and forces Heathcliff to become a servant instead of a member of the family.,Heathcliff and Cathy continue to run wild and, in November, a few months after Hindleys ret

13、urn, they make their way to Thrushcross Grange to spy on the inhabitants. As they watch the childish behaviour of Edgar and Isabella Linton, the children of the Grange, they are spotted and try to escape. Catherine, having been caught by a dog, is brought inside and helped while Heathcliff is sent h

14、ome. Five weeks later, Catherine returns to Wuthering Heights but she has now changed, looking and acting as a lady. She laughs at Heathcliffs unkempt appearance and, the next day when the Lintons visit, he dresses up to impress her. It fails when Edgar makes fun of him and they argue. Heathcliff is

15、 locked in the attic where, in the evening, Catherine climbs over the roof to comfort him. He vows to get his revenge on Hindley.,In the summer of the next year, Frances gives birth to a child, Hareton, but she dies before the year is out. This leads Hindley to descend into a life of drunkenness and

16、 waste. Two years on and Catherine has become close friends with Edgar, growing more distant from Heathcliff. One day in August, while Hindley is absent, Edgar comes to visit Catherine . She has an argument with Ellen which then spreads to Edgar who tries to leave. Catherine stops him and, before long, they declare themselves lovers. Later, Catherine talks with Ellen, explaining that Edgar had asked her to marry him and she had accept


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