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1、Unit 5,problems and advice,What should you do?,give it to the police,build a fence,tell the owner,Skimming,Looking at the first paragraphs and pictures in the text.,Letter 1 is probably about a flowerpot falling _ a flat. a. inside b. outside 2 Letter 2 is probably about _ the underground. a. riding

2、 b. bad behaviour on Letter 3 is probably about how a rude checkout assistant _. a. made a mistake b. changed into a polite one,b,b,a,Scan the first letter to tell whether the statements are Tor F A girl accidentally knocked over a flowerpot and did not tell anyone. The police had been to the flats

3、and only questioned a neighbours son. Someone was injured by the accident caused in Letter 1.,Scanning,T,F,F,everyone .,No one,Scanning: read the second letter and fill in the table,Last night,On the undergroud,The letters writer, 3 tough guys and a young boy,That 3 guys teased and bullied the young

4、 boy.,The writer felt regretful.,Scanning Read the third letter and answer some questions:,How does the checkout assistant treat the customers? 2. How much extra money did the writer keep? 3. Did the writer correct the error in the end?,Rudely and unhelpfully,Ten pounds,No,Discussion:Summarize the t

5、hree letters:,It fell out the flat.,Three tough guys bullied a boy.,The checkout assistant gave an extra 10-pound note for change.,She said nothing.,The writer got off at his/her station.,The writer left the shop with the 10 pounds.,She had a guilty conscience.,The writer felt regretful.,The writer

6、had a clear conscience.,Suppose you are the letter writers. Answer the questions below, starting each answer with Because, or write I do not know if appropriate.,Letter 1 1. Why did you say nothing before you left for the cinema with your friend? _ 2. Why did the police take a neighbours son to the

7、police station? _ 3. Why did your friend say nothing to the police? _ 4. Why did you write to the counsellor? _,Because no one was hurt.,Because the police thought he might be guilty.,Because she was frightened.,Because I had a guilty conscience.,Letter 2 5 Why did the tough guys begin to bully the

8、boy? _ 6 Why did you get off the train? _ 7 Why didnt you help the boy? _,I dont know.,Because it was my station.,Because I dont know what to do.,Letter 3 8 Why was the checkout assistant grumbling? _ 9 Why did you go back to speak to the checkout assistant? _ 10 Why was your conscience clear when y

9、ou left the shop? _,I dont know.,Because I discovered that she had accidentally given me too much change.,Because I did my best to correct the error.,Discussion: Do you agree the ways that the three writers do with their matters? If not, what do you think they should you do?,Homework,Read the text and the new words after the tape. Do Exercise D2 on page 66. Finish the table.,


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