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1、because of 因为;由于,because 是连词,其后接句子;because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 引导的名词性从句等。,1. He didnt go to school because he was ill.,He didnt go to school because of his illness.,He lost his job because of his age.,2. He lost his job because he was too old.,1. She was angry because of what you said.,2. I l

2、ove my parents because of what they did for me.,3. I didnt buy it because it was too expensive.,I didnt buy it because of the price.,4. My grades improve very fast because I have good study habits.,my grades improve very fast because of having good study habits.,(1) The plane couldnt take off _ the

3、storm.,(2) He studies very hard, _he wants to get a good job in the future.,because of,because,(3) We cant go to the zoo _ the weather is too bad.,because,(4) We cant go to the zoo _ the bad weather.,because of,(5) He left the company _what the boss said at the meeting.,because of,2. native adj 本国的;

4、本地的 n. 本地人;本地人,native country = homeland 祖国;故国 native language 母语 be native to 原产于(某地),3. come up 走近;被提出;发生,come up with (sth) 提出;想出 sth come up 某事被提出,如果有事情发生,我会给你打电话。,一个乞丐走近我们向我们讨钱。,这项新计划将会在会议上被提出来。,(1) The storm is coming up.,(2) Christmas is coming up soon,sth is coming up 某事即将到来,一个新的想法在会议上被提出来了。

5、,我希望我能想出好主意。,4. actually adv. 实际上;事实上,actually和in fact,as a matter of fact都有事实上、实际上的含义,词性也一样,都是副词。都可以修饰句子。但是,actually还可以修饰动词、形容词、副词,而另两个不可以。,事实上,他是我的表哥。(放句首,修饰后面的句子),恐龙确实曾经存在于地球上。(修饰动词existed),事实上,我早就知道了。(修饰后面的句子),实际上,其实我和他母亲很熟的。(修饰后面的句子),base vt. 以为根据 n. 基部, 基础,basic adj. 基础的 ,基础的 basic education 基

6、础教育 basic knowledge 基础知识 be based on 以为根据/基础,友谊是以共同的兴趣为基础。,这本书是以真实的故事为基础。,教育权利是人的基本权利。,(4) These quarrels are based on misunderstanding,这些争吵是基于误会。,6. make use of 利用,使用,make good use of make the best use of make full use of,充分利用,好好利用,fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的 fluently adv. 流利地,流畅地,be fluent in 在方面很流利,for e

7、xample用来举例一般只举同类人或物中的“一个“为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。 such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。such as后面不可有逗号。,8. such as 例如; 像这种的,frequent adj. 频繁的,常见的 frequently adv. 常常,频繁,Frank是我们家的常客。,战争频繁地在这个国家发生。,这儿夏季雨很频繁。,frequent visitor 常客,熟客,10. command vt/n 命令;掌握,command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 command that sb(should)do sth

8、 have a good command of sth 精通,(4) He has studied abroad for many years and has a good command of English.,我一下命令就开火。,国王下令,所有的士兵要六点起床。,他命令敌人举起手来。,他再国外留学了很多年并且精通英语。,11. request vt/n 请求,要求,request sb to do sth request that sb(should)do sth make a request for 提出请求 receive/ ignore/ consider a request 收到/无视/考虑请求,(4) Customers made requests for better service.,我们应该请求援助。,他们要求学生要学第二外语。,我们要求他尽快离开房间。,顾客要求更好的服务。,9. play a part in 扮演一个角色;在起作用,play a role in 在中起作用,在中扮演一个角色 play an important part/role in 在中起着重要的作用,11. recognize vt. 辨别出; 承认;公认,be recognized as 被认为是,被公认为 recognize.by / from. 由认出,



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