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1、外国专家英文讲座主持稿(英汉对照)Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!女士们先生们,大家晚上好!Welcome to the Scientific Research and Paper Writing Tutoring Lecture Series of the IAHRWHUSC, We are very happy to gather here to hold an Doctoral Supervisor Forum, Im your host XXX.欢迎来到IAHR武汉大学学生分会“科学研究与论文写作辅导系列讲座”第4期活动现场,今天我们很高兴能够为大

2、家举办一场博导论坛,我是主持人XXX。Today we are much honored to invite Dr. Preben Maegaard to Wuhan University. Dr. Preben Maegaard is from Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, and he is the founder and director emeritus of this non-governmental organization. 今天我们非常有幸邀请到了Preben Maegaard来到武汉大学。Preben Maegaard 来自

3、北欧可再生能源总中心,他是这个非政府机构的建立者和名誉主任。He has devoted himself to the Renewable Energy career since 1970s. Forhiscontributions, he was awarded XXX, XXX, XXX and so on. Actually he has come to China for many times, so he is an old friend to us Chinese. 他从1970年代就开始投身于新能源发展事业,为了表彰他的贡献,他被授予XXX,XXX和XXX等奖项。事实上他已经来过

4、中国很多次了,所以他已经是我们中国人的老朋友了。Thank you. The theme of the speech today is The Utilization of Renewable Energy. Now, lets warmly welcome Dr. Preben Maegaard to give the speech.今天讲座的主题是“可再生能源开发利用”。下面,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎Preben Maegaard先生作报告!Thank you very much for your wonderful speech, we have learned a lot from it

5、. And now is the time for questions from the audience. So, do you have any questions for Dr. Preben Maegaard?非常感谢您的精彩演讲,我们从中学到了很多。接下来是提问环节。大家有没有什么问题要问Preben Maegaard先生?Thank you for your clear explanations. Here we prepared a present for you and please have a photo with us.感谢您细致的讲解.我们为您准备了礼物,请您与我们合影留念。 Thank you again for coming and giving so wonderful a speech.再次感谢您的到来和精彩的讲座。


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