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1、17单元单词释义解析,黄队,survival,英svavl 美srvavl n.幸存,生存;幸存者;遗物;遗风 1. Pragmatically, MTVs survival depends on selling the youth market to advertisers. 从务实角度来说,音乐电视网的生存依赖于把年轻人市场卖给广告商。 2. If cancers are spotted early theresa high chance of survival. 如果癌症在早期发现的话,存活的几率会很高。 3. They may hate what he does but their s

2、urvival depends on him. 他们或许讨厌他的营生,但他们要想活下来必须依靠他。,flop,英 flp 1. Very good use of the term flip - flop, by the way. 那一个立场不坚定,经常flip -flop 的人可就不能这么说咯! 来自互联网 2. It is the public who decide if a film is a smash or a flop. 影片成败与否取决于公众。 来自柯林斯例句 3. He seemed so sure of his decision, how could he flip-flop

3、so dramatically now? 他当时好像对自己的决定非常肯定,现在怎么会突然有如此巨大的转变呢?,devastating,英 devstet adj. 毁灭性的,灾难性的; 惊人的,可怕的; 迷人的; 强大的 v. 彻底破坏( devastate的现在分词); 摧毁; 毁灭 1. Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our society. 毒品是破坏我们社会的一大祸害。 来自柯林斯例句 2. I was devastating, if I do say so myself. 如果让我来说的话,我真是棒极了。 来自柯林斯例句 3. “Th

4、e Government is suppressing inflation by devastating the economy,“ he said. 他说,“政府正在通过破坏经济来抑制通货膨胀。”,slash,英 sl vt. 挥砍; 鞭打; 严厉批评; 大幅削减 vi. 严厉地批评; 猛砍 n. 猛砍; 斜线; 刀痕,伤痕; 沼泽低地 1. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil. 传统的刀耕火种农业方式耗尽了土地的肥力。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The band then signed to Sl

5、ash Records. 随后乐队和伤痕唱片公司签约。 来自柯林斯例句 3. The shop plans to slash fur prices after Spring Festival. 该店计划在春节之后把皮货降价.,hypothesis,英 hapss n. 假设,假说; 逻前提 1. The results confirmed his hypothesis on the use of modal verbs. 结果证实了他的关于情态动词用法的假设. 来自简明英汉词典 2. Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simp

6、lification is possible. 她的研究基于语言可以简化这样一个假说. 来自简明英汉词典 3. We have proved the hypothesis. 我们已经证明了这种假设.,flaw,英 fl: n. 瑕疵,缺点; 一阵狂风; 短暂的风暴; 裂缝,裂纹 v. 使生裂缝,使有裂纹; 使无效; 使有缺陷 vi. 生裂缝; 变的有缺陷 1. The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper. 他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The flaw in this stamp makes i

7、t less valuable. 这张邮票因为有点缺陷,不那么值钱. 来自简明英汉词典 3. It was a large diamond, but it had a flaw. 这是颗大钻石, 但它有一点瑕疵.,remedy,英 remdi n. 治疗法; 补救办法; 纠正办法; (硬币的)公差 vt. 改正,纠正,改进; 补救; 治疗 1. Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies. 这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。 来自柯林斯例句 2. Many remedies e

8、ffective in joint disease are primarily diuretic. 许多对关节病有效的药品主要含有利尿成分。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Why do intelligent people find quack remedies so appealing? 为什么聪明人会被江湖医术所吸引?,departure,英 dp:t(r) n. 离开,离去; 起程; 背离; 东西距离 1. They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge. 他们办完行李托运,到候机室找了座位坐下。 来自柯

9、林斯例句 2. The minutes towards departure ticked by, until finally the pilot arrived. 离出发的时间越来越近,最后飞行员终于到了。 来自柯林斯例句,spot,英 spt n. 地点,场所; 斑点,污点; 股票现货; 职位,职务 v. 弄上污渍,弄上斑点; 污辱,玷污; 认出,发现; 散步 adj. 现场的; 现货的; 插播的 1. McGregors effort was enough to edge Johnson out of the top spot. 麦格雷戈奋力一搏,成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。 来

10、自柯林斯例句 2. Schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate. 各学校接到通知,要求考试信息必须准确无误。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot. 即便是聪明人在面对难题时也未必就能表现得特别聪明。,instant,英 nstnt n. 瞬间,顷刻; 此刻; 当月; 速食食品,即溶饮料 adj. 立即的; 迫切的; 正在考虑的,目前的; 即食的 1. Small armored ta

11、sk forces had reconnoitered the area. 一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察. 2. Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap. 成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。 3. We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armored cars in foggy weather. 雾天我们能保证装甲车准时到达。,hit,英 ht vt.& vi. 打,打击; 碰撞 vt. 击(球

12、); (在精神上)打击(某人); 猜中; 迎合 n. 打,打击; 碰撞; (演出等)成功; 批评,讽刺 1. As I sidestepped, the bottle hit me on the left hip. 我侧一步要躲闪的时候,瓶子打中了我的左髋部。 来自柯林斯例句 2. If somethings a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it. 如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。,reverse,英 rv:s vt.& vi. (使)反转; (使)颠倒; 掉换,交换; 法撤消,推翻 1. Amis tells the story

13、in reverse, from the moment the man dies. 埃米斯以倒叙的方式讲述了这个故事,从这个男人死去的时候开始讲起。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect. 错误的态度会产生完全相反的效果。,odorless,英 dls adj. 没有气味的,无臭的 1. Hydrogen is a corlorless, odorless gas. 氢气是一种无色、无味的气体。 来自辞典例句 2. Water is not only colorless, but odorless

14、as well. 水不仅没有颜色,也没有气味。 来自辞典例句 3. Many smokeless, odorless incinerators for disposal of animal carcasses are available commercially. 市场上有许多种处理尸体的无烟 、 无臭的焚尸炉出售.,film,英 flmadj. n. 影片; 电影; 胶片; 薄层 vt.& vi. (把)拍摄(成)电影电视等; 上镜头 1. The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film. 批评的声音不会阻止人们涌到影

15、院观看这部电影。,screening,英 skri:n n. 放映,播放; 筛查 v. 筛(煤、矿石等)( screen的现在分词 ); 审查; 放映(电影); 庇护 1. TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo. 后来各电视台被禁止播放任何有关这次游行的画面。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines. 该航空公司已采用X光机对行李进行安全检查。,whim,英 wm n. 一时的兴致; 突然的念头; 怪念头

16、,奇想; 幻想 vi. 心血来潮地向往 1. We decided, more or less on a whim, to sail to Morocco. 我们多少有点心血来潮,决定航海去摩洛哥。 来自柯林斯例句 2. Lately, the president has been sacking and picking new ministers at whim. 最近,总统一时兴起频频解雇旧部长,选任新部长。,commission,英 kmn n. 委员会,委员; 商佣金,手续费; 任命,委任; 委任状 vt. 委任,授予; 使服役; 使(船)服役 1. Just a few days ago, I finished a commission. 就在几天前,我完成了一项委托创作任务。 2. This commi


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