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1、Unit5 Enjoying novels,Do you like classical or mofern literature? Which famous literary works have read? Which do you like better, English novels and Chinese novels?,Small Talk:,?,Reading classical literature written by native speakers can improve my English language skills in several ways and we co

2、uld get knowledge about history.,The Four Chinese Classical Novels 三国演义 The Romance of the Three Kindoms 水浒传 The story by the Water Margin 红楼梦 The Dream of the Read Chamber ( A dream of Red Mansions) 西游记 Journey to the West,Some famous English works:,Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感 Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德庄

3、园 Emma 爱玛 Far From the Madding Crowd 远离尘嚣 Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 A Christmas Carol 圣诞欢歌 Hard Times 艰难时代 A Tale of Two Cities 双城记 Great Expectations 远大前程 The Jungle Book 丛林故事,*,Pre-reading:,Match the titles to the authors!,Agnes Grey Gone with the wind Tess of the dUrbevilles David Copperfield Jane Eyre P

4、ride and Prejudice Wuthering Heights Just So Stories To Kill a Mockingbird,Jane Austen Charlotte Bronte Emily Bronte Harper Lee Anne Brobte Thomas Hardy Charles Dickens Margaret Mitchell Rudyard Kipling,The Rise of English Authoresses in The 19th Century,%,*,Read the passage quickly and answer the f

5、ollowing questions: What was the consensus in society in 19th century? Who were the five famous authoresses? Why did Ann Evans use the name of George Eliot to publish her works? 4. Who was the writer of “Jane Eyre”? 5. Who was the make author referred to in the passage?,What was the consensus in soc

6、iety in 19th century? 2. Who were the five famous authoresses? 3. Why did Ann Evans use the name of George Eliot to publish her works?,They opposed the writing of novels by authoresses.,Jane Austhen the three Bronte sisters George Eliot,Because it was hopeless for her to use her own name to publish

7、the works.,4. Who was the writer of “Jane Eyre”? 5. Who was the male author referred to in the passage?,Charlotte Bronte,Charles Dickens,Introductions of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte,Jane Austen was born in a country clergymans family on 16 December, 1775. She was brought up in an intelligent bu

8、t restricted environment.Through a wide reading of books available in her fathers library, Jane acquired a thorough knowledge of eighteen centuryEnglish literature.She lived in a quiet, retired and, in public terms, uneventful life, though she did move to several places like Bath, Southampton and Ch

9、awton. Austen began as a child to write novels for her family entertainment. Stories of love and marriage provide the major themes in all her novels, in which female characters are always playing an active part. In their pursuit of a marriage, they are usually categorized into three types according

10、to their different attitudes: those who would marry for material wealth and social position, those who would marry just for beauty and passion, and those who would marry for true love with a consideration of the partners personal merit as well as his economical and social status.,Charlotte Bronte ca

11、me from a large family of Irish origin. Their father was a clergyman at Haworth, Yorkshire. When they were young, the Bronte sisters were sent to a school for clergymens daughters. The eldest two died there due to the poor and unhealthy conditions. This experience inspired the later portrayal of Low

12、ood School in the novel “Jane Eyre“. As they grew up, the sisters worked either as teacher or governess in some private families. In 1842, in order to open up a school of their own, Charlotte and Emily went to Brussels to improve their foreign language. The two years there left hardly any trace on E

13、mily but for Charlotte the change was most fundamental. There she fell in love with her German professor, a married man. This passionate yet one-side love was later recounted in her works, especially in Villette.,Read the passage carefull and do the follwing exercises.,Which is wrong accoding to the

14、 first paragraph? There was no equality of opportunityfo women in the 19th century. B. The discrimination of this kind was not in force for a very long time. C. There was a twist to this consensus. D. In a contradiction, there were five authoresses getting round this ban.,*,True or False? para2-3,Ja

15、ne Austens novels mainly delt with the problems and limitations of womens choices. It was her identity, her refreshingly light and ironic stytle that made her novels very appealing.,T,F,Which sentence can take place of the following sentence in the fifth paragraph.,Her novels made clear discriptions

16、 of women fighting for their equal roles in the society, which was very revolutionary.,Her novels were revolutionary for the expicit way they discribed women against their restricted role in society.,Translate the two sentences in Para67.,Her novels examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed. 2. These women having


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