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1、 新概念第二册第14课姓名_ 分数_ 一、根据句意,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。 amusing, journey, experience, lift, language 1. We felt hungry and tired after a long_. 2. A strange man asked me for a(n)_ when I drove to work yesterday 3. How many_ can you speak?4 He has been to many places and has a lot of interesting_5. I found a piec

2、e of _news on the web this morning.二根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. I will call you _ _ _(一就) I get to Beijing. 2. The man told us two stories, but_ _ _(没有一个) was Interesting 3. If you cant speak English, you can answer my questions _ _ _ (用其他语言) 4._ _ (除了) money, what else do you get from your job?三改写句子。(写出与第一句意思相同

3、的句子,每空一词) 1. The man moved in next door yesterday. We know nothing about him The man moved in next door yesterday. We _know anything about him_ _.2. The moment she got on the bus, she began to talk loudly with her friend. _ _ _ she got on the bus, she began to talk loudly with her friend 3. Except f

4、or some spelling mistakes, your homework is good _ _ some spelling mistakes, your homework is good. 4. My sister cant speak French, and I cant either _ _ us can speak French4、 用括号中的词将以下句子连到一起。 1.I did not understand this question. (until) She explained it。2. I went to bed.(before) My parents came ba

5、ck。3. Lucy completed the project.(when)Iarrived。4.(By the time) He got to the airport, the plane took off.5Jims father mended the car. (after) It was broken。五、选词填空(except/exceptfor/exceptwhen)1. Noonewashurtintheaccident_theboy.2.Ilikeeverybody_him.3.Healwaysgreetsme_heisinagreathurry.4.Shedidntdoan



8、 replyingB.answertoC.replytoD.answering()5.Heinthefactoryforthreeyearsbeforehejoinedthearmy.A. hasworkedB.worksC.hadworkedD.willwork()6.Jimhadturnedoffallthelightshelefttheclassroom.A.afterB.untilC.sinceD.before()7.Isawaboystealingsomethingfromawomanthewayhometoday.A. onB.inC.byD.to()8.Heisantourist(旅行者)andhehasagreatmanyinteresting.A.experienced;experienceB.experience;experienceC.experienced;experiencesD.experience;experienced


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