机电专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 周美蓉 Part 3 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology

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1、Part Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology,Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13,Unit 10,Text Electro-engineering Elements Circuit and Its Ideal Circuit Components Circuit Classification Commonly Used Circuit Components,Simple Sinusoidal Alternating Circuit and Three-phase Circuit Sinusoidal Qu

2、antity and Its Three Factors Three-phase Circuit (1)When the transportation powers,voltages,distance and wiring losses are the same,the three-phase transportation electricity may save the consumed aluminum of the wires (2)The three-phase asynchronous motor which is widely used in production industry

3、 and agriculture adopts three-phase alternating as power source. Compared with a single phase asynchronous motor,the type of motor has such advantage as simple structure,low cost,good capability and dependability. Since the three-phase power supply system has a series of advantages in the economy an

4、d technologies,presently,the majority of electric power systems in the world adopt the three-phase system,New Words and Phrases,circuits:kitn.电路 idealaidila.理想的 functionfknn.功能 passagepsidn.通道,路径 assemblesemblv.聚集,集合,装配 patternptnn.图案,式样 intermediate,intmi:dita.中间的n.中间体,媒介物 connectionkneknn.联系,连接 ge

5、neration,denreinn.产生;代,时代 classification,klsifikeinn.分类 processprsesvt.加工,处理n过程 amplification,mplifikeinn.扩大,放大,shapingeipin.形成,整形 storagestridn.储存,储存体 digitaldiditla.数码的 batterybtrin.电池 magnitudemgnitju:dn.大小(程度上) magnetmgnitn.磁体,磁铁 squareskwn.平方,数二次幂a.正方形的 frequencyfri:kwnsin.频率 oscillation,silein

6、n.振荡,振动 alternator:ltneitn.交流发电机 passivepsiva.被动的 inductanceindktnsn.感应系数,自感应,capacitancekpsitnsn.电容 reflectriflektv.反映 physicalfizikla.物理的 phenomenonfinminnn.现象 pyrometricpirumetrika.高温测量的 consumeknsju:mv.消耗 decouplingdikplin.去耦合装置 resistorrizisn.电阻器 coilkiln.电线圈,绕组 partialp:la.部分的 capacitorkpsitn.

7、电容器 filterfiltn.滤波器,过滤器,relayri:lein.继电器 magneticmnetika.有磁性的 voltaicvlteiika.电流的 compensationkmpenseinn.补偿 choketukv.阻塞 electronicilektrnika.电子的 proportionalprp:nla.成比例的,相对称的 sinusoidal,sainsidla.正弦的,正弦曲线的 valuevlju:n.数值 sinesainn.正弦 transformertnsf:m(r)n.变压器 utilizeju:tilaizv.利用,transporttrnsp:tv.

8、运输,输送 generatordenreitn.发电机,发生器 measureme.测量,量 insulation,insjuleinn.绝缘体,绝缘 installation,instleinn.安装,装置 electroengineeringilektru,endinirin.电气工程,电机工程,电工学,电工技术 instantaneous,instnteinjsa.瞬间的,即刻的 solesula.唯一的 amplitudemplitju:dn.物理振幅、波幅 phasefeizn.相,相位 electromotiveilektrumutiva.起电的 mutuallymju:tuli,

9、-tjuliad.相互地,distribution,distribju:nn.分发,分配 losslsn.丧失,损耗 aluminum,ljuminimn.铝 asynchronouseisikrnsa.异步的 capability,keipbilitin.性能,容量 majoritymdritin.多数,大多数 electric apparatus电气设备 electricity generation发电 power supply system供电系统 electric drive电力拖动 direct current直流 alternating current交流,direct curre

10、nt supply直流电源 mains supply交流电源 current supply电流源 pyrometric effect热效应 current limiting限流 pressure release 降压 partial pressure分压 delayed relay延时继电器 magnetic field磁场 yohaic wires导线 magnet core铁芯 electric field电场,lqlter circuit滤波电路 choked轴w device阻流器 directly proportional成正比的 turning circuit调谐电路 coupli

11、ng circuit耦合电路 delayed circuit延时电路 decoupling resistor去耦电阻 power circuit电源电路 active component有源元件 passive component无源元件 electric installation 电气设备 power supply system 供电系统,electromotive force 电动势 electrical angle 电度角 threephase system 三相制 wiring loss 线路损失 power source 电源 a series of 一系列的 sinosoidal

12、function 正弦函数 power station 发电站,发电厂 simple sinusoidal alternating circuit 正弦交流电路,Exercises,IAnswers to the following questions according to the text. 1What is the definition of an electric circuit? 2What are the fundamental components of the circuit9 3What is the function of the electric power circu

13、it? 4List different types of circuit 5What do commonlyused passive units contain? 6What is the definition of the simple sinusoidal alternating circuit? 7What are the three factors of sinusoidal voltage? 8Why is the sinusoidal quantity widely used in electroengineering? 9List the advantages of the th

14、reephase alternating compared with the single phase alternating 10What is the definition of the threephase circuit?,Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. A B Load 电压 Voltage 负荷 Capacitance 限流 current limiting 分压 pressure release 调谐电路 partial pressure 滤波电路 filter circuit 耦合电路

15、 turning circuit 降压 coupling circuit 延迟电路 delayed circuit 电容 transformer 供电系统 power station 线路损失 Insulation 绝缘 phase 发电站、发电厂 electromotive force 电度角 electrical angle 电动势 threephase system 相、相位 wiring loss 三相制 power source 变压器 power supply system 电源,Translating Skills,科技英语翻译方法与技巧词性转译 一、英语动词、形容词、副词译成汉语名词 1. Telecommunicat


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