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1、,INTERNATIONAL TRADE,经济学院 柳哲,International Trade,Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade,1.1 The definition of international trade,International trade can be defined as the exchange of goods and services produced in one country (or district) with those produced in another country(or district).

2、,The reasons for international trade,The uneven distribution of natural resources,B. International specialization,C. Different Patterns of demand among nations,D. Economies of scale,E. Innovation or variety of style,$860,$625,73%,Even the IBM PC Isnt All-American,Total manufacturing cost: US$860,Por

3、tion made overseas: US$625,In u.s. owned plants $230,In foreign-owned plants $395,Distribution of Manufacturing Parts Monitor Korea Semiconductors Japan Power supply Japan Graphics Printer Japan Floppy Disk Drives Singapore Assembly of disk drives U.S Keyboard Japan Case and final Assembly U.S,The s

4、uppliers come from U.S. ,Japan, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, South Korea, United Kingdom,Even the Boeing 777 Isnt All American,So it is increasingly difficult to say what is a “U.S.” product; what is “Japanese” product.,1.2. The history of international trade development,The first beginning of

5、international trade,The development of international trade in different social period,1.3.1.Export Trade / Import Trade / Transit Trade,1.3. The different forms of international trade,Re-Export / Re-Import;,Net Export / Net Import,1.3.2. General Trade / Special Trade,General Trade: country territory

6、. (Japan,United Kingdom, Canada Australia, East Europe) General Import / General Export,Special Trade: Customs Territory.(German, Italy, Swiss),1.3.3. Visible Trade / Invisible Trade,1.3.4 Direct Trade / Indirect Trade / Entrepot Trade,1.3.5 Trade by Roadway / Trade by Seaway / Trade by Airway / Tra

7、de by Mail Order,1.3.6 Free-Liquidation Trade / Barter Trade,1.4 . Another basic concepts about international trade,1.4.1. amount of foreign trade total amount of import and export for a country in definite period.,1.4.2. amount of international trade total amount of export for all countries in defi

8、nite period.,1.4.3. trade balance favorable balance: export import (surplus) adverse balance: exportimport (deficit),1.4.4. commodity structure primary commodities Industry commodities (finished goods),1.4.5. factors of production capital, human resources or labor property resources including land,1

9、.5 The difference between domestic trade and international trade,1.5.1. different effect to economy development,1.5.2. different environment,social and culture /,law and economic policy,currency system,1.5.3. difficult movement for factors of production among nations,1.5.4. more risks when you do in

10、ternational business,Credit; Business; Price;,exchange rate; Transportation; Politics.,1.6 国际商务环境,进口商,生产厂家,海关,税务局,出口商,Chapter 2 Foundations of Modern Trade Theory,2.1 The Mercantilism,The mercantilists views on trade If a country could achieve a favorable trade balance (a surplus of exports over imp

11、orts), it would enjoy payments received from the rest of the world in the form of gold and silver. The more precious metals a nation had, the richer and more powerful it was. To promote a favorable trade balance, the mercantilists advocated government regulation of trade. Tariffs, quotas, and other

12、commercial policies were proposed by the mercantilists to minimize imports in order to protect a nations trade position.,William Stafford, 15541612 The early stage mercantilism - The theory of currency balance,Thomas Mum, 15711641 The later period mercantilism - The theory of trade balance,During th

13、e period 1500-1800 In Europe (England, Spain, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands) A group of men (merchants,bankers,government officials, and even philosophers),2.2. The theory of absolute advantage,2.2.1 Adam Smith, (1723 1790) a classical economist, was leading advocate of free trade (Laissez-F

14、aire),“Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations” 1776 - The wealth of Nations,2.2.2 The main view on trade Trade is based on absolute advantage and benefits both nations. When each nation specializes in the production of the commodity of its absolute advantage and exchanges part o

15、f its output for the commodity of its absolute disadvantage, both nations end up consuming more of both commodities.,2.2.3 Illustration of absolute advantage,Before Specialization in production,5 Labor time - 7X + 3Y,After Specialization in production,5 Labor time - 8X + 6Y 7X + 3Y,But if one nation has absolute advantage for both commodities,how to do?,2.3 The theory of comparative advantage,2.3.1 Economists - David Ricardo (1772-1823),He was born in 1772 and was the third of 17 children. His parents were very successful and his father was a wealthy merchant banker. They lived at first



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