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1、Nanjing 1912 District A Bit of History Photos,Nanjing 1912 District,1912 is Nanjings well-known fashionable district. It blends together a variety of consumer activities, but the most explosive and attractive are its bars. Every night after nine oclock, huge speakers accompany the bustling crowd, be

2、ginning a new carnival. 1912是南京著名的时尚街区。它混合了各种消费方式,但最出名的还是酒吧。每晚九点之后,将会挤满成群结伴的人,开始他们的狂欢。,If you ask any Nanjing local, where is the best place to have a night out in town, chances are the answer would be a cryptic “1912“. 1912, as it is known in these parts, is a newly constructed mall of old-style bu

3、ildings that takes up a whole block in Chiang Jiang Street (长江路). For most locals this is definitely the place to find the trendy restaurants, bars, and cafes. 如果你要问南京夜生活的标志,最有可能得到答案便是神秘的1912。它是以旧式风格建筑为主的新型街区,占据了整个长江路。对于大多数本地人来说它是个合乎潮流的餐厅,酒吧坊以及咖啡馆街区,建于1910年的英式小楼,据说蒋介石的牙医曾在此居住,该建筑建于1945年,曾经作为国民党青年军官的

4、“经适房”,建于1910年的英式小楼,如今,这种庭院在都市中十分稀有,建于1923年的C字楼,当年何应钦、陈诚频繁出入此处,这幢红色二层楼建筑,曾经是国民党青年军官宿舍,A Bit of History,Apparently 1912 is named such to mark the year the Dr. Sun Yat Sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty, seating Nanjing as the capital of the newly created Republic of China. There is a good reason for this

5、link too, 1912 is situated next door to the old headquarters of the Chinese Nationalist Party. 1912是孙中山推翻清朝的标志,并建立了中华民国定都南京。并且1912街区紧邻原国民党司令部(总统府),Photos,The day and night of 1912 will definitly give you diffient feeling. DAY NIGHT,Quiet Nostalgic,alluring (诱惑的),fashionable,1912,STARBUCKS COFFEE,KFC

6、 / PIZZA HUT,COSTA,POP TOWN,N,Nine Nigel pot,CHAMATE,KFC / PIZZA HUT,Kentucky Fried Chicken,STARBUCKS COFFEE,Because the Starbucks cafe the rendering of the atmosphere is an advocate of knowledge, respect for people-oriented, with a little new rich style of culture. In the cafe Starbucks, emphasis i

7、s no longer a coffee, but culture and knowledge.,Starbucks culture actually is built around people and knowledge to make these two themes of the culture, the core of this culture is as much as possible comfortable environment helping people to widen the knowledge and ability level, tap the knowledge

8、 of the most value.,COSTA COFFEE,In all of Costa store, has its own specialty coffee Baristas, they all received the Italian professional training Costa, especially for your site to the enthusiasm of the infusion of pure Italian style espresso. Costa has created from the unique flavors of Italy stro

9、ng coffee, producing the highest quality coffee is Costa lasting promise .,POP TOWN,Decoration fashion, the sound effects are very good, service, song update speed blazing fast, delicious meal.There is also the worlds most fashionable WII games free to play.,Nine Nigel pot,Various containers are tan

10、gible, non-ferrous metals, there are quality, it is “doodling“ true portrayal, chefs developed by soup and sauce bias affordable, flavor vary, relax fine products, or harmonization as if fresh are beautiful songs sing sing, or hot and pungent let your taste is indestructible.,CHAMATE,It adheres to p

11、rovide natural, delicious, healthy and high quality food and drink culture. A modern representation of gastronomy with Chinese characteristics; most of the food product is in the companys own central kitchen complete preparation, then transported to the store to ensure quality and consistency of the

12、 high standard of taste.,All food products are from the perspective of the “healthy“ development, must reach the ingredients of natural beauty, color and scent; insist on making the standards must not contain MSG in terms of good cuisine, the restaurants delicious taste products from carefully selec

13、ted fresh ingredients completely,There are lots of mid-to high-end shops in 1912 Street. Here we exhibit some of them, including famous restaurants and bars.,different bars,Although 1912 Street is famous for bars, today I want to introduce a restaurant called the Knights of the Round Table, which I

14、love very much.,Do you know,the steps of,having a formal,western meal ?,roasted bread,crisp outside & pliable inside,cocktail,low degree but now cancelled,salad,soup,entree,It is drank when you have your entre. And it is available to have a refill.,dessert,beverage,special activities,cheong-sam show

15、,The evening of December 1th 2007, a “Republic of China cheongsam show“; staged in Nanjing 1912 district, the models demonstrated many kinds of cheongsams,It showed the unique culture of the Republic of China,2007年12月1日晚,一场“民国旗袍秀”在南京市1912街区上演,模特们通过展示各式民国时期旗袍,演绎具有民国特色的旗袍文化。,On June 11th 2010,the famo

16、us bar street 1912 in Nanjing held the“Night of the Porsche sports car“ . Porsche Centre in Nanjing, meticulous planning, the event brought together many of the luxury Porsche sports car, Porsches bikers activities is a luxury car destined to feast, Starchaser investment chief operating officer Rolf. Mr. Ni Seoul gate Starchaser famous Porsche racing team Menzel (Christian Menzel) come to the event site,6月11日位于南京著名的1912酒吧


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