高中英语 unit 2 english around the world section ⅳ writing课件 新人教版必修1

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《高中英语 unit 2 english around the world section ⅳ writing课件 新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 unit 2 english around the world section ⅳ writing课件 新人教版必修1(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Writing,写作指导,常用句式,素材积累,模板填空,如何写海报 海报是极为常见的一种具有宣传性质的广告,多用于电影、戏剧、比赛、文艺演出等。由于海报所宣传的内容不同,所以写海报时要注意以下几点: 1.首先确定海报的内容和目的。 2.语言要简洁明了,突出主要信息;语言要具有一定的吸引力和号召力,从而达到广而告之的目的。 3.海报的构成包括:标题、正文(活动名称、时间、地点和费用等信息)、署名和日期。 4.海报没有特定的读者对象,因此不用称呼。,写作指导,常用句式,素材积累,模板填空,1.Welcome to. 欢迎光临 2.You are invited to. 邀请你参加

2、3.Tickets are limited to 100.只有100张票。 4.Admissions are by tickets.凭票入场。 5.Admission free.免票入场。 6.Tickets,5 yuan for each,are obtainable at.(place) 每张票5元,在(地点)购买。 7.A school bus will be made available.校车接送。 8.Please contact.for tickets.要票请联系,写作指导,常用句式,素材积累,模板填空,9.People of all circles are heartily we

3、lcomed to be present on this grand occasion. 热烈欢迎各界人士参加这一盛大集会。 10.Souvenirs are on sale at.纪念品在出售。 11.Exciting and Thrilling Programs!节目激动人心! 12.Football Match:between Class 1 and Class 2 on the school football field at 7:00 tonight. 足球赛:今晚7:00在学校足球场由一班对二班。,写作指导,常用句式,素材积累,模板填空,请将下列的词和词组进行英汉互译 1.in o

4、rder to 2.enrich 3.organize 4.have a good laugh 5.决定做某事 6.大礼堂 7.免费的 8.按时,为了,丰富,组织,笑了个够,decide/make up ones mind to do sth,the Great Hall,free,on time,写作指导,常用句式,素材积累,模板填空,Movie In order to 1. ,we have decided to 2. to watch an interesting film. If you would like to have a good laugh,you shouldnt 3. .It will be shown in 4. at 7:30 pm tomorrow. If you want to watch it,dont forget to apply at the Great Hall for 5. .,enrich students lives,organize the students,miss this film,the Great Hall,free tickets,



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