七年级英语上册_module 10 spring festival unit 1 are you getting ready for spring festival新课落实课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?,词 汇 点 睛,句 型 透 视,Unit 1,课前自主预习,把收起来,快点,为做好准备,at work,of course,learn a dragon dance,sweep the floor,cook the meal,Unit 1,This is,Whats happening,moment,doing,at,the,making,lanterns,Unit 1,so hard,join,Hurry up,Unit 1,1 sweep v打扫;清扫,观察 People dont want

2、 to sweep away good luck. 人们不想扫走好运。,探究 sweep是及物动词,后可直接接宾语,表示“扫”。sweep away是动副短语,意为“扫走”,其宾语如果是代词,则代词只能放在两词之间。,词 汇 点 睛,Unit 1,辨析 sweep与clean,Unit 1,活学活用,There is something dirty on the desk. Please _ Asweep away it Bsweep it away Csweep away them Dsweep them away,答案 B,Unit 1,2 cook v烹调;煮;烧,观察 My aunt

3、is sweeping the floor, and my grandma is cooking the meal in the kitchen. 我姑姑正在扫地,我奶奶正在厨房做饭。,探究 cook既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,意为“做饭”。,Unit 1,拓展 (1)cook还可作名词,意为“厨师”。例如: My father is a cook in a restaurant. 我的爸爸是一家餐馆的厨师。 (2)cooker n. 炊具,蒸煮器 (3)do some cooking 做饭(菜) cookfor sb.cook sb. 为某人做 例如: My mother ofte

4、n cooks delicious meals for us. 我妈妈经常为我们做可口的饭菜。,Unit 1,活学活用,用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Uncle Wang likes doing some _(cook) at the weekend. (2)Her mother is _ (cook) at home. (3)The men in white over there are _(cook),cooking,cooking,cooks,Unit 1,3 happen v. 发生,观察 Whats happening?你在忙什么呢? Whats happening to Tony?

5、 托尼发生什么事了?,探究 happen是不及物动词,意为“发生”,后面不能直接接宾语。happen指偶然或无计划之事的发生,主语多为所发生的事情或疑问代词what。,拓展 happen的常见用法: (1)“sth.happen(s)地点/时间”表示“某地/某时发生了什么事”。例如: The story happens in a small village. 这个故事发生在一个小乡村。,Unit 1,(2)“sth.happen(s)to sb.”表示“某人发生了某事”。例如: A car accident happens to him. 他发生了一次车祸。 (3)“sb.happen(s)t

6、o do sth.”表示“某人碰巧做某事”。例如: I happen to meet my first teacher on my way home.我在回家的路上,碰巧遇到了我的启蒙老师。,Unit 1,活学活用,(1)_ over there? Sorry, I dont know. Lets go and have a look. AWhat happens B. What was happened CWhat is happening D. What is happened (2)I happened _ my old friend. Ameet B. to meet Cmeeting

7、 D. meets,答案 (1)C (2)B,Unit 1,4 ready adj.有准备的;准备好的,观察 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?你在为春节做准备吗? Everything is ready. 一切就绪。,探究 (1)ready在句中一般作表语。be ready意为“做好准备”,表示一种准备就绪的状态。 (2)ready 的常见用法: “get/be ready to do sth.”表示“准备好去做某事”。例如: We get/are ready to have lunch. 我们准备吃午饭了。,Unit 1,“be ready

8、 to do sth.”还表示“愿意、乐意去做某事”。例如: He is always ready to help people in trouble. 他总是乐于帮助那些有困难的人。 “get/be ready for”表示“为做好准备”。例如: The students are getting ready for the sports meeting. 同学们正在为运动会做准备。(get强调动作) We are ready for class. 我们做好了上课的准备。(be强调准备就绪的状态),Unit 1,活学活用,我们正在为元宵节做准备。 We are _ _ _ the Lanter

9、n Festival.,getting,ready,for,Unit 1,5 join v参加;加入,观察 Can I join them?我可以加入他们吗? The path joins the road near the trees. 这条小路在树旁与公路汇合。,探究 join作“参加,加入”讲时,一般指加入某一组织、团体或群体;它还可译为“连接,使结合”。,拓展 joinin/for意为“和一起,和做伴”。例如: Would you like to join us in the game? 你想加入我们的游戏吗?,Unit 1,活学活用,Would you like to _ our c

10、ar club? Ajoin in Btake part Cjoin Djoining,答案 C,Unit 1,6 hurry v匆忙; 赶快,观察 Hurry up!快点! She hurries to school. 她匆忙去上学。,探究 hurry作动词时,常见的搭配如下: (1)“hurry to 地点名称”表示“匆忙去某地”。例如: Mike hurries to the bus station. 迈克匆忙去了公交车站。 (2)“hurry up”表示“赶快”,常用于祈使句。例如: Hurry up, Mary is waiting for us. 赶快,玛丽正在等着我们。,Unit

11、 1,(3)“hurry to do sth.”表示“匆忙做某事”。例如: He hurries to leave.他匆忙离开。,拓展 hurry作名词时,常用短语为in a hurry,意为“匆忙地”,相当于quickly。例如: We went to school in a hurry this morning. 今天早上我们匆忙去上学。,Unit 1,活学活用,赶快!公交车来了。 _ _! Here comes the bus.,Hurry,up,Unit 1,Hes still at work.他仍然在工作。,探究 be at work 意为“在工作,在上班”,相当于be working。at在句中表示处于某种状态,其后不加任何冠词。例如: That machine is at work.那台机器在工作。 My father is at work now.My father is working now.我爸爸正在工作。,句 型 透 视,Unit 1,拓展 work 的常用短语:go to work 去上班 out of work 失业,活学活用,我妈妈没在家。她在工作。 My mother isnt _ _She is _ _,at,home,at,work,


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