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1、Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend ?教学设计第一课时主 备 人授 课 人授课时间教学内容Part A Warming-up:Look and tick Warming-up:Talk with your friend Lets learn教学目标能听、说、读、写短语:watch a show,look after,do housework,see a friend,have a match,go away. 重 难 点能在具体的语言环境中灵活运用所学短语。教学准备1.Lets learn 部分的教学卡片、磁带和录音机。2.Warming-up:Look a

2、nd tick部分的动词短语卡片。教学过程一、新课导入1.Part A Warming-up:look and tick 向学生出示所准备的本部分的短语卡片。让学 生看图说短语。如: T:I can .at home.I am helpful.Are you helpful at home? S1: Yes,I am.I can. 2.Part A Warming-up:Talk with your friend 邀请一位学生抽取Look and tick 部分的短语 卡片,要求学生根据短语卡片做动作,并与全班完成 口语交际练习: Ss:Are you helpful at home? S1:

3、Yes,I am. Ss:What do you often do? S1:I often.二、新课展示1.对Warming-up部分中活动的完成情况进行小结: T:S1 often.S2 often.S3 often. Great! You are all helpful at home! You can do so much housework. 板书词组do housework并领读。 2.和学生继续进行问答: T:Do you often do housework on the weekend? Ss: Yes/No. T:What else do you often do? Do y

4、ou often watch TV? Now lets watch a show! 板书并教授词组watch a show.3. T:Do you like basketball? Lets have a basketball match!Ss: Great!T:OK.Ask your friend to have a match with you. 4.用同样的方法教授短语see a friend,look after Grandma,go away.三、巩固活动1.带领学生对所学短语进行拼读和范写,通过看、读、 写对本节课所学短语加深记忆。2. 播放Lets learn部分的录音,学生跟读

5、、拼读 短语中的生词。二 次 备 课作业布置 1.听Lets learn部分的录音 2.抄写所学短语五遍并各造一个句。板书设计 Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend ?watch a show look after do housework see a friend have a match go away 课后反思第二课时主 备 人授 课 人授 课 时 间教学内容Part A Lets talk Part B Lets chantPart C Look and talk教学目标1.掌握动词过去式的构成规律和发音规律。2.理解并会用Im sorry to he

6、ar that.对别人的不如意表达关切。重 难 点能正确使用一般过去时态描述过去发生的动作或活动:What did you do last weekend? I did some housework. I cleaned the rooms, .并能正确模仿对话,做到语音语调自然。教学准备Lets talk 及Lets chant部分的录音磁带、录音机。教学过程一、新课导入 教师和学生就教室内物品在不同时间的不同位置进行交流,复习be动词的过去时态。T:Hi,.!How are you?S1:Im fine.Thank you.And you?T:Very well.Where are you

7、r pens and notebooks,S1?S1:Oh,they are in my school bag.T:Where are they now?S1:They are.T:Where were they just now?S1:They were in my school bag.T:Thank you!二、新课展示Part A Lets talk 1.播放录音,让学生正确读出对话中出现的几个行为 动词的过去式。 2.提出问题,让学生在阅读时画出答案。之后,板书 问题及答案,在括号中写出每个行为动词的原形( 现在式)。并让学生先读动词及其过去式,再读完 整的句子。 What did(

8、do) your parents do? My father had(has) some work to do. He went(goes) away from home early in the Morning. My mother looked(looks) after my grandma in the hospital. What did(do) you do? I went(go) to see some friends and we had (have)a football match.3. 再次播放录音,引导学生注意以下对话并讲解。 - My grandma was ill an

9、d my mother looked after her there. -Im sorry to hear that. -It doesnt matter.She is better now. 讲解句子Im sorry to hear that.此句是听说别 人病了(或有什么不如意)时常见的表示关切的礼貌 的说法。3、 巩固练习 1. 播放录音,鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调,分角 色进行朗读,做到自然、流畅。 2.播放Lets chant的说唱部分,学生跟读。引导学生注意动词过去式的拼读。 3.引导学生学习Part C Look and talk 可以进行如下练习,如: S1:Do. S2:

10、Do,did.I did my homework last night.See. S3:See,saw.I saw a friend last Sunday. .二 次 备 课作业布置背诵Lets talk 部分的内容,并把本课所学的动词原形及其过去式总结在笔记本上。板书设计 Unit 6 What Did You Do Last Weekend ?What do you often do on the weekend? I do some housework.What did you do last weekend? I did some housework.课后反思第三课时主 备 人授 课

11、 人授课时间教学内容Part B Lets learn more Do a surveyPart C Make up the sentences and say 教学目标1.能听懂、会说What happened to.?并能用一般过去时态描述某人曾经发生的事。2.进一步学习行为动词一般过去时的特殊疑问句及其回答,初步了解一般疑问句和 否定句并认识when引导的状语从句。重点难点能灵活自如地运用所掌握的一般过去时态在生活中与人进行交流。教学准备1.Lets learn more部分的录音磁带、录音机。2.Make up the sentences and say部分的单词卡片。教学过程一、新课

12、导入Where is your school bag?Where was it last night?What do you often do on weekends?What did you do last weekend/yesterday/lastnight?二、新课展示1.新授句子What happened to her?2.播放Lets learn more部分的录音,让学生边听 边画出文中出现的动词的过去式。然后再次播放录 音并提出以下问题: (1)What did Wu Chen do last night? (2)What show did Wu Chen watch? (3)

13、What happened to the Shaanxi girl? (4)Did the Shaanxi girl study well?3. 学生听录音并回答问题,可以在全班内交流答案, 也可以在小组内互相交流。 4.在师生问答之后小结一下过去时态的特殊疑问句 及回答,并让学生了解一般疑问句和否定句的构成。 5.When she was 8 years old,her mother was ill in bed.是个复合句,句中的“When +陈述句”构成 的是一个状语从句,用来说明其后面的情况发生的时间。3、 巩固练习 1.带领学生模仿录音中的语音语调朗读对话内容,要 求学生在朗读的过程中注意动词过去式的发音。 2.Part B Do a survey 将学生分为若干小组,请学生在组内调查;或者要 求学生通过采访各自的好朋友展开调查。 3.Part C Make up the sentences and say (1)拿出所准备的单词卡片,带领学生认读各小题 的单词,并引导学生尝试组句子。 (2)要求学生自己把排列好的句子正确的书写出来, 并强调要注意标点符号和大小写。二 次 备 课作业布置 1.背诵Lets learn mo



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