安徽省2018-2019学年高二下学期期末联考试题 英语试题答案

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《安徽省2018-2019学年高二下学期期末联考试题 英语试题答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省2018-2019学年高二下学期期末联考试题 英语试题答案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、20182019 学年第二学期期末考试卷学年第二学期期末考试卷 高二英语参考答案高二英语参考答案 第一部分:听力第一部分:听力 答案:答案:15CBABA510 BCCAB10-15 CBCCC1520 ABBAA 录音原文录音原文 Text 1 W: Ive been taking piano lessons for five years now, but I dont enjoy it any more. M: Yeah, and youre not in the singing club any more. W: I used to be in it, but now I love th

2、e tennis club best. Text 2 M: You look more beautiful in this white skirt than that yellow one. W: Thank you. I like the white one better. But how much will you charge me? M: It costs $100, but Id like to take off 30%, and thats it. Text 3 W: We have no food in the house, and I am not in the mood to

3、 go shopping this late at night. I dont want to eat Italian food, though. M: All right. Lets see what the kids want, then, because I dont want to eat Italian food, either. Text 4 M: Youve been doing well with your diet, Diane. Im proud of you. You never eat junk food any more. W: I decided to follow

4、 your advice. I used to order delivery like most people in the office, but you inspired me to eat healthier meals. Text 5 W: I think we are sitting too close to the screen. My neck is starting to hurt. M: I know. If we got here earlier, we probably could have found seats higher up. Text 6 W: Didnt y

5、ou see that traffic light? You drove the car right through it! We almost hit that big truck! I was so scared. M: Im sorry! I fell asleep for one second. Its late, and Im tired. Weve driven ten hours already! I need to stop and rest. W: Thats okay. I was just worried that we were going to have an acc

6、ident. Lets stop at the next gas station. I can drive the rest of the trip. We only have three more hours until were home. This is a long drive. M: It is! But Im glad we got to visit our family. Maybe next time we should fly in a plane instead! That would only be a four-hour trip. Text 7 M: Mrs. Bar

7、row? Could you please tell me what I missed last week? W: You need to give the class a presentation on a foreign culture. M: Thats easy. My family is French. W: Im sorry. It must be different from your own. M: Do you have any suggestions on where I should start? W: Well, you need to choose a culture

8、. Then you need to find someone to interview. M: Our new neighbors just moved here from China three weeks ago. I can interview them! W: Thats a good idea. Then, you need to choose two parts of that culture you want to study. M: I understand. Ill ask them about what they eat, and what kind of holiday

9、s they celebrate. W: Sure. It can also be differences in language, music, or sport. Its up to you. You have two weeks to complete your homework. Good luck! Text 8 M: Welcome to North Park pool center! The kids pool is to the right of reception here. W: Thanks. Were good swimmers. Well go to the regu

10、lar pool. M: The regular pool is only open to people 12 years old and over. W: Im 13 and my brother here is 14. My sister will be 12 in just two months. Can you let us in? M: There are no exceptions. You and your brother may swim in the regular pool, but your sister will have to go to the kids pool.

11、 W: Oh, no! M: There is an excellent swimming teacher there for safety and there are many other kids she can swim with. But keep in mind that with our new July hours, the kids pool closes at 6:00 p.m. W: Last month, we all played in that pool until 7:30. M: That was probably on June 21. We had a spe

12、cial activity that day. W: Well, the whole point of coming here was to have fun all together. If the kids pool is closing soon, well just come back tomorrow. Text 9 W:Andrew? M: What is it, Martina? W: Your mother left specific instructions for you to do your homework before playing video games. Jus

13、t now, I heard the TV in your room.Are you finished with your homework? M: Uh, no.Ill bring it down. W: Thank you. Do you need any help? Im pretty good at math. M: No, thats OK. I know how to do everything, and I only have 20 problems left. Im already halfway done. W: Good. While you finish that, Il

14、l start dinner. What do you want to have? M: We usually have hamburgers on Thursday nights. The meat is in the downstairs freezer. Do you want me to get it? W: No, Ill do it. Just keep going with your work. Do you have homework for any other subjects? M: My English teacher gave us two chapters to re

15、ad, but I finished that on the bus back from school. W: You know, when I was your age, I only had about 30 minutes of homework a night. And we never got any homework on the weekends. M: Really? I probably have two hours of homework per night, and I have at least an hour every weekend. W: Yeah, its t

16、he same with Jasmine, one of the other kids I watch during the week. She actually has even more than you because she goes to a private school! M: Wow. So, Im almost finished with these problems. Can I help you with dinner after that? W: Of course! Ill definitely put you to work, my friend! Text 10 Welcome to Bookmark! My name is Daisy Lane. We are the only place in the city that offers both books and food. Although we do not serve alcoholic drinks



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