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1、实用旅游英语口语之:情景对话实用旅游英语口语之:情景对话 导读 旅行不仅是行,它离不开衣食住行各方面,而能解决这一切基本困扰的最简单方 法是,掌握一门别人能听懂的语言,这样在一个完全陌生或不那么熟悉的地方, 你也能逛得轻心如意了。看看下面整理的关于旅游英语口语的三个情景对话,如 果你需要出国旅行,那一定能用着! 情景对话一:买火车票情景对话一:买火车票 Fei:I would like to goto York. 我想去约克。 Ticket officer: Single or return? 单程还是往返? Fei:Return please. 往返。 Ticket officer: Whe

2、n are you going? 什么时候去? Fei:Now please. 现在。 Ticket officer: When are you coming back? 什么时候回来? Fei:Maybe on Thursday, but I might stay a bit longer. 可能周四,但是不确定,我可能会多住几天 Ticket officer: Well, in that case, I suggest an open return. 那这样的话,我建议不限制回程日期的往返票。 Fei:Whats that? 这是什么意思? Ticket Officer: It allow

3、s you to return on any day within a month. 就是你可以在一个月内任何一天返回。 Fei:OK then. Thanks. 那好的。谢谢 情景对话二:办理登机手续情景对话二:办理登机手续 Check-in desk:Where are you flying to? 您飞去哪里? Fei:To Shanghai. 去上海。 Check-in desk:May I have your passport, please. 请把护照给我。 Fei:Here it is. 这儿。 Check-in desk:Do you have any luggage to c

4、heck in? 您有行李要托运吗? Fei:Yes, I have one suitcase to check in. 有一件托运行李。 Check-in desk:Please put it on the scales. (Checking weights) 请放到行李秤上。(检查重量) Check-in desk:Did you pack your own suitcase? 是您亲自打包的吗? Fei:Yes, I packed it myself. 是的,我自己打包的。 Check-in desk:Do you have any of these items on this list

5、? (The dangerous items list) 行李里有危险物品吗? (行李危险物品清单) Fei:No. 没有。 Check-in desk:Thanks. You are allowed one piece of hand baggage. 谢谢。您可以带一件手提行李。 Fei:OK. 好的。 Check-in desk: Here is your boarding pass. Please check the departure board for your gate number.The gate closes 15 minutes before the flight dep

6、arture. 这是您的登机牌。请留意登机信息屏幕,会显示航班的登机口,登机口会在航班 起飞前 15 分钟关闭。 Fei:Thank you very much. 谢谢。 Check-in desk:Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。 情景对话三:电话订房情景对话三:电话订房 Front Desk: Royal Hotel, can I help you? 皇家酒店,我能为您服务吗? Tom: Yes. I urgently need a room for tomorrow night, and do you have any vacancies? 我急需一个房间要明晚住,请问你

7、们还有空房吗? Front Desk: Yes, we have. What kind of room would you like? 还有空房。您需要什么样的房间? Tom: Id like a suite with an ocean view, please. 我想要一个可以看到海景的套房。 Front Desk: No problem, sir. 没问题,先生。 Tom: What is the price of the suite? 价格如何? Front Desk: It is US$ 280 per night. 每晚 280 美元。 Tom: It is a little hig

8、h. Im told that your hotel is offering discount now. 价格有点高。我听说你们酒店正在打折。 Front Desk: Yes, but the offer ended yesterday. Im sorry. 是的,但打折期昨天就结束了。很抱歉 Tom: Oh, I see. Then do you have anything less expensive? 我明白了。那么你们是否还有其他便宜一点的套房? Front Desk: No, sir. So far it is the least expensive suite for tomorr

9、ow night. 没有了,先生。到目前为止,这是能为明晚提供的最便宜的套房。 Tom: OK, I will take it. By the way, does the price include breakfast? 那好吧,我就预定它了。顺便问一下,房价是否包括早餐? Front Desk: Yes, it does. Now could I have your name, please? 是的,包括早餐。现在我能请问您的尊姓大名了吗? Tom: My name is Tom Zhang. 我叫汤姆,张。 Front Desk: Would you kindly spell it for

10、 me? 您能拼读一下吗? Tom: That is T-O-M, Z-H-A-N-G. T-O-M,Z-H-A-N-G。 Front Desk: Thank you, I got it. And how long do you expect to stay? 谢谢,我记下了。另外您预计在此停留多久? Tom: About three days. 大约三天。 Front Desk: OK. Our check-in time is after 1:00pm. And see you tomorrow. 好的。我们的登记时间是在下午一点钟之后。明天见。 Front Desk: Thank you. See you. 谢谢。明天见。



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