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1、 【北京舞蹈双周】 是国内极具规模的现代舞盛事。 每年夏天迎来超过250位 舞蹈艺术家, 近200位舞蹈学生, 以及超过5500位观众参与其中。 他们分别 来自全国各省市、 港澳台地区, 以及美洲、 欧洲、 非洲、 大洋洲及亚洲各国。 【北京舞蹈双周】 由北京雷动天下现代舞团、 广东现代舞团和香港城市当代 舞蹈团联合主办, 与 【广东现代舞周】 组成了全国最大的现代舞蹈活动网络。 【北京舞蹈双周】 缘起于2008年, 原为为期一周的活动, 轮番举办国际或全 国性舞蹈展演; 自2012年起, 这一活动扩展至为期两周, 活动第一部分为 学周】 , 第二部分为 【展演周】 , 上演来自中国及世界各地

2、现代舞精选作品, 成为一年一度的国际舞坛盛事。 The Beijing Dance Festival is one of the biggest celebration of dance in Beijing and among cities in China. More than 250 dance artists, close to 200 dance students and more than 5500 audiences congregate in Beijing every summer. These participants come from cities throughout

3、 mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, as well as North Tanzfrderpreis City of Munich 2002; 2nd Prize at the International Solo Choreography Competition in Stuttgart. He regularly teaches at Institut del Teatre in Barcelona, Centre James Carles in Toulouse and Epse Danse in Montpelier, amongst others.

4、MIKA has created choreographies for several dance companies such as Stattheater Braunschweig, Ballet Theatre Munich, Landesteater Linz, and Bratislava Dance Theatre. Since 2000, MIKA has been directing the CobosMika Dance Company with Olga COBOS. 課程介紹 Class Description 在此课堂上, 现代舞的时代性和地域性将融为一体。 这里既有西

5、方古典现代舞的痕迹, 又有芭蕾的线条, 更具有中国舞的独特韵律。 我们倡导身心 一体化, 提倡想象, 追求舞蹈灵魂。 技术是基础, 表现才是目的。 舞蹈编创既没有规律, 也不可能有技法。 我们的编导课将以 “感悟” 、 “启发” 引导大 家, 在课堂的练习中, 赋予所有人创作灵感。 我们鼓励大家在编创中去找寻自己的方法, 寻找自己的法则。 “East Meets West” Movement Technique and Composition. In the modern class, you will experience the freedom of modern dance, the d

6、iscipline of ballet and the flavor of Chinese dance. The unison of mind and body is priority of the class. The imagery of dance movements will be emphasized constantly from the beginning to the end of class. Technique is basic and expression is our goal. In the composition class, we will define and

7、develop your artistic voice, unique and personal artistic eye, and philosophy. 課程介紹 Class Description 课程强调对当下、 自己的身体与意识, 以及所处空间环境的适应与感知。 马内尔将不同领域的知识和技巧融会于课堂之中, 并营造一种分享与学习相呼 应的课堂氛围来启发学生的灵感。 学生们将学习联系的艺术: 其中包括对于动作、 身体以及空间和存在的联系。 课程将从唤醒关节、 肌肉、 知觉的热身 开始, 之后进行一些富有动感的小组练习, 例如: 信任和反射游戏, 从而使所有参与者在同样的兴奋状态下形成彼

8、此的联系。 此后学员将在动作的不同 次序, 动态变化, 旋转, 地面动作, 以及尝试在空间各个方向和位置移动中, 享受舞动的乐趣。 The main focus of the class is constant adaptation and awareness of the present moment, our own body, minds and the space around us. PALAU will bring the knowledge from different backgrounds and techniques, into an inspiring setting o

9、f sharing and learning. In the course, we will learn the art of adaption; to movement, to body, floor, space and to the state of being. It starts with a warm up of the senses, muscles and joints. Then it continues by practicing some dynamic group exercises, like trust and reflex games, allowing the

10、entire group to be connected, in the same alert state. And then, the pleasure of dancing and moving will follow by exploring different sequences, dynamics, spirals, in-and-out of the floor and travelling to as many different directions as possible in the space. 課程介紹 Class Description 该编舞课程将着重于动作的重复和

11、其与时空的变化。 本课程将从一个关注关节放松的热身开始。 之后将会从不同方面关注重复的概念: 对时间, 空间 的关注和身体的各个方面。 从预选编舞动机开始, 结合身体与出神概念的发声, 结合反义词 (如大/小, 热/冷, 具体/抽象, 硬/软) 来发现肉体的具体状 态。 本课程制定的目的是与舞者们分享编舞的过程。 The class focuses on repetition of movement and its transformation in relation with time and space. It will begin with warm-up from the ground

12、 with an attention on articular relaxation; then initiate various processes focusing on the notions of repetition: concerns of time, space and aspects of the body, from a proposed choreographic motif, integration of the body associated with the voice for an approach of the notion of trance, integrat

13、ion of a vocabulary drawing from a set of oppositions (large/small; hot/cold; concrete/abstract; hard/soft, and so on) in order to identify specific corporeal state. The workshop primarily intends for dancers wishing to share choreographic processes. 課程介紹 Class Description 课程力求实现充分的热身, 并挑战舞者们有技巧地实现暖

14、身练习, 通过缓慢的肌肉运动原理逐步发展为极具动态化和结构化的组合样式。 此外, 还特 别关注身体重量放松到地板, 平衡与失衡动作素材的交替以及不断的能量变化。 课程最后的编舞素材练习旨在发展舞者表演技巧和提升舞者的表现 力。 课程通过即兴舞蹈 (固定素材或戏剧元素) 、 文本、 搭档配合以及创意过程分享等方法探索新的舞蹈素材。 The class is designed to achieve a proper warm-up and to heat up the body through a slow start with a kinesiologic basis. In addition

15、to placement, special attention is given to proper release of weight onto the floor, alternation of balance and off-balance, and a constant change of energy. The class closes with learning of a choreography as a mean to develop interpretation and expression skills. Dancers will improvise on set mate

16、rial or on a free basis using theatrical imagery, text, with partners as well as sharing the creative process with the whole group. They are open doors for dancers to explore new choreographic material. As the workshop develops and new movement is created, the focus will shift naturally to composition and possibly to the structuring of small pieces of choreography. 10 北 京 舞 蹈 双 周 11 B e i j i n g D a n c e F e s t i v a l 我 長度 Duration:18 min 舞者 Dancers 刘红飞、孙蕊、冯晓明



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