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1、北京树奇传媒广告有限公司,树奇价值链之一 驱动力,“沟通创造价值”在一个以消费者为中心的时代,树奇传媒通过广告创意的方式,帮助客户倾听消费者的声音,提高企业品牌知名度、美誉度、拉动产品的销售,获得消费者的认知和认同,为消费者和品牌之间建立联系,最终提供给消费者品牌归属感和难忘的消费体验!,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide

2、 customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete me

3、dia research services.,树奇价值链之二 专注力,专业团队的从业人员具有前瞻性和预见力。对于一个重要的话题,今天是怎么样的?下周的,半年后将会变成怎样?在哪些方面客户能成为这些话题的一部分?我们如何帮助客户恰当的定位,使他们今天对这个话题的表态,能跟上话题的发展变化?客户希望与能经常以这种方式思考问题的人共事。,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of al

4、l employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,树奇价值链之三 洞察力,始终关注客户追求结果,同时愿意尝试新的方法。 由于世界弥漫老王卖瓜自卖自夸的声音,它需要一群对客户或公众都能以真诚之道打 动人心的专业人士。 深谙拨动心弦之道的人拥有正确无误的感情指南针。,树奇价值链之四 创造力,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with profe

5、ssional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,聚焦到人类本性的最富煽动力的方面,创造新的语言和语言环境,在消费者接触的场所进行多重信息的链接,使消费者得到满足。,树奇价值链之五 执行力,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, w

6、ith professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,要特别注意执行细节;在我们这个行当,没有“重来一次”的机会。 英国有首古老的民谣:缺了一枚铁钉,掉了一只马掌;掉了一只马掌,失去一匹战马; 失去一匹战马,损失一位骑兵;损失一位骑兵,丢了一次战斗;丢了一次战斗,输掉 一场战役;输掉一场战役,毁了一个王朝。

7、这首民谣来源于一个真实的故事。 我们同样深信成功来源于细节,失败也同样来源于细节!,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,关于我们 about us,北京树奇传

8、媒广告有限公司成立于2006年,我们秉承着团结、务实、创新、守信的服务宗旨,凭借专业的服务,以及全体员工多年的勤奋努力,发展成为一家集设计、制作、代理、发布为一体的综合性广告传媒公司。主要经营户外led大型电子屏、车站路牌、写字楼及社区广告等业务。公司为客户提供最快捷、准确、完善的媒介研究服务,其中包括广告监测服务、平面媒体及电视收视率调查、媒介指数调查及相关竞争品牌的广告投放资料收集。,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as

9、many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,媒体介绍 media is introduced,电梯广告,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all

10、employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,媒体针对性media pointed,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the mo

11、st efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,媒体优势 media advantage,媒体特点 media characteristics,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient,

12、 accurate, and complete media research services.,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,媒体性质 media p

13、roperties,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,媒体效果 media effect,We uphold the unity, pragmatic, i

14、nnovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,媒体介绍 media is introduced,LED屏广告,华亨国际中心楼宇LED显示屏,宽15米,高4.4米。大屏幕采用P10全彩色台湾晶源LED屏幕,画质清晰,效果极佳。,We u

15、phold the unity, pragmatic, innovative, trustworthy service, with professional services, as well as many years of hard work of all employees to provide customers with the most efficient, accurate, and complete media research services.,户外媒体传播对品牌最大的贡献就是在于(重复信息),就是不断向目标群重复品牌信息,从而在其心目中留下品牌记忆,媒体价值对于品牌价值的贡献就是对地区和消费者选择性强,传真度高,费用较低,具有一定的强迫诉求性质。,夜晚近景实图,白天近景实图,媒体针对性media pointed,



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