核按钮高考英语一轮复习 unit 5 canada-“the true north”考点突破课件 新人教版必修3

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1、必修三 Unit 5 Canada “The True North”,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. distance; distant 2. wealthy; wealth 3. broaden; broad; broadly 4. Canadian; Canada 5. mixture; mix; mixed 6. surround; surroundings; surrounding 7. impress; impressive; impression,Key:8. manage; management; manager 9. terrify; terrified

2、; terrifying; terror; terrible 10. pleasure; please; pleased; pleasant; pleasing,8. _(vt.& vi. 办理;设法对付)_ (n. 管理;管理人员)_ (n. 处理者;经理;管理人) 9. _(vt. 使恐怖;恐吓)_ (adj. 恐惧的;受惊吓的)_ (adj. 可怕的;令人恐惧的)_ (n. 恐惧)_ (adj. 恐怖的;恐惧的) 10. _(n. 愉快;娱乐;令人高兴的事)_vt. (使)高兴;(使)满意;讨好_ (adj. 欣喜的;愉快的)_ (adj. 令人愉快的;友好的)_ (adj. 令人愉快的

3、;合意的),Key:1. 静下来放松一下 2. manage to; from 3. catch sight of 4. for 5. for 6. mix up 7. 去大城市游览 8. 确认安排 9. 有丰富的自然资源 10. dream of/about,Key:1. Rather than take; to fly 2. Going eastward 3. some measuring 4. were not leaving; until 5. as far as,Key:1. across 2. taking 3. arriving 4. largest 5. As/When 6.

4、is surrounded 7. to catch 8. for 9. competition 10. natural,Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on a trip _1_ Canada. Instead of _2_ (take) the airplane all the way, they would cross Canada by train after _3_ (arrive) in Vancouver by air. Canada is the second _4_ (large) country in the world. It is 5,500 kil

5、ometers from coast to coast. _5_ they went eastward, they saw beautiful scenery, as well as large cities. Vancouver _6_ (surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Having settled down in their train seats, they managed _7_ (catch) sight of some mountain goats and even an eagle. Their next stop wa

6、s Calgary. It is famous _8_ the Calgary Stampede. Many of the cowboys taking part in the _9_ (compete) there have a gift for riding horses. Then they arrived in Thunder Bay, a city at the top end of the Great Lakes, and learned even more about Canada and its _10_ (nature) resources.,课堂学案,【词块助记】,1. s

7、urround vt.& vi. 包围;围绕,1. (2015福建卷)If youre serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, its extremely important to surround yourself with people wholl provide you with the proper emotional support. 如果你对过着健康的生活非常在意的话,在你周围有一群对你的情绪有帮助的人是很重要的。 2. (2013北京卷)Some stars stay calm by surrounding thems

8、elves with trusted friends and family. 有些明星通过和自己信任的朋友和家人在一起来保持冷静。,be surrounded by/with 被包围;被环绕 surround yourself with 确保身边总有,【构词】surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 surroundings n. 环境,(2015湖北卷改编)They built themselves large villas(别墅) in the wooded surrounding of the town. Key:surrounding改为surroundings,【词块助记】,

9、2. measure vt. & vi. 测量;衡量;判定 n. 计量制;计量单位;措施,1. (2014北京卷) This is a well-specified action-based goal for which you can measure your success easily. 这是一个规定明确、基于行动的目标,通过它你能轻松衡量你的成功。 2. The pond measures about 20 meters across. 这个池塘宽约20米。 3. We must take more preventive measures to reduce crime in this

10、 area. 我们必须采取更多预防措施来减少这个地区的犯罪。,measureagainst 以量;比较 measureby 用衡量 take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 beyond measure 非常;极其 made to measure 量身定做的(衣服等),【拓展】measure作及物动词时,其后接人或物,意为“量”;作不及物动词时,其后一般接尺寸、面积等,意为“尺寸/面积是”。 【构词】measurement n. 尺寸;度量;(衡)量 measured adj. 量过的;慎重的;克制的 measurable adj. 可测量的,1. Its hard _

11、 (measure) his performances since we havent seen his work. 2. In my opinion, our government should take timely and effective measure to prevent further pollution of this river. Key:1. to measure 2. measure改为measures,【词块助记】,3. terrify vt. 使恐怖;恐吓,【构词】terrifying adj. 可怕的;令人恐怖的 terrified adj. 惊恐的;恐怖的;吓坏

12、了的 terror n. 恐怖 terrorist n. 恐怖分子,1. They terrified her into handing over the key to the safe. 他们恐吓她,使她交出了保险柜的钥匙。 2. (2013广东卷)Dr Epstein explained that it was actually a brilliant way for his young mind to handle the terrifying and painful life he led. 爱泼斯坦博士解释说对于他幼小的心灵来说,这实际上是一种应对可怕而痛苦的生活的明智做法。,ter

13、rify sb. with sth. 用吓某人 terrify sb. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事 be terrified of 对感到恐惧 be terrified at 被吓了一跳,1. I was terrifying at the strange sound when I was sleeping. 2. His terrified stories terrified the girls who was standing in the corner of the room. Key:1. terrifying改为terrified 2. 第一个terrified改

14、为terrifying,【词块助记】,4. impress vt. 使印象深刻;使铭记,1. Our teacher impressed us with the importance of industry and economy. 老师要我们牢牢记住勤俭节约的重要性。 2. (2015陕西卷)Such a person may be forgiven if he is late, but not those who are deliberately late to create impression. 迟到的人可能会被原谅,但是那些为了给人留下印象故意迟到的人就不会被原谅。,impress

15、sb. with 使某人钦佩;给某人留下深刻印象 be impressed with/by/at 对留下深刻印象 impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人铭记某事 it impresses sb. that 令人佩服的是 make/give/create an impression on/upon 给制造一种印象 have/get the impression that 有的印象,【构词】impression n. 印象;感觉;影响 impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;引人注目的,1. (2013四川卷改编)We can start the habit by wri

16、ting learning summary and remember to record something impressed and meaningful. 2. My father impressed on me with the importance of hard work. Key:1.impressed改为impressive 2. 去掉with或on,【词块助记】,5. distance n. 距离;远方 v. 拉开距离;与疏远,1. (2014江西卷) Of course, they should not feed them in a close distance because the w


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