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1、重油采购供应合同(范本)篇一:重油采购合同重油采购合同 甲方(买方):_ 乙方(卖方):_因甲方工程需要,需向乙方采购施工所用重油,经甲、乙双方协定,根据中华人民共和国合同法,就重油的供应等事宜达成以下共识,特签订本合同,以便共同遵守。(双方代理人身份证复印件信息作为附件)一、产品名称:沥青拌和站用重油二、合同期限为_年,_年_月_日至_年_月_日止。三、产品质量标准:重油要求水份4%,热值不低于8500大卡,具体标准以甲方能够正常点火为定。如因甲方机械故障及工作人员操作不当而不能点火,则与乙方无关。四、产品计量单位及计量方法:单位以吨计算,计量方法以甲方磅称为准,如乙方有异议,也可以第三方磅

2、为准。五、收货方式及地点:甲方收到乙方油品后,需开具收货单由收货人签字并加盖专用章给乙方。收货地点为_ _六、甲方采购数量:总量不得低于_吨,单次采购数量不低于_吨,以便乙方安排运输车辆,乙方货到后甲方应派工作人员予以配合卸油。七、产品价格:乙方含运费送货到甲方的指定地点,重油价格为_元/吨,合同期内如果市场行情涨跌超过5%,则双方可协商重新定价。八、产品的供应保障:乙方应在签订本合同起,积极储备一定数量合格的重油,如因数量供应不上可不能满足甲方要求,甲方可以从第三方采购,如果乙方能正常供应,甲方不得向第三方采购重油,否则应赔偿乙方损失_1应甲方要求,在合同期内,供应重油货款九、结算方式:在_


4、甲乙双方各执一份,未尽事宜双方协商解决。 甲方签字: 乙方签字: 身份证号: 身份证号:担保人签字:电话号码:身份证号: 账 号:电话号码: 开 户 行:日 期: 年月日篇二:燃料油重油销售和采购合同(中英对照)Total Duration: 13 constitutive months燃料油(重油)M100 GOST 10585-75销售和采购合同thBetween: 签约方 以下简称卖方:COMPANY NAME:卖方公司名称:ADDRESS:TELEPHONE NUMBER:E MAIL ADDRESS:REPRESENTED BY:TITTLE:DATE: 以下简称买方: COMPAN

5、Y NAME : 公司名称:ADDRESS :地址:TELEPHONE NUMBER :电话:REPRESENTED BY :代表:TITLE :Total Duration: 13 constitutive monthsDATE :(Hereinafter shall be referred to collectively as “Parties” or singularly as “Party”).Whereas, the parties mutually accept to refer to the General Terms and Definitions, as set out by

6、 the INCOTERMS Edition XX with latest amendments, having the following terminology fully understood and accepted:(以下统称“双方”或单独作为“甲方”)。然而,双方相互接受的一般条款和定义,国际贸易术语解释通则“XX年版最新修订,具有下列术语充分理解和接受:DEFINITIONS:定义Metric Ton A measure of weight equivalent to one thousand kilogram mass (1,000 kg) 公制吨的重量相当于措施一千千克重量(

7、1000公斤)Commodity 300,000 Metric Tons per Month elsewhere is this Contract also referred to as “Product” or “Fuel Oil M100”, the specifications for which appear in Annex A attached and by this reference confirmed an integral part of this Contract.商品每月30万吨,本合同其它地方也称为“产品”或“燃料油M100”, 本协议在附录1还提到该商品详细材质单,

8、也是本合同的组成部分。Day天 Means a Calendar day, unless differently specified.是公历天的意思,除非特殊说明Month月 Means a Gregorian calendar month.是公历月的意思CalendarQuarter日历季度ASTM美国测试和材料协会 Period of three (3) consecutive months 1 January, 1 July or 13个连续月 - 1月1日,4月1日,7月1日,10月1日。 American Society for Testing and Materials, is t

9、he institute, internationally recognized,that approved all Standards,Tests and Procedures used in the Oil Industry and to be referred inThe Agreement to the latest revised edition with amendments in forceTotal Duration: 13 constitutive monthsOut-turn结算Bill of Lading提单DischargeTerminal卸货码头CIFDelivery

10、 Date to date. 美国测试和材料协会,国际认可研究所,批准在石油工业中使用的所有标准,测试和程序,本协议采用已生效的最新修订版本。 The quantity and quality of the product ascertained, according to the ASTM procedures, on completion of the discharge operations. The so determined out-turn quantity and quality is the base on which the amount will be computed f

11、or the payment of the product effectively delivered to the Buyer. 根据ASTM流程,已确定一定数量和质量商品完成卸载操作,确认商品结算数量和质量是买方计算商品付款金额的基础。 The official document, issued at the load port after completion of the loading operations, stating, among other things, the ships loaded quantity, expressed in Metric Tons (MT) pe

12、r the definitions herein. This document has to be signed in original by the ships Master and made out in accordance with the instruction hereinafter specified in this contract. 装载作业完成后在装货港签发的正式文件。除其它信息外,说明船舶的装载量,根据定义以公吨(MT)表述。这份文件必须由船长签署原件,并按照本合同下面指定的指令发布。 The safe port/berth designated by the Buyer

13、 as final receiving destination. 买方指定的作为最终货物接收地安全港口/泊位。 Cost, Insurance and Freight strictly as referred to in the interpretations defined by the INCOTERMS Edition XX with latest amendments. 成本、保险和运费(CIF)严格遵照INCOTERMSXX最新修订版本解释。 The date mutually accepted by both Seller and Buyer as the date on Tota

14、l Duration: 13 constitutive months交货日期 which the nominated international Surveyor Company has ascertainedthe quantity and quality of the product pumped into the Buyersdesignated discharge terminal INCOTERMTM XX.卖方买方双方相互接受提名的国际测量师公司报告日期,该日期已确定一定数量质量产品注入买方指定卸货码头设施。遵照INCOTERMSXXBanking Day银行日Any day on which the bank opens for business in jurisdiction where the SELLER and BUYER are located.任何一天启动该银行的业务,即卖方和买方所在地的司法管辖权。Execution Date执行日期The date on which the Seller and Buyer receive their respective faxed copies of this Contract, or as may be indicate



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