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1、电大英语2最新作业答案作业41-5BBAAA 6-10ACCBB 11-15CCACC 16-20ABACC 21-25AACAB26I was too hot, but I couldnt open the window.27In spite of the rain, the visit was a success.28Im tall and thin, so is my mother.29What are they going to look after?30The burglars were disturbed by him.31-35BBABA 36-40AABAB41他在北京西区的一

2、所大学上学。42他在他朋友家偶然发现一幅古老的油画。43如果她中彩票,她就会买一所大房子。44这个公寓有点乱。45这两个男孩都擅长唱歌。 作业31-5ABABA 6-10CACAA 11-15ACBBB 16-20CABCB 21-25BBCAB26The laptop was stolen by him.27Instead of going to work the next day, he cleared up the flat.28She said that she couldnt find her notebook.29It was a place where he wanted to

3、go.30Tim has lost his camera, so have I.31-35ABCBA 36-40BBABA41我昨天让人把窗户擦了。42他过去每个星期天都打篮球。43他们在派对上玩得很开心。44她不喜欢游泳,她妹妹也不喜欢。45我已经学了三年的英语了。 开放英语2作业参考答案2(新)作业21-5ABBAA 6-10CCABB11-15BBCAB16-20CBAAB21-25BABCC26I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.27David asked Susan to phone him later.28Im

4、a teacher, so is she .29What did she forget about yesterday?30His neighbor heard them making a noise.31-35BBCAB36-40BBBAA41我们有足够的钱来改进这个网站。42你长得像你妈妈还是像你爸爸?43我周五必须得搬出来,因为Franco已经有另一个租客了。44世界上最大的体育赛事之一是奥运会。45等我们见面的时候,聊聊最近发生的事,该有多好呀!开放英语2作业参考答案1(新)学前准备1-5ABBBA 6-10BCBCB作业11-5BAABB 6-10CABBB 11-15BAAAB 1

5、6-20ACCCC 21-25BACBC26. Instead of staying in the meeting, he left the office.27. He asked where the restaurant was.28. That cinema is very nice, but the tickets are quite expensive.29. Hes gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.30. He didnt run fast enough to catch the bus.31-35CBABB 36-40ABBAA41.尽管这部电影很好看,但太长了。42.Sandy穿了一条长长的黑丝裙。43.我必须在6点前赶到机场。44.我肯定是把照相机落在商店里了。45.这个账目有点乱,得在下个月前整理好。


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