核按钮高考英语一轮复习 unit 3 australia考点突破课件 新人教版选修9

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1、选修九 Unit 3 Australia,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. owe;owing 2. recover; recovery 3. defence; defend; defensive 4. associate; association; associated 5. migrant; migrate; migration 6. tolerate; tolerance; tolerable; tolerant,Key:7. reservation; reserve; reserved 8. desperate; desperately; despair 9. c

2、orrespond; correspondence; correspondent; corresponding 10. unconscious; unconsciousness; consciousness; conscious,Key:1. associate with 2. 以它明媚的阳光而闻名 3. be made up of 4. responsible for 5. out of respect 6. make a reservation 7. 成功建立一个美好生活 8. correspond with 9. to 10. talk him into,Key:1.who come t

3、o experience 2. worth mentioning 3. to live in or visit 4. warn people to get out of 5. has trouble(in) breathing,Key:1. approximately 2. who/that 3. located 4. citizens 5. to encourage 6. fascinating 7. rises 8. have lived 9. of 10. active,阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,Australia is the only

4、country that is also a continent. It is a mainly dry country and _1_ (approximate) 80% of Australians live in the south-eastern coastal area. Australia is a popular destination with tourists _2_ come to experience its unique ecology. The federal parliament is _3_ (locate) in Canberra. On Australia D

5、ay, more than 9,000 people who have come from overseas from many different cultural and social backgrounds will become Australian _4_ (citizen). It is an excellent way _5_ (encourage) tolerance, respect and friendship. Along the way from Sydney to Perth you will spot a _6_ (fascinate) variety of wil

6、dlife. Youll observe the rolling hills surrounding Adelaide. I wish you could see this amazing rock, which _7_ (rise) about 335 meters out of a plain. Aboriginal people _8_ (live) near Uluru for thousands _9_ years. People dont climb the rock out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the

7、 rock to be sacred. Drive 250 km northwestwards from Hobart and youll arrive at the southern end of the Cradle Mountain National Park. There are a range of short walks for _10_ (activity) tourists in this park.,课堂学案,1. reservation n. 保留;预订;居留地,1. Ill be back in Sydney in a fortnight because Ive made

8、 a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth. 我会在两个星期后返回悉尼,因为我已经预订了印度洋太平洋号前往珀思的火车票。 2. I had serious reservations about his appointment as captain.我对任命他为船长深表疑问。 3. He went to the desk to inquire and make a reservation. 他到前台去咨询并作了预订。,make a reservation 预订 without reservationcompletely 毫无保留地 wi

9、th reservation(s) 有保留地;有条件地 All rights reserved. 版权所有。 in reserve 储备;备用,【词块助记】,【构词】 reserved adj. 沉默寡言的;保留的;预订的,1. (2014广东卷改编) I didnt understand why this would happen and my credit card had already been charged for the reserve. 2. “Its such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table _ (rese

10、rve) for customers. Key:1. reserve改为reservation 2. reserved,【词块助记】,2. correspond vi. 通信;符合,1. We know a lot about these early years of European settlement because most migrants corresponded with their families at home and many of their letters still survive. 我们对欧洲殖民地的早期生活十分了解,因为大多数移民与他们国内的亲人通信且很多信件都

11、保存至今。 2. The two correspond but are not one. 这二者相似却不是同一件事物。 3. His expenses do not correspond to his income. 他的支出与收入不相符。,correspond to/with sth. 相一致;符合 correspond to sth. 类似于;相当于 correspond with sb. 和通信,【构词】correspondence n. 通信;一致;关联 corresponding adj. 符合的;相应的 correspondent n. 通讯员;记者,1. This picture

12、 doesnt correspond _ your article. 2. (2012广东卷改编) If students in your country are interested in _ (correspond) with Turkish students in English, please tell them _ (write) to my address. Key:1. with/to 2. corresponding; to write,【词块助记】,3. owe vt. & vi. 欠(债、人情等);归功于;感激,1. These early settlers owed th

13、eir survival to hard work and determination to succeed. 这些早期移民把他们的幸存归功于艰苦劳动和追求成功的决心。 2. I owe so much to my family for supporting me all the time. 我非常感激我的家人,他们一直都在支持我。 3. I think you owe us an explanation. 我认为你应当给我们一个解释。,owe sth. to sb./owe sb. sth. 欠某人;把某事归功于某人 owe sb. a lot/a great deal 非常感激某人 owe

14、 it all to/owe everything to 把所有归功于,【构词】owing adj. 未付的;欠着的 owing to 因为,1. (2014安徽卷改编)I owed her with money but she refused to take any. 2. She owes her success to good luck rather than to _ (able) Key:1. 去掉with 2. ability,4. sharp adj. 锋利的;急剧的;敏锐的;鲜明的 adv. (指时刻)整;急剧地;偏高地,1. It was very sharp of you

15、to see that. 你能看到这一点,很有洞察力。 2. (2014湖北卷)So the building has an unusual shape. It looks like a very thin, sharp piece of broken glass. 因此这栋建筑物有着不同寻常的形状。它看上去像一片薄而锋利的碎玻璃。 3. (2014重庆卷)But through all the noise came a sharp wanting cry. 但是从噪音中传来了尖锐的哭喊声。,a sharp knife/pencil 一把快刀/一根尖铅笔 sharp teeth/claws 锋

16、利的牙齿/爪子 sharp eyes/ears 敏锐的眼睛/耳朵 a sharp sense of humour 很强的幽默感 a sharp fall/decline/increase/reduction in sth. 某事物急剧下降/衰退/增加/减少,【词块助记】,【构词】sharply adv. 急剧地;严厉地;突然地 sharpen v. (使)变锋利;使(感觉)增强;使提高,1. (2013 天津卷改编) Varieties of animals will become sharply _ (reduce). 2. A series of attacks have _ (sharp) fears of more violence. Key:1. reduced 2. sharpened,5. be made up of 由组成,1. In modern society, a famil


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